Chapter 49

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" We have a problem." you looked up.

"Orihime she...he's got her." Ishida said softly. You were stunned at the information.

"B-But how!?" you asked trembling.

Toshiro walked forward as you gathered in Ichigo's room. "We believe he persuaded her someway, he most have made some foolish promise that she easily believed. " Ichigo clenched his fist. "W-We have to help her." you could see the determined look in his eyes, he wasn't going to let this go. "I forbid you to go after her, our main goal is Aizen. This isn't just an order from me. If you disobey, there will be consequences. " You knew better than anyone that Ichigo was stubborn. He wasn't going to just abandon Orihime because the Head Captain gave any order.


You and Ichigo were walking on your way to Kisuke's. You could tell he was pissed. When you entered the shop Ichigo looked stunned to see Rukia, Chad, Renji and Uryuu."

"Y-You guys..." he mumbled. Rukia smirked.

 "We know you wouldn't listen so what else could we do. Did you really think you were going to do this on your own. " Ichigo looked down and you grinned. "Sorry my bad, It may have slipped that you were planning to go solo." Ichigo smiled at you. "Of course it did." he chuckled. You stepped forward, pressing your forehead to his.

"Please be careful Ichigo." He inhaled. "I will, I promise I'll come back."

That was all you needed to hear. You released him with an encouraging smile. "I wish I could come, but I think someone should stay here to keep things afloat while you're gone. " he nodded. Kiskuke looked over at the teens with a smile as he led them to enter the gate to Hueco Mundo. You watched as one by one they filed through the gates. You gave Ichigo one last smile before he disappeared from your sights. When they were gone Kisuke turned to you.

"I think it's time we had a little talk. " you nodded.

"We do."


"This is the only way we'll win Kisuke, you have to make sure this goes through. " Kisuke wasn't one to play games when things got serious, you knew you could depend on him for this.

"By doing this, you do know what's going to happen." you looked at him in confusion and he gave a dry chuckle. "I may look oblivious, but I'm not as naive as you may think. I just hope you understand the consequences your actions are going to create." your eyes moved to the side when you realized he knew. You didn't know how but somehow he did. " I do understand and I accept it. If there was another way, I would do it. " Kisuke nodded.

"I'll do what I have to. I already knew there was one way to win this battle. I'm thankful I have someone else to lean on with what I know." you smiled. You never really realized just how much Kiskuek had done for you. "Kisuke, thank you for everything. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you. Truthfully." his eyes softened as he pulled you into his chest. "Thank you for becoming everything I knew you could." he replied. You held onto him with a smile. "You're welcome." you said cheekily. 

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