Chapter 50

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"There's no way I'm staying out of this fight!" Your father declared you looked at him with a glare. "You don't have a choice!!" you shouted. He looked taken aback. You looked down at your trembling hands. "Y-You were the one who tried to keep me out of this, you even got injured trying to make sure you're selfish plan worked. I haven't forgotten about what you did dad." He gave a regretful look. Your mother stood at the side. "You aren't at full strength, even if you were I wouldn't want you to be part of this. " you pointed at him. "I ALMOST LOST YOU ALREADY I'M NOT DOING IT AGAIN!!" you screamed. Your eyes watered. " If you fight in this battle I'll never forgive you." you said seriously. Kai swallowed. "V-Very well. I won't fight. " you looked up, wiping your eyes.

"But you have to promise me. Promise me you'll come back to me." he said

"I promise." you answered evenly. He nodded. "That's all I need to hear."

You smiled. "I love you guys so much." you said sincerely. You mother laughed running over to you. "I'm absolutely sure we love you more." you grinned when she wrapped her arms around you. "Impossible." you said happily. Your father watched from the side with a smile of his own.


You were in Kisuke underground training area with Shinji. He was briefing you on all that was going on topside. Tessai and Kisuke stood at the side listening.

"What's going on out there?" you asked Shinji. He frowned. "Ichgio and the other seemed to have met a lot of resistance. I have no idea what's going on on the other side. But pretty soon the battle is gonna come here. We'll have to work together to get through this. I know Hiyori is going to make a fuss. She wants to be the one who cuts down Aizen. " You nodded. "I'm sure you do to. " he laughed, raising his blade. "I want to watch the life slowly drain out of him. That bastard." His grip tightened. yoke fanned himself. "Trust me, the feeling is mutual."

"I can't say I'm looking forward to finally meeting hi-" your words were cut short. You gasped, falling to your knees. "W-What's going on." your legs were trembling, eyes fighting to stay focused. Shinji kneeled in front of you yelling and shaking your shoulders, but all you could hear was muffled sounds from him.

"Save us, Kurosaki-kun!!!" your eyes darted at the voice that echoed in your head.

"Orihime.." you were sobbing, tears pouring out of your eyes. You were screaming and Shinji was trying his best to help you but nothing was working. Kisuke's eyes narrowed. He pulled Shinji away. The blond visored looked at him in confusion.

"S-She's in pain what are you doing!" Kisuke placed his fan away as you continued to scream. It wasn't long before the earth around you started to shake. They all watched as a dark red reiatsu emitted from your body. You were panting now, and growling.

"I will protect you!" you roared. Shinji stared in shock. "S-She sounds like.."

"Ichigo's hollowfied form." Kisuke finished. "Ichigo is fighting right now, from the sounds of it he has lost control. Somehow she intercepted his consciousness. "

"What do we do?" Shinji asked. Your spiritual pressure was overflowing in the area at your feet. Shijni flinched when your eyes that now looked empty turned in his direction. Your shoulder heaved as you stood. He clenched his blade a bit tighter when you stood, the dark energy following you. Kisuke and Tessai didn't look the least bit worried. Shinji clenched his teeth. "What do we do!" Kisuke shook his head. "There is nothing we can do. Not until she comes out of it. When she linked with Zangetsu, she became in tune to everything. His joy, pain. fear, control. If we touch her when she's like this, it would not be good. "

"And if she attacks us?" Shinji asked wearly. He didn't like the dead look in your eyes.

Kiskue stepped forward. "H-Hey what are you doing?! I thought you said not to touch her!!' Shinji called. Kisuke stood face to face with you as you puffed out breaths unevenly. You were still growling in an animalistic way. Kisuke just observed. 

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