Chapter 59

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"Ichigo." the orangette jerks up. "W-Where am I, (Y/N).. s-she.. " his hand moves to his chest.

"Finally, you're here." Ichigo's eyes land on the unfamiliar figure now standing before him.

"If you cannot release the Final Getsuga Tenshou, everyone you care about will die."

Tensa raises his sword charging forward. "The faith of the world rests in your hands Ichigo!!"


Isshin watched your panting form in the building he secured you and Ichigo in. You looked a lot paler than before. "Are you alright? " you looked up slowly with unfocused eyes.

"I'll be fine." you lied. Isshin frowned, stooping to your seated level. His hand rested on your forehead. "You're sweating terribly, and your skin feels unusually cold. " You studied him. You never really looked at Isshin before, but you could actually see the resemblance between him and Ichigo. Especially when they worry. You brushed his hand away looking down.

"I said I'm fine." you reply flatly. He pulled his hand back. Your gaze moved back to Ichigo's form. You reached over grasping his hand in your own.

"I have to leave, I need to help Kisuke and Yoruichi stall Aizen." you nodded.

"I'm good, you can go. I'll look after Ichigo. I know he'll come soon. " Isshin grinned.

"Of course he will, he's my son after all." with that he took off. When he was gone you let out an unsteady breath. You laid down right beside him, just holding his hand. You were face to face. You closed your eyes, enjoying the warmth that emitted from his body.


Karakura Town.

"How long do you think you can keep this up? " Yoruichi, Isshin and Kisuke were all attacking together. Aizen's form had changed once again. Some type of white cloak covering him from head to toe. His eyes looked purple through the white cloak.

"No matter what you do, I will win. "

"Quit your blabbing!!" Yoruichi yelled. They striked and were forced away by the pulsing in his chest. Yoruichi's eyes widen at the sudden explosion. Unable to avoid in time. She clenched her teeth, along with Isshin and Kisuke when the blast hit. When the area was finally cleared all three bodies crashed to the ground.

Aizen walked away. "Useless." He said moving on his way.


"Are you Zangetsu!!" Ichigo asked, pushing back the male with his blade.

"Wrong, I am Tensa Zangetsu." He answered,  forcing Ichigo to crash into a building. Tensa stepped back, observing as Ichigo picked himself out of the debris.

"Our goals are not the same. I have no wish to protect your town." Tensa said blankly. Ichigo frowned. "Then why did you lend me this power all this time!! What were you planning." Tensa struck again, this time Ichigo raised his sword, struggling to even out the weight. He grunted, making some distance between Tensa and himself.

"Look at this world of yours, these skyscrapers used to be full of hope!"

Ichigo's eyes finally scanned the surroundings.

"This all happened because you Ichigo lost hope and stopped moving forward!"

Tensa flashstepped, appearing right in front of Ichigo. He jabbed his hand right through Ichigo's chest. He pulled back, ripping something out of Ichigo's chest. Ichigo stared when he saw the hollowfied version of himself. Standing right before him.

"It's been a long time, Ichigo." he lifted his mask. "Don't you recognize me Ichigo." He was wearing his usually sadistic smirk.

Ichigo wasn't given a chance to answer. Both forms fused in the flash of a bright blue light. Ichigo gasped when he saw the horn now attached to Tensa's head. Along with the multicolored eyes. Tensa Zangetsu rushed forward, striking Ichigo. The orange haired male pivoted, crashing into the building behind.

Ichigo picked himself up after a few seconds with determination in his eyes. "No matter how many times you knock me down, I'll still get back up. "

Ichigo took a stance with his sword at the front of him. "I'm coming at you with all I've got!!" Ichigo shouted clashing blades with Tensa again.

"I will protect what I want to protect!" Ichigo was swiping viciously.

After a few hits Ichigo froze. "His sword...something's different."

"Then let me test you!!" Tensa shouted.


It's been a while, you're not sure how long, You look up and that's when you notice the blood running from his lips and the side of his face. You clench his hand tighter in your own in desperation.

"I have faith in you Ichigo, you can do this. " 

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