Chapter 70

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You opened the door, moving to the living room. Ichigo sat with some food on the table.

"They stocked up so I thought I might as well make something. " you watched the small fire that was lit on the outside. He had opened the door and you could see the moon shining in the sky outside.

There was rice, chicken and fish on the table. You smiled, taking a seat and taking the pair of chopsticks at your side. You dug in and Ichigo moved over digging in the cupboards. He pulled out cups and filled them with water from the sink. He came back over placing them down. He took a seat too. You eat the food happily, stuffing your cheeks. "So good!!" you grinned eating hurriedly. Ichigo watched as you devoured the dishes he laid out. His expression relaxed.

You looked over when you saw he wasn't eating. You swallowed, taking a sip to wash down the food. You wiped your mouth with the back of your hand. "Aren't you hungry?" he shook his head.

"No, you go ahead." You just looked at him, really looked at him. Your eyes scanned his robes. They were different. There was a sort of black fabric, criss- crossing on his chest. On his neck too, but it cut off at his throat, not going fully around. His hands also had a similar pattern.

"You changed." his eyebrows raised in question, then he seemed to realize what you meant.

"O-Oh!" Yeah pretty cool right." you moved around the table, shifting closer to him. You sat right in front of him. You lifted your hand. "May I?" He gulped, nodding his head.

"S-Sure." he said. You reached out, fingers tracing the black strips on his chest. Your index finger moved down slowly Ichigo's eyes following the action, hypnotized with the feeling of your fingers on his skin.

"Cool.." you whispered. You looked into his eyes as he stared down at you. Your hand faltered from it's place on his chest and you searched his eyes. You could see the sadness, the pain, the love. Your hand reached up, gently caressing his cheek. "I'm sorry for what I put you through Ichigo.." you apologized. He closed his eyes, pressing his lips to your palm. "Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault. " he said, voice a bit muffled in your palm.

"B-But I-" he pulled you into his lap and you squeaked at the sudden action. "If you're sorry, then make up for it." he said. "H-How can I make up for it.." you asked. "I-I'll do anything please Ichigo tell me!" you insisted.

He leaned forward, hand resting on your thigh. You jumped at the contact and he took the opportunity. His body moved, taking you with him. You were a bit disoriented at first, but then you realized you were in the next room. "W-Wha-" your body made contact with something soft and you glanced to the side, realizing you were pressed to the futon. Ichigo was hovering over your body. He looked down at you and you let out a shaking breath. His caramel eyes looked glazed. "I want you." he breathed. Your hair was spread on the covers below. Arms out from the sudden movement he had made.

"Let me have you (Y/N)." you bit down on your lip when he pulled the tie at your waist loose. He took his time, eyes never leaving you. He never parted it, just dropped his hands when the tie was no longer knotted. He could see the swell of your breast peeking out.

Ichigo leaned back slightly, untie his knot as well. You blushed darkly. Was this really happening? You and Ichigo had kissed a million times, but his advances never went past a certain amount of touching. Now he was.. He wanted to..

"I-Ichigo.." you called softly. You sat up pulling your robes together self consciously.

"I-I...I'm a..."

"Virgin." he finished. You blushed again, looking down.

"So am I." you looked up surprised. You knew he loved you, but somewhere in your mind you had thought maybe he found someone. It had been so long. Had he never even tried to move on? You weren't stupid, he was a growing teen. He must have had urges. Yet he never acted on them. "I never wanted to do this with anyone but you. I've never had these thoughts for anyone but you. " your eyes were trembling. His words made heat rush to your core. You laid back slowly, pulling your robes open. "T-Then have me." Ichigo eyes widened. His eyelids lowered as he leaned over. He took in every inch of your naked form. "Beautiful." he expressed.

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