Chapter 39

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You weren't sure what to make of what Sakanade told you. "Revert.." Those were the words that kept echoing in your mind. What did it mean. Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw Orihime standing outside the warehouse staring at the wall. 

"Ah, now I can find out why she's been avoiding me. "Orihime-san!" the red head turned to you in shock. "(Y-Y/N)-san?!" she seemed surprised to see you. You waved with a smile. "Feels like it's been forever since just the both of us talked." Orihime's eyes trailed to the side. 

"Yeah...well I better go and make sure Ishida-san and Kurosaki-kun aren't fighting again. " you noticed how forced her smile look as she said those words. She walked right pass you, not making eye contact.

"I know you're avoiding me." you spoke. Orihime froze in her spot. She didn't turn around.

"I get it, it must be terrifying huh. I've got some scary powers." you gave a bitter laugh.

"It's okay to admit it if you're scared of me Orihime-san. I'm not going to-"

"You're wrong." You stared at her back, only now noticing how much her shoulders were shaking. "I thought..." she sniffled making your eyes widened. "I thought you were going to die (Y/N)!!" Orihime screamed, turning to you with furious eyes. Tears were running down her cheeks as she sobbed loudly. You just watched. Your feet felt like they were glued to the ground.


She frowned. "All of you keep talking about Aizen this and Aizen that....A-ARE YOU ALL IN SUCH A RUSH TO DIE!!!" She snapped. You stayed silent. You couldn't imagine how helpless Orihime must have been feeling this entire time.

"I'm not going to watch everyone I care about die....I won't.." she mumbled. The way she said it, made you feel as though she was going to do something about it.

"She wouldn't go after them alone..would she?"

"W-Wait a second Orihime-san, y-you're not going to try and fight them alone are you? That's crazy!" Orihime didn't reply.


"I'm not stupid (Y/N)-san, I'm well aware of how weak I am." you frowned at her statement. You were about to correct her when she suddenly turned.

"I have to go...please don't follow me. I want to be left alone." Your hand reached out to call her, but you couldn't, what would you say. She looked pretty defeated already. You had a feeling if you said anything it would only make things worse. Your hand lowered as you watched her walk away.


You couldn't stop thinking about the hollow look in Orihime's eyes. Too much was happening, everything felt like it was just coming at you all at once. Your eyes moved to your father's figure. You didn't know why, but he called you out to accompany him on a walk. Since the both of you had gotten to the park he hadn't spoken even two words to you. The silence was becoming a bit unbearable. "Dad, did you need somethin-"

"Are you going to tell them what Sakanade told you (Y/N)?" you were startled. You never expected your father to say those words to you. "H-How did he know!?" You faked a smile. "Q-Quit kidding around, Sakanade just said that I-"

"Don't lie to me, I knew she said something." Kai's eyes directed at the floor. "I don't care what you think but I can't let you fight if it means you're killing yourself.." Your eyes widened.

"Y-You can't stop me from fighting!!" you stood with determined eyes.

"You're not fighting!!" Your body started to glow involuntarily. Kai looked at you with the same level of ferocity. A blue hue reflected in his eyes as he watched you.

"I WON'T LOSE ANYONE ELSE TO THIS SENSELESS WAR!" you took a step back when you saw the ground his feet start to quake. The wind picked up. You raised a hand to block your face at the heavy burst of air, that felt like it was slapping your skin.

"You're just child, you haven't suffered any lost yet. You have no idea what it's like to wake up one day and have nothing, to lose everyone!" you flinched at your father's yell. His eyes were watering, with every word he spoke you could physically feel the pain it was causing. Probably pain he had kept bottled up too long. "When I lost my parents....I wished I had died with them...I didn't want to be in this world....I didn't deserve to.." His eyes were no longer glowing. You let out a breath when the air started to calm. "I'm not going to lose you or your mother, I'll protect you both even if it kills me." His words made the blood drain from your face.

"Y-You were never going to let me fight were you...." Kai looked away. "It was never your decision to make, you're just a child. "

"You can't stop me, I'm going to fight and there is nothing that you can-" you flinched when he suddenly appeared in front of you.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)..." you opened your mouth to question him. Your words were cut of by his hand going right through your chest. You gasped, eyes moving slowly to his glowing hand that was inside you. You looked up at him with quivering lips, eyes shaking. "This is the only way I can protect you, please understand that. "

"D-Dad...." you whispered. Your eyelids lowered as he pulled out his hand. You collapsed almost immediately, body hunching forward. Kai caught you with ease, eye watching with regret.

"N-No...I did the right thing, she need to be safe.."

"Oh ho! Seems I saw something interesting." Kai turned quickly at the voice. "W-When did you....I didn't even sense you coming.." The blond haired male chuckled. "I do have that effect on people. What is it exactly you're trying to prevent her from doing?" Kai held your body in his arms turning his head. "You wouldn't understand, you don't have children."

"I may not have biological kids, but there are people that I want to protect, the same as you. Do you think this is the best cause of action. Blocking her powers like that may cause more harm than good."

"I should have done it years ago when I realized what she could do. I was foolish to think she wouldn't develop. Now it's my responsibility to take care of this." Kai glanced to the side.

"Are you going to try and stop me, Kisuke." The stripe wearing shop owner knew that wasn't a question. Kisuke raised his hands in a fake surrender. "I won't interfere don't worry, however..." Kisuke titled his cap down. "Ichigo will not be pleased. " Kai gave a grunt. 

"I'll deal with the kid." with that, Kai disappeared. Kisuke watched, letting out a heavy sigh.

"Things are about to get a lot more complicated." 

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