Chapter 11

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Ururu rushed at you once again and you prepared yourself to take the hit. Shutting your eyes you awaited the pain. A good bit of time had passed and you didn't feel a thing.

"Nani?" you opened an eye to see the blue eyed female smiling at you. There was a couple scratches on her face but no other indication that she was even injured in the slightest.

"Well done (Y/N)-chan." Ururu said with a small bow as she started taking off her gear. You gazed at her in confusion as Kisuke walked over to you.

"I-I don't understand...." When you turned you noticed Ichigo and the others observing you. You flushed avoiding his gaze. "How long has he been standing there?" Trying to compose yourself you gave Kisuke your full attention.

"I only got one hit in and it didn't even phase her." you grunted shifting on your legs. Now that the initial adrenaline was gone your body was starting to feel the pain. Kisuke just gave you a knowing grin.

"The objective wasn't for you to knock her out, I wanted to see how long you could last for. You've been going none stop for about thirty hours." You looked up at him in disbelief.

"T-That's impossible..I-I've only been here for a few hours." you reasoned. Kisuke shook his head. "Because of the setting in this area you assumed it's been only a few hours, your body is indeed incredible. The normal human would only be able to go about three hours before passing out from fatigue. You maintained it for ten times as much without water or food."

"Wow.." you mumbled out stunned. "You have the potential to be incredibly strong with the right training." Kisuke stated crossing his arms with a smile. "You are far from weak." he added.

You face lit up as you jumped at him hugging tightly. "THANK YOU KISUKE!!" you beamed. Kisuke looked a bit startled but smiled at the gesture nonetheless as he patted you on the head.

"You should get some rest, we have a lot of training to cover in your next session." You nodded frantically as you pulled away.

"Alright! I can't wait." Turning in Ichigo's direction you laughed out loud as you ran to them happily. "I take it training was a success." Rukia commented with a small smile. You giggled with a nod. When you had gotten within their reach a shot of pain raked your body. A small gasp left your lips as you stumbled forward.

"(Y/N)!" Ichigo called as he rushed over catching you before you hit the ground. He held you by the shoulders as you looked up with a painful smile. "Seems I'm a lot more tired than I thought. You chuckled as Ichigo sighed with a frown.

"Idiot, don't overwork yourself." he scolded. You pouted as Orihime moved over to you. "Let me take care of your wounds." she advised with a smile. You nodded. You hadn't notice before but your body was covered in scratches and bleeding cuts. If you had gotten home in this state your parents would probably think you got ambushed.

"I don't think they'd even notice..."

Ichigo helped you to sit as Orihime started to aid your wounds. When her glowing barrier surrounded your body you realized a sigh. You winced a couple times shutting your eyes. Ichigo had sat right beside you with a worried stare, brown eyes trembling slightly. Orihime glanced at him for a second with curious eyes.

"Kurosaki-kun, she'll be fine." Orihime assured with a knowing smile. Ichigo gave Orihime a flushed looked before he turned away, embarrassed that he had been caught.

"Y-Yeah whatever." he muttered under his breath. Orihime giggled slightly, turning back to you. Your eyes were closed as you breathed out evenly.

"I...Ichigo.." you mumbled in your sleepy state. Rukia laughed as Ichigo's cheeks colored.

"S-Shut up!!" Ichigo cried out. 

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