Chapter 30

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"Hmm who's that stranger Kensei. Who is it, who is it?" Mashiro nagged.

"SHUT UP! WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU THINK I KNOW!!" he barked at the green haired female. She pouted flailing her arms around. "No need to shout you big meanie!"

Lisa's eyes scanned the male's features carefully. "He looks an awful lot like..."

"(L-L/N)-san!!" Orihime called out.

"I'm (Y/N)'s father. Call me Kai." He walked through the hole mashing the pieces of rocks on the ground as he moved forward.

Hiyori looked like she was about to explode. "What the hell is with all you humans just barging in here!!" She fumed.

Kai's eyes turned in her direction glinting dangerously. "Be quiet." he spoke sharply.

"The hell...who do you think you ar-" Her sentence was interrupted by his abrupt appearance directly in front of her. Before she could speak he grabbed her by the throat.

Everyone was suddenly on guard, bodies tensing.

Shinji's hand gripped his sword wearily.

"You really should keep your mouth shut when adults are speaking." Kai said lifting her body of the ground. Hiyori grunted in pain, eyes shaking.

"From the feel of your reiatsu, I'd say you're the reason my daughter is now bleeding out on the floor." His grip only tightened. "The only reason you're still alive is because she'd be pretty mad she didn't get to beat you herself. For your sake you better keep your mouth shut." He threatened.

Hiyori's eyes were trembling in fear. "I-I can't even get my mask on....w-what the hell is with this family.."

"Let her go." Shinji warned pointing his sword at Kai's neck. Kai give a side glance watching the blond keenly.

Without a word he released Hiyori. The moment her body hit the ground she was coughing, trying to regain her breath.

Kai moved over to (Y/N) body, pupils shaking. "This is why I never wanted you to have these abilities...."

He crouched to his knees closing his eyes as he a small blue glow shined from his palm. He pressed it to the top of her head as a deep blue washed over her body. A few seconds passed as the color slowly started to disappear.

Shinji wanted to question him on what exactly he had just done.

"You can heal her now." Kai spoke softly. Hachi moved back once again summoning his kido. He watched as the wounds were slowly but surely mending together as they closed. A breath escaped him.

"What did you do?" Hachi questioned curiously.

Kai turned to him with a slightly more relaxed expression. His eyes had been edgy the moment he walked in.

"I exposed her to a more familiar reiatsu, some of my own." Kai explained. "Before you said she rejected your powers, you were correct. The first time you healed her, how did you get her to calm down Orihime?" The female blinked when all eyes turned on her.

"I-I didn't, Ichigo was the one who did actually. She was screaming and he somehow got her to stop."

Kai nodded. "She trusted him, even though she was unconscious. Her body rejected the both of you just now because up until then she was in full fight mode with that stupid child over there." He said pointing to Hiyori who glared but stayed quiet.

"The next flare of reiatsu that came in contact with her triggered a defensive sort of effect. Her body automatically assumed it was a threat and kept it out." Kai finished.

"But how is she even able to do that....unconscious no less.." Shinji asked.

"Because I can." He said as if it was supposed to clarify everything. Shinji sweatdropped.

"You didn't really clear up anything." He said annoyed. 

"So she can control another person zampaktou and repel dangerous reiatsu." Lisa spoke. 

Kai eyes turned large. "S-She controlled your zampaktou?!!"

"Yeah. Why do you look so shocked, you didn't know?" Kensei sounded so  nonchalant about the whole matter.

Kai shook his head. "She told me her abilities didn't go any further than sensing spiritual pressure and stronger battling endurance..."

"Well...when she wakes we all need to have a discussion. You may not like it but I think we need to work together. If a certain person finds out about what she can do...she'll be in danger."

Hachi said warningly.

Kai's eyes turned back cold. "You mean Sousuke Aizen." Shinji felt his blood boil just by the mention of the male's name. Kai noticed everyone around wore the same resentful look. "

Seems they hate him just as much as I do."

"So you know about him too huh." Shinji forced out looking down.

Kai knew they weren't a real threat to him, (Y/N) wouldn't have been here if she thought they were that dangerous. His eyes turned to the sharp tooth blond female who was still actively glaring at him. "Well most of them at least."

"I will work with you all, just keep your dog on a leash." Hiyori seethed at his comment.


Kensei grabbed her by the collar with a growing tick mark. "You've already caused a shitload of trouble just shut up already." He warned. She glowered folding her arms stubbornly.

Kai turned to Shinji holding out his hand. Shinji looked taken aback. Taking a step forward he shook his hand lightly. A mutual understanding seem to flash in both of the males eyes.

"Help me protect my family." They both thought simultaneously, releasing their joined hands with a nod.

"She's waking up." Hachi said gaining their attention. Kai rushed over. He dropped to his knees watching as he eyebrows scrunched up. A few moments passed before her eyes opened slowly.

"D-Dad?" she called making out a familiar blurry figure.

"Hai." he answered watching Hachi release his kido.

"We have a lot to talk about (Y/N)." She froze at the serious tone before she looked down nodding.

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