Chapter 46

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When they finally gathered at the Visoreds warehouse, everyone seemed on edge. Ichigo Shinji and Hiyori were circled in the open area. Yuki and Orihime were off at the side. Hachi stood ready to set up a barrier.

"We need to stabilize any residual reiatsu that may be released. Aizen will surely pick up on what we're doing, if he hasn't already that is." Shinji informed.

"Don't worry everyone else is keeping an eye out. Rukia and Toshiro went to the south side of Karakura Town. And Chad and the others are maintaining the west side. If we're going to do this it needs to be done now. We don't have enough areas covered." Ichigo nodded at Shinji.

"Let's get to it then." Hiyori sat down cross legged, along with Shinji and Ichigo. They all placed their blades down in front of them. "When she comes back we need to have a proper fight." Hiyori snarled. Shinji chuckled.

 "Don't you think you got your butt kicked enough in the first one." Hiyori turned her head. "Whatever." she mumbled. Ichigo's eyes were closed as he tried to materialize his reiatsu. Orihime and Yuk stared in wonder when the three of them started to give off a bright colored hue of light. Yuki could see all their energies clearly. Since they all had some element of hollows within themselves she could see it. The darkness. Her eyes zeroed in on Ichigo's. Something was different. "His....reiatsu it keeps changing color..." at first it was blue, then green then red. They colors interchanged every few seconds. "Who is this child..." Yuki flinched when she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

"(Y/N)!!" she cried out. Ichigo's head whipped to the side. Hachi turned at her outburst. He was surprised to see her in tears. She dropped to her knees clutching her head.

"She's close." Shinji voiced.

Orihime kneeled down placing a reassuring hand on Yuki's shoulder. "It's alright. T-They'll find her." Orihime could barely believe her own words. No one could tell the outcome of what was going to happen.

Nothing was guaranteed.


"How long are you going to stay floating around here. Grow some backbone and get the hell out already!!"

"If you're so mean about it Kubikiriorochi, she won't come out. " A huff was heard.

"You're just to soft Sakanade." Both voices turned silent when another intervened.

"It's time for you to come home, come back to us (Y/N)..."

All three visoreds eyes snapped open. "We found her!!" They yelled simultaneously.

Hachi raised his hand when a garganta suddenly opened right at the center of the warehouse. His gaze hardened on the rip. "Prepare for anything." he informed. They nodded standing to their feet. Picking up their blades everyone was on guard. Ready for whatever would exit. Ichigo's eyes were shaking.There was a bright glow as an enormous wave of spiritual pressure swept over the area. They all raised their hands to shield their eyes. Hachi made a small barrier to protect Yuki and Orihime from the backlash of energy.

"(Y/N)..." Ichigo's eyes widened when the light slowly started to fade. He was shocked to see your body hovering in the air. Your eyes were closed. But you were there.

You were back.

The rip closed almost immediately. And all at once your body went rigid, gravity kicking in as you started to fall. Ichigo flashstepped, grabbing you mid air before you could fall to the ground.

He landed softly, looking down at you form.

"Is she...alive?" Orihime questioned shakily.

"She's-" in a flash your eyes sprung open. Ichigo faced washed with relief, but before he could react you were out of his arms. He blinked as you reappeared above with your hands outstretched. Now he could make out the fear that reflected in your eyes.

"(Y/N)!!!" your eyes were shaking as your body glowed. He wasn't sure if you heard him but your hands were still raised.

"Ichigo get back!!" Shinji ordered. Ichigo was confused "Why should I-" He gasp in surprise when you were right before him. Your hand made contact with his abdominals. His body pitched back into the wall as you ripped his blade right out of his hands. Everyone froze as Ichigo broke through the concrete.

"What the hell we're on your side!!" Hiyori said charging ahead.

"DON'T!!" Shinji warned. Before you could get within reach of Hiyori, Shinji did a side step grabbing the blond out of the way.

"What are you doing bald-"


Hiyori watched as you swung the blade downwards, a mass of energy releasing from the zampaktou. She watched in shock as the energy almost split the building in half.

"H-How d-did she..." Shinji was still holding onto Hiyori. He sighed, relieved he'd gotten to the hot headed girl in time.

"She's unstable, her spiritual pressure is beyond that of a captain right now. If she lands a hit on you with Ichigo's blade no less, you'll be done for. " Hiyori swallowed. You were just standing there now with hollow eyes.

"Why is she like this." Ichigo had finally picked himself out of the rubble. He looked over to make sure Orihime and Yuki were still alright. They both seemed fine. Yuki was just staring, a look of dread on her face as tears poured.

"She can't tell who the enemy is, she's going on pure instinct right now. She must have been terrified, being alone for so long. " Shinji's words made Ichigo's heart ache. He watched as you just hovered, not saying a word. His eyes moved to his zampaktou that was in your hands.

"Hichigo, Zangetsu, Please she needs to know we're here. That she's safe." Ichigo conveyed his message. He smiled when he saw the glow start to emit from his blade.

Ichigo didn't say a word, just disappeared. Shinji yelled after him but he ignored.

When he was in front of you, you raised your hand to strike him. Ichigo was faster this time. He rushed forward, pulling you into his arms as he held the blade. You were thrashing against him to get free. The pressure you were giving off was suffocating, but he bared through it. It was taking a lot of his effort not to let your hands get free.

"You're not alone anymore," Ichigo voiced

" You need to listen!" Hichigo called

We're here (Y/N). We'll protect you." Zangetsu conveyed.

"We love you." all three males said in unison. His arms tightened around you as both your bodies glowed. You had finally stopped shoving him. Ichigo slowly pulled back to look at you. Color was slowly filtering back into your eyes.

"I..chigo.." you muttered. In a split second you collapsed. Ichigo caught you with a look of relief.

"You're back (Y/N)." 

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