Chapter 12

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After your session with Kisuke, Ichigo had offered to walk you home. Gladly accepting you thanked Orihime for healing you previously. Your mind trailed back to when the three of you had been talking, something that Rukia had said was still bothering you.


"Ichigo really does care about you, so don't make him worry like that. He gets really annoying." She said with folded arms. You gave her a weird look.

"I'm sure he's that way with everyone." you replied. Orihime and Rukia exchanged a look.

"(Y/N)-chan, how do you feel about Ichigo?" you flushed looking over in his direction where he stood talking to Kisuke.

"H-He's my friend that's all!" you stuttered out. Rukia gave a small laugh.

"You may not see it, but I doubt Ichigo sees you as just a friend." Rukia teased.

You tensed, eyes looking away from them. "I don't think that's true." you mumbled eyes trained on the ground. They were wrong, they had to be.

"You're a waste of time (Y/N)." Your body shook at Yuji's voice echoing in your head. You knew Ichigo would never do anything like that, but you couldn't help but feel that if you let someone that close again...they would hurt you the same way Yuji did. Although you had been with Yuji for only three months, he was the first person you ever loved.

And he broke your heart.

Plastering a fake smile you had just rubbed off the comment hoping they wouldn't persist about Ichigo any longer. Thankfully they had taken the hint. You hadn't even noticed the longing look Ichigo directed at you when you were smiling happily with Orihime and Rukia.

~Flashback End~

It was already dark, stars sparkling brightly in the sky. The streets were pretty vacant considering it was about eleven in the night. You pulled your jacket tighter to your body as you let out a small puff. You were pretty grateful Orihime had healed you, if not you were sure you would have probably passed out from the pain by now. Parts of your body still ached slightly, but it was a lot more bearable.

Ichigo was wearing his usually brooding expression as he walked with you.

"You did really well for your first time." You smiled at his statement. "I still can't believe I was going for that long. I-If I keep training who knows how strong I could get. You won't even have to worry about protecting me anymore." you giggled. It took a while for him to register what you said. Something seemed to dawn on him as Ichigo stopped in his tracks looking down.

You halted looking back at him. "Hmmm, is something wrong Ichigo?"

Without a word he started walking towards you. He stopped directly in front of you eyes still downcast. "Are you oka-" you blushed when he looked up, his brown irises felt like they were staring into your soul.

"I-Ichigo.." you stuttered out cheeks turning darker by the second. You were pretty thankful that no one was around. His hand moved to your cheek as his gaze hardened. "I want to...always be there to protect you (Y/N).." His eyes shifted to the side and you blinked.

"Is he worried I'll stop hanging out with him?" You paused before a small smile spread across your face. Reaching up you pressed your palm against his hand that was on your cheek.

"Ichigo....I'll always need you to protect me. If it wasn't for you, I'd probably still be this timid soft spoken person. Although I still have some problems speaking out, I feel like with you by my side...I'll be fine." you grinned with a closed eyed smile catching him slightly of guard. His eyes softened, orange hair swaying slightly in the wind.

He chuckled returning your smile. " I think that I..I like you, (Y/N)..."

A soft breeze blew pass as everything seem to freeze.

Your eyes opened, slowly widening in shock. "W-What..." You took hesitant steps back moving out of his reach. Ichigo looked startled, realizing he had voiced his thoughts out loud.

"I-I..." Ichigo wasn't sure what to say.

You bit your lip turning quickly as you sprinted off.

"(Y-Y/N)!!!" Ichigo called in confusion. Moments later he pitched off after you.

You could hear him yelling after you but you ignored it panting as your vision started to blur with tears. The sounds of Ichigo running after you rung on your ears as you tried to push your body harder.

"H-He's confused..h-he can't have feelings for me." you wept trying to fight back your sobs as you continued to plow forward not even looking up. Turning down a street you ran out from behind the building. The sound of a horn blaring stopped you cold. Your body froze, staring in horror as the truck came speeding in your direction.

You gasped when a hand yanked you back at the last minute, slamming you against a wall nearby. The truck sped pass, the driver beeping angrily.


"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING!! ARE YOU TRYING TO GET KILLED!" Ichigo shouted at you aggressively. Your mouth stayed shut as he slammed his hand on the wall right above our head. Ichigo rarely ever got angry at you, much less yell.

"Damn you..." he mumbled under his breath. When you saw small droplets hitting the dirt you looked up in disbelief. You watched as tears ran down his cheeks. Both his hands were pressed on the wall keeping you trapped in place.

"W-Why are you crying.." Body trembling Ichigo seem to have gotten more pissed at your question. "I LIKE YOU IDIOT!" he practically screamed at you. "W-why the hell did you run off like that?" You just kept quiet, no matter what you say it felt like you'd piss him off.

He removed his arms from the wall, stepping back wiping his eyes with his palm.

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