Chapter 32

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You walked out from the room with Ichigo not far behind. Your father turned he saw you rounding the corner. "How are you feeling?" He asked scanning you for injuries. You gave a small smile I'm much better thanks. It's weird but when I was unconscious I felt like your..your reiatsu was surrounding me." you said unsurely. He gave a nod. "I'm surprised, even while you were out you could feel it."

Ichigo looked confused. "What are talking about?" The Visoreds surrounded the small area where you stood. You watched as Orihime walked forward with an uneasy gaze. She looked at you briefly before averting her eyes. 


You brushed it off when your father started to speak again.

"I used some of my reiatsu to help her wake, Hachi did the rest at healing her." Kai spoke. Ichigo nodded looking down. "I-I'm sorry that I let her get injured, I should have stopped her when she engaged Hiyori." You looked at Ichigo. "I-It wasn't your fault Ichi-"

Kai shook his head. "I don't blame you Ichigo." The orange haired reaper looked a bit stunned.

"I know how hard headed (Y/N) can be sometimes, I'm actually very proud of her. She's grown a lot." your eyes wavered at his words.


"But there is also the matter of your control over zampaktou (Y/N)." You flinched at his ton sweating nervously. "W-What are you referring to?" Shinji walked up to you placing a hand around your shoulder as he grinned. "Don't act coy, we all saw what you did with Hiyori's zampaktou." You tried playing off Shinji's comment when you saw the dangerous aura that emitted from your father.

"You never told me about that when I asked before." he said in a deadly tone. His eyes turned on Ichigo. "Did you know about this?" The said male face paled. "A-Ah well..." Ichigo gave you a look as the both of you were panicking.

"Shit we're goners!!"

"G-GOMENESAI!!" you both yelled bowing frantically. Kai sweatdropped. "I-Its alright I was just a little curious that's all." he said calmly. When he turned the rest of Visoreds had been standing a few feet away from the male.

"You're scary Kai-san!" Mashiro chirped as the rest of them nodded. "I-I apologize..." he mumbled scratching his head awkwardly.

"Anyway... how long have you been able to do that (Y/N)?" you looked up.

"The first time I did it was with Ichigo, we were training and I grabbed his zampaktou and for the briefest of moments I could hear it. The voice of Zangetsu."

"She was able to enter my inner world...I don't know how but she did." Ichigo added. Kai's eyes gazed off as he zoned out for a second. You could tell your father was concerned by the information.

"You have quite a number of quirks linked to your spiritual pressure." Hachi said amused. You tilted your head in confusion. 

"What quirks?"

Your father coughed as if to answer your question. "Most of those came from me, before when they were trying to heal you your body rejected it. You have a defense that's much similar to Orihime." Your eyes were wide. "Are you serious!! B-But I've never used anything like that before."

"It doesn't have a physical manifestation like Orihime's Souten Kisshun, but it is present. Your body just hasn't developed it yet. For example.." His turned in Hiyori's direction.

"Brat, come at me." he said calmly. An irk mark popped on her head as she jumped to her feet running at him to deliver a kick. "I'll pummel you dumb human!!" you sweatdropped.

Hiyori was a couple inches away from his body when her eyes seem to widen as her feet stopped abruptly, seemingly blocked by an invisible force. Your father hadn't moved an inch.

"What the heck!!" Hiyori regained her footing standing up straight. Kai just smirked at her as she glared.

Hachi moved forward placing his hand on the vacant air. The way he placed it on the air made it seem like a wall was blocking him from going any further. "Amazing..." Hachi voiced.

"There is a barrier, it repels from any attack that I perceive as a threat, however it will only be as strong as my body is. If my reiatsu is drained in any way, the barrier's strength will reflect this."

You stared completely astonished. "So I that?" Kai nodded. "That's what you did when they were trying to heal your wounds, it wasn't as effective as mine since you're still learning but it was present." Kai looked away.

"I had hoped you wouldn't have to face this upcoming war, I wanted nothing more than to keep you away from all of this but...with Aizen as the threat, I'm going to have to show you how to protect yourself properly (Y/N)."

You could tell this was killing your father, no one would want to see their daughter on a battlefield but it couldn't be helped.

"Don't worry, I'll be alright Papa." you said taking his hand with a smile.

He blushed lightly patting you on the head as he averted his gaze. Ichigo was smiling at the beautiful moment until his eyes started to shake.

"W-What!?!" Ichigo staggered forward, clutching his face as he yelled in pain.

"I-Ichigo!!" (Y/N) ran to his side placing her hand on his shoulder.

She jolted when his hand suddenly gripped her shoulders looking into her eyes with yellow orbs. Kai looked alarmed at the sight when Ichigo's hollow mask started to form on the left side of his face.

"This boy...." Kai felt suffocated in the presence of Ichigo's reiatsu.

"(Y/N)..." She listened to the distortion in his voice as his hold tightened. She stared at him as if now realizing something. "Hichigo....Is that you?"

He gave a curt nod as his gaze caught Hiyori from the corner of his eyes. 

"Dumb hag." he mumbled reaching for his sword. You gripped his hand before he could move forward and attack her. The other Visoreds looked ready to battle if needed.

"I'm fine Hichigo, you don't have to worry. I'm all healed up." You assured placing a hand on his wrist. He looked back at you with sharp eyes and you just smiled. "I know that maybe I scared you but it's ok now cause I mmph-" your eyes shot open when you felt a sudden pressure on your lips.

His eyes were closed as he deepened the kiss causing a blush to spread across your face. When he pulled away a cocky smirk was etched on his face. "Don't scare me like that again or I'll have to punish you kitten."  Your blush only darkened at what he suggested.

Kai's face turned dark.

Shinji was watching the interaction closely. "She's able to keep him under control when he's hollowfied."

Without another word the black faded as the familiar brown filtered back into Ichigo's eyes. A soft gasp left him as pressed his hand to his forehead.

Ichigo looked back at you a bit disoriented. "Damn that bastard..." Ichigo muttered. He knew Hichigo had pulled another stunt. When his eyes raised he started to sweat profusely at the look your father was giving him.

"You dare violate my daughter right in front of me..." An unpleasant shiver ran down his spine as Kai picked up a piece of metal that was among the debris in the warehouse.

"I'll have to teach you some manners." Ichigo panicked when he saw a blue beam shoot out from nowhere. Narrowly dodging the attack he stumbled backwards fearing for his life.

"W-Wait a second papa, it's not his fault!" you tried to persuade your now driven father who looked like he was going to murder the frightened male.

"L-Listen it's n-not like t-that!!" he pleaded. Kai ignored it flashstepping, he appeared above Ichigo raising the object in his hand to strike him.

"G-GYAH!!" Ichigo let out screams of terror as Kai chased him around the old building with intent to kill.

"Good luck king." Hichigo cackled. 

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