Chapter 51

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"What the..." you looked up, eyes recognizing the unusual world. 

"I-I'm here again." you said walking along the slanted buildings. "It's different..." You were underwater now it seemed. You swished your hands, noticing the bubbles that formed when you moved. "You're here." you turned at the unfamiliar voice. Your eyes widened at the male standing in front of you. He had Tensa Zangetsu's white hair and attire, with the black fur at the edges of the robe in addition to its placement on his collar and wrists, and mask remnants. 

Physically, he resembled the older man in black. With a similar skin tone. Left of his eyes has a black sclera with a silver iris, but his right eye was a blue iris. You take a step back. It was so weird, he felt like Hichigo, but also like Tensa. "You feel it don't you." you flinched, taking off in a sprint. You spun on your heels running in the opposite direction. "I-I need to find Ichi-" you jumped when the male was suddenly in front of you. You stumbled falling back against the building. You grunted. When your eyes reopened, he was above you pinning you down.

You panicked. "S-stop!!" he stared back at you calmly. "It's me (Y/N)." you looked into his eyes. Your mouth fell open in surprise. You pushed forward wrapping your arms around his neck. He smiled returning the hug. "Tensa!!" you called in relief. "What happened? " you asked, pulling away. His eyes moved to the sky. "I'm sure you felt Ichigo's energy. It's changed. I have to wait here until he comes to see me. Hichigo and I have joined. We cannot separate without Ichigo." "Oh." your eyes took in all his unique features. "Tensa and Hichigo fused.." His eyes focused back on you. "How have you been?" he asked, placing a hand on your cheek. You blushed at the contact.

"I-I'm doing okay. " you stammered out. His eyes twinkled. "You're still as beautiful as ever." you pushed against his chest, laughing awkwardly. "W-what's with you." you heart thumped and you kept your eyes off of him. "Damn Ichigo and all the attractive parts of him!" you grumbled internally. Not only was he hot, but his weapons were too. " How unfair."

Tensa was unfazed. "Am I making you uncomfortable?" you swallowed when he leaned closer.

"O-Of course not!!" you spluttered. Both his hands reached up, holding either sides of your face as he directed your gaze to him. Your eyes trembled, cheeks red.

"My hope is that this war ends with everyone safe, but I'm not naive. This may be the last time we see each other. "

"Tensa..." you whispered.

"We love you very much." you blushed. When he said we, you knew what he meant. He was a crucial part of Ichigo's soul. Every part of him was now confessing his love for you.

"I love you too." you said with a soft smile. "Very much." you grinned.

His eyes softened as he leaned forward. He pressed a soft kiss to your lips making your eyes widen. "It's time to say goodbye. " he said once he parted.

"W-Wait I don't want to-" you tried to grab onto him but your body suddenly felt heavy. Your eyes were drooping. "D-Don't...go.." you said softly as he started to fade from your view.



"You're awake. Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Your vision was blurred. When your eyes adjusted you sprung up. "ICHIGO! TENSA!!" you called looking around. Shinji Tessai and Kiskue were surrounding you. You were on a futon. You looked down, pressing your fingertips to your lips. Kiskuke smirked. "Seems something interesting happened. Care to share. "

You flushed.

"N-None of your business!" 

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