Chapter 24

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~Time skip~


Ichigo sweatdropped at the intense look you directed at him. "W-What?"

His mask was still on his face and you couldn't help but marvel at it. It looked awfully similar to a hollows but they were usually completely white. His mask had dark red lines going down on the right side.

"Does it hurt?" you asked poking his mask lightly. Ichigo just chuckled. "It doesn't." he clarified.

You blush at the treble in his voice, the hollowfication made him sound a bit sexier than he usually did.

"Stop being a pervert (Y/N)!" you scolded yourself lightly. Ichigo watched your flushed cheeks curiously.

"I bet she's having some dirty thoughts." Hichigo snickered. Ichigo mentally face palmed.

"Ichigo, there is actually something I wanted to talk to you about." you said regaining your composure.

He nodded as he released his hollowfication. You frowned as the mask slowly started to disintegrate.

"Awww, did you have to get rid of it, your voice was so sexy like that." you pouted.

Ichigo looked stunned at your statement, cheeks turning red. "A-Ah. S-sorry.." he muttered. He had no idea why he was apologizing for such a thing.

Zangetsu was inwardly smiling.

Ichigo coughed into his fist trying to play off the comment. "W-What did you wanna talk about?"

"Oh! Well I was wondering.....your zampaktou it's a living spirit right. So you guys communicate a lot?" you inquired. He nodded. "Yea, it's like that for all reapers. We're connected, the same way your soul is to your body."

"Right. So it would be impossible for anyone to hear it other than you. Correct."

"That's right, w-why are you asking?"

You looked down into your palm. "I could be wrong but, when I touched your sword earlier I could have sworn I heard someone speak. T-The crazy part is i-it sounded a lot like how you do in your hollowfied state." His eyes grew large.

"A-Are you serious!" You nodded cautiously.

"S-She heard Hichigo..." Zangetsu asked surprised.

"The chick's crazy, no way she heard me." Hichigo denied with a wave of his hand.

Zangetsu's eyes were dead serious. "Ichigo, let her touch the blade again. Both of you concentrate, if she really did hear him we should he able to communicate. "

Ichigo obeyed holding out his sword to you. You looked at him quizzically.

"Zangetsu said to touch it again. " You looked thoughtful. "So you guys are talking right now?" He nodded.

"So that's why he's always zoning out."

You looked back at the blade. "Alright." reaching out slowly you placed both your hands on the sword.

"Close your eyes and concentrate." Ichigo instructed. You inhaled a deep breath closing your eyes.

Ichigo did the same, focusing his reiatsu. 

You both couldn't see but a blue glow emitted from your bodies, dust gathering in a sort of whirlwind around both your bodies. 

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