Chapter 69

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You, Rukia, Renji and Ichigo were walking back to where Ichigo had been staying. Since he was hanging out, apparently he was given a small house close to Jushiro's barracks to stay in. After agreeing to the test, Ichigo insisted you stay with him. Not that you minded. You wanted to spend as much time with him as possible. Your eyes drifted around the area. Everything looked old fashioned, like the feudal era. Everyone around wore robes or cloaks, completely different from Karakura Town. It should have been expected. You looked to the side when you felt eyes staring at you. Renji whipped his head forward quickly when you caught him staring and you giggled softly. "Is there something wrong? " you asked in a teasing fashion. Ichigo and Rukia's ears perked up. Renji looked like he had something to say.

"N-Nothing it's just, how did you know the name of my captain's zampakuto. You even released bankai and those sakura petals.. They looked like his." You nodded.

"I can speak to them and use their abilities. That's what I did in battle. I helped with communicating with weapons and masters. " you clarified. You looked down at his sword.

"You have to excuse him, he's a bit slower than most." the female voice of his blade said. You laughed out loud and Renji gave you a weird look.

"Zabimaru said hello to me." you informed. You left her statement out and she snickered.

"Nice one human." you smiled and Renji's eyes were filled with amazement.

"Maybe you can tell him to finally court my master." You blinked, looking at Rukia. She titled her head in question.

"Shirayuki seems to think Renji has a crush on you." Both reapers flushed and Ichigo smirked.

"Look at that, you were so chicken, Rukia's zampaktou had to take action. " Ichigo started laughing out loud and Rukia huffed smacking him over the head. Ichigo yelled in pain.

"W-Why did you hit me!!" he hollered.

She frowned. "S-Shut up!!" she scowled, flash stepping. "H-Hey Rukia wait up!!" Renji called chasing after her.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything." you spoke. Ichigo shook his head. "Maybe he'll grow a pair and finally ask her. " you laughed.



When you finally got to the small house you smiled. You slid the door open and walked in. It was set up like a traditional house. There weren't any electronics either. It kind of reminded you of Kisuke's place. Ichigo stepped in behind you taking off his shoes.

"It's a bit old school, but it;s comfortable." Ichigo stated. He moved to the other room and you watched as he came back with some fresh robes in his hand. He held it out to you.

"Here, you can get cleaned up. The bath's ready to. They set it up before we came over. "

You took it gratefully. "Thank you, I won't be long." You stepped away but he placed a hand on your wrist and you froze. You looked back and his eyes were gazing at you intensely.

"I-Ichigo?" He blinked, letting you go immediately. "S-Sorry about that. Enjoy the bath." He turned shuffling away before you could question him. When you were gone Ichigo looked at his palm. "Is this...real...or is this just some cruel dream?" Ichigo clenched his hand into a fist.

"She's real." Zangetsu answered. "When your powers came back, I could feel her. " Ichigo's hands trembled. "I-I just...I won't make it if she...if she dies...not again.." Zangetsu could hear the treble in Ichigo's words. "She won't. I can feel it. Just believe that. " Ichigo taking a seat next to the table that lay at the center. He folded his legs and rested his sword down against the wall, closing his eyes.


You sat in the tub, playing with the water around your body. "He lost his powers, and me. I put him through so much pain. I don't deserve you Ichigo. I'd just make you hurt more. " You pulled your knees to your chest. Burying your face into your knees. "That's all I seem to know how to do."


"She's been in there for a while. Maybe I should check on her." Ichigo stood, moving to the bathroom. He knocked on the door lightly. "Hey you okay in there?" A long moment of silence followed. "I-Is she-" Ichigo flinched, gripping the handle of the door pulling it open. "(Y/N)!!"

You looked over at him wide-eyed. You were stepping out of the tub, your cheeks rosy red. He couldn't tell if it was the fact that you were caught naked or because you had been in the bath too long. "I-Ichigo!" you squealed. He turned his back as you scrambled to get something to cover your body. "S-Sorry! I called but you didn't answer so I thought..." he clenched his hands at his side. "Sorry." he repeated, closing the door behind him. You clenched the towel to your chest just staring at the door. You bit your lip.

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