Chapter 19

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Sado had dropped you off right at your house,  giving you on last encouraging pat as he left. You mustered up all your courage as you stood in front of the door. You reached out for the knob hands trembling. Inches away from it you stopped, clenching your fist as you pulled back your hand.

"I guess I can't do it after all.."

You pressed your head against the door releasing a heavy sigh. They probably hated you now.

A gasped fell from your mouth when the door suddenly opened as you stumbled forward,  falling inside.

You face planted on the on the ground with a groan. "Ittai..." you murmured still on the ground. You raised slightly rubbing your now sore forehead. 

"(Y/N)..." you looked up into the trembling eyes of your father. "D-Dad.." you mumbled. Your mother stood a few feet away looking relieved. 

"I-I...." you had no idea what to say, you weren't lying about what you said earlier. You weren't going to take back your words. They had treated you more like a chore than a daughter. What hurt the most is that it hadn't always been like this, you remembered times when you actually felt like you felt like a family. What had changed?

"We're sorry (Y/N)...this was..never supposed to happen.." your father mumbled as he stepped closer to you. Your mother followed,  standing next to her husband as they both looked down at you.

You stared at them waiting for an explanation.

"Why did you guys...stop caring about me...d-did I do something wrong..." Your mother shook her head frantically, tears running down her cheeks as she kneeled before you, pulling you into a hug. You sat there not sure what to do, you couldn't remember the last time either of them had touched you in such a loving way. It felt almost foreign. Your hands reached up unsteadily, wrapping around her body hesitantly. You slowly relaxed against her body releasing a pleasant sigh.

She buried her head into your shoulder shaking. "W-we were always afraid you would inherit it to.. I never wanted you to have to go through that..." she mumbled. You pulled away looking at her in confusion.

"W-What are you talking about..?"

Your father sat down next to you, eyes filled with pain. "That boy...he's a soul reaper isn't he?" your eyes turned wide. 

"H-How do you-"

"I can feel can your mother. Hollows, reapers, we've encountered them before." your father spoke in fear. You couldn't believe it..the entire time they had known about those things. And they never told you a word about it. Your eyes turned angered as you shifted out of your mother's reach.

"Is this why you always hated me!!' you demanded.

"N-NO! We never saw you that way (Y/N), w-we always feared you would be hated because of it, that you would be targeted..." Your mother lamented. Your eyes shook remembering when the hollow had attacked you. "Why didn't you treat your daughter. I-I always felt that maybe you didn't want me around." you wept sadly. It had been a while since you'd cried so much. After Yuji you promised yourself to be stronger. 

"Do you know why you've always been so soft spoken, why you're always so scared." your father asked seriously. Your eyes locked onto him as you shook your head.

He looked off at a picture that showed the three of you smiling happily in a sunny background. Your eyes were bright in the picture, a grin spread from ear to ear. He folded his arms in front of him as he continued to speak.

"We were all out shopping for a toy on fifth your birthday, you were so excited, your mother could barely get you to sit still in the car. " He chuckled softly at the memory.

"When we finally got to the store you were walking with your mother and there was a girl.....she had been running from something." Your brows knitted together as you raked your brain trying to recall what happened.

"Why can't I...remember..?'

"The girl was a soul who had been bound to her family's old house. A hollow was chasing her, to devour her soul." Your eyes were shaking as you listened intently.

"When you pointed out the monster...that's when we could see them." His eyes were now staring at the ground in anger and resentment.

"The girl escaped, but the hollow had swung at your mother when she tried to get you away. It knocked her unconscious and went straight for you. I-If I had even missed for a second....I would have lost you both...." you could see a couple tears escape his eyes as he placed his hand in front to block your view. His shoulder were shaking badly, you'd never seen you father in such a vulnerable state. It felt almost unreal.


His teeth clenched as he forced himself to continue. "I dealt with the problem before it could escalate but after the encounter, you had stopped speaking. You never laughed or smiled after that.... It took years to finally get you to even talk again." His tone sounded so broken, like it was his fault what happened to you.

"After that we weren't even sure how to communicate with you anymore, we just delved into was the only way we could have coped after failing you (Y/N)." your mother said pained. You looked at her incredulously.

"Y-You never failed me...I-I just wanted you both t-to love me again.."

You turned to your father as he tried to avoid looking at you. There was nothing but shame reflected in his eyes. "We have no right calling ourselves your parents..." They both kept their gazes down. 

"M-Mom....D-Dad...." you mumbled gaining both of their attention.

You bent on your knees, head touching the ground. "I-I'M SORRY FOR WHAT I SAID BEFORE! P-PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!"

They both looked startled at you confession. You lifted slightly looking at them.

"I know we can't go back to how things were when I was little but I....I'd like it if we could start over again...I-I really miss having you both around." you whispered. You watched for a second just waiting for a response. 

Your mother had starting bawling loudly as she pulled you back into her arms squeezing you tightly. "We will be better, I'll never let you go again!" she yelled clenching tighter.

You were smiling until the oxygen felt like it was being slowly drained from your body. You gasped slamming your hands against her body to get her attention. Your father sweatdropped as your face was slowly turning blue. "You're killing her dear." He spoke calmly. Your mother flinched as she released you suddenly. You fell flat sucking in as much air as you could.

"G-Gomen (Y/N)." she said bashfully.

You just laughed it off turning to your father, he still looked guilty.

You shuffled closer to him with a bright smile. "Can I have a hug..papa.." he stared at you stunned for a second. Smiling lightly he moved forward pulling you into his arms. You giggled hugging him happily. Your mother eyes watered at the loving scene.

"Mama wants a hug too!!!" she beamed jumping on the two of you. You grunted lightly as her body collided, causing the three of you to tumbled to the ground. You all laid on the ground in a scattered heap.

"Y-You really are to much sometimes." your father said with a groan. She smiled leaning forward as she pressed a kiss to his lips. You blushed covering your eyes. When she pulled back with a grin his face was cherry red.

"S-Stop!!" he yelled clearly embarrassed. Your mother laughed pressing her cheeks to his.

"Your father is such a tsundere when it comes to affection~" she sang happily. Your smile never left as you watched her try to kiss him again as he kept pushing against her face to keep her at a distance.

You really didn't think things would turn out this were thankful it did.

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