Chapter 23

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Hours had passed and your breathing was labored as you fell back unto your butt. "I give up, you win." you declared as Ichigo crashed down beside you. From what you could tell he was just as exhausted as you were. He placed down his sword with a grin.

"Well that was entertaining to watch, you've gotten a lot faster (Y/N)-san." You looked up at Kisuke from you sitting position with a smile.

"T-Thanks Kisuke." you could never thank him enough for helping train you. Kisuke returned your smile patting you on the head.

Rukia and the others had already left a while ago since it was getting late.

"Well that's it for today, make sure and get plenty rest tomorrow." with a wave of his fan he was trudging back up the steps to his shop.

You sighed softly turning back to Ichigo. The both of you were covered in small bruises and cuts. Ichigo had sure gave you a run for your money. You honestly thought he would even use fifty percent of his strength because he thought it would hurt you. You were glad he actually decided to fight back instead of simply blocking.

He was still bothered by something though. You could see it on his face the entire time you were fighting.

"Ichigo." He looked over in question. "Hmmm?"

"What's bothering you? You've been acting weird for a while now. Tell me what's wrong."

Ichigo bit his lip looking down. How was he supposed to tell you?

~Ichigo's pov~

"Quit your whining and just tell her king, your starting to piss me off with all your sulking." I frowned at Hichigo's comment.

"Just be quiet, you're the annoying one." Hichigo was chuckling darkly. "Next time you come to visit I'm going to beat you into the ground." I scoffed at his threat.

"I have to agree with Hichigo, if she finds out about your hollowfication on her own, it may not end well. " Zangetsu interjected.

Ichigo sighed to himself, running a hand through his hair worriedly. "I don't want be afraid of me.." He remembered the fearful look your mother wore when she first saw him. He hadn't even been hollowfied yet she looked.... it was almost as if she had seen right through him.

"I don't believe she will Ichigo." Zangetsu encouraged. Ichigo knew he should have felt at least a bit assured.

He didn't know what he would do if you looked at him that would kill him.

You were still staring at him expectantly waiting for an answer. Ichigo swallowed nervously.

"Here goes nothing." 

~Back to general Pov~

You kept staring at Ichigo waiting for him to speak. Was what he had to tell you that bad?

You really couldn't imagine it being so terrible that he felt the need to hide it from you.

"I've been meaning to tell you for a while now, d-do you know what a hollowfication is (Y/N)?" he asked avoiding your gaze.

You shook your head slowly. "Rukia told me alot, but nothing about hollowfication." it sounded a bit foreign coming from your mouth.

"It has something to do with hollows though right?" You panicked wondering if he had been injured.

"W-Were you attacked or something! W-We need to get Orihime to heal you immediately, w-who knows what could-"

Ichigo grabbed your hand seizing your frantic ramblings.

"I-It's not like that." he mumbled.

You settled back looking him over. "Then what is it?"

He sighed. "I think it would be easier for me to just show you." You blinked as he stood taking a couple steps away from you.

"Ichi-" before you could finish he curled his fingers pulling it over his face in a motion. You were startled when a mask formed on his face.

A small burst of reiatsu shot out engulfing you in darkness. You gasped scrambling to your feet as the wave of energy slowly dissipated. Ichigo was standing tall, sword in his hand. You realized that the general shape as well as the color of his zampaktou changed. It was much smaller now, and it was completely black, straight to the hilt.

"(Y/N).." you flinched at the sound of his voice. It was a bit distorted and echoing, similar to the way a hollow's cry sounded.

"H-He's a hollow..." you weren't sure what you were supposed to do. His eyes weren't the welcoming brown orbs you had come to love. They were now a sharp yellow, black surrounding the bright colored pupils.

He was only a couple feet away from you, Ichigo watched your every move as you took in his appearance. You were still frozen in place staring at him in shock.

This is what he was afraid of...

Ichigo's eyes were trained at the floor. He hated the way you were looking at him. It made him feel like he was a monster.

You were still staring in astonishment. "I-I never knew he had this kind of power....maybe that's why his reiatsu always felt so different."

When Ichigo's eyes lowered you were a bit confused. "Why does he look so defeated?" It took you a little while but you finally caught on.

"He thinks that I'm....afraid?"

You were a bit startled when he first transformed you had to admit, but whatever Ichigo didn't care. If he had wanted to harm you before he would have done it by now. He had done nothing but protect you ever since you met. Even though he didn't have to.

"It must have been killing him, keeping this to himself all this time." You bent your head walking towards him slowly. He didn't seem to notice that you were moving closer to him.

Ichigo's gaze was still firmly planted the floor. "I understand if you need a little time..." Ichigo voiced softly. His grip on his zampaktou tightened. "I-I'll give you some space until you-"

His eyes widened when your body collided with his, pulling him into a crushing hug. He stumbled back at the force, falling unto his butt with a grunt.

"(Y-Y/N)!?!" He called out.

You kept your hold on him as you shouted. " I LOVE YOU ICHIGO!!!" He stared at you from behind his mask at a loss for words.

"I-I d-dont care what kind of power you have, e-even if you're part hollow. N-No matter what I'll still love you Ichigo..." His eyes wavered hearing your quiet sobs.

"I-I love you so much....Ichigo.."

You loosened your holding looking up into his now golden eyes. Leaning up you placed a kiss on his mask right where his lips would be. The gesture caused his eyes to turn larger. You pulled back wiping your tears grinning childishly.

"I hoped she would except you but I.... never imagined you would have this type of development." Zangetsu spoke.

Ichigo was overjoyed. He laughed, lifting you up suddenly spinning you around in the air.

"H-Hey!!" were taken aback by the joyous look in his yellow eyes as he continued to spin you laughing happily. You blushed at his happy expression laughing along with him.

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