Chapter 13

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"I don't believe you." you spoke not meeting his eyes. Ichigo glared looking down at you.

"Y-You're confused because w-we've been spending a lot of time together, y-you must have gotten your feelings mixed up or mhmp-" Your pupils grew wide when Ichigo's lips crashed unto yours roughly. Pushing you against the building he pinned your hands next to your head, kissing you forcefully.

You whimpered trying to push him off, but he wouldn't budge. Your eyes shut as you trembled against his strong hold. His leg moved in between yours, pressing into you more firmly.

"W-Why is he..doing this.." Your thoughts were scrambled as he slipped his tongue passed your lips. An involuntary sound slipped from you, which seemed to encourage him to delve deeper as he mapped out every inch of your mouth.

Ichigo pulled back slightly, breathing heavily as both your breaths mingled in the cold night air.

"I don't care if you believe me or not, you're mine (Y/N)." Ichigo growled out. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You looked down with hesitance in your eyes.

"Even if he says that...I-I can't trust that he's even-"

"I'm not going to hurt you like Yuji." You flinched as he looked at you with determined eyes. 

"H-How do you know about him?" you questioned mortified that he had found out. 

"That idiot was boasting all over school about what happened. I made sure he paid for it." You flushed at what he insinuated. "Was Ichigo the one who had kicked the crap out of Yuji that day at school?" 

 Ichig'o's eyes gazed at you so intensely you felt like you were gonna faint. 

"No one is going to hurt you like that again (Y/N)." Ichigo took your hand gently as he pressed a kiss to your knuckles causing you to blush. "I know you're afraid but I won't hurt you, I want you (Y/N)." He declared.

Your heart felt like it was going to beat right out of your chest. Finally holding his gaze you replied.

"P-Please...don't hurt me Ichigo.." You pleaded. It was stupid to think Ichigo would betray you the same way Yuji did but, you had always been a little weary. You just never wanted to experience that pain again. You weren't to sure you would bounce back if someone played with your feelings again. You had been denying it for a while now but if you were being honest, you had gained feelings for Ichigo ever since he had saved you.

His gaze softened, reaching up he cupped your cheek leaning forward pressing a tender kiss to your lips. Cheeks turning red you returned the kiss this time. He pulled back as his lips moved to your neck. Your eyes shot open when placed a teasing kiss right on your pulse point. You squirmed trying not to make anymore embarrassing noises.

He smirked, nibbling on the tender area causing you to let out a small squeak, hands gripping unto his sleeves.

"Do me (Y/N).." he whispered into your ear. Your fingers tightened against the fabric of his shirt as you nodded shyly.

"I-I do...I-I love you Ichigo." you breathed softly. He grinned claiming your lips once again.

"I-I never realized he was so...affectionate.." you mused enjoying the feel of his lips against yours. He pulled away with a boyish grin. Ichigo was wearing such a bright smile when he looked back at you. Feeling slightly self-conscious you looked away bashfully.

"S-Stop staring at me like that.." you mumbled still not meeting his gaze.

Ichigo just laughed at your adorable reaction. "I can't help it." he added. Entwining your fingers he pulled you into a hug. "Let's get you home." you just nodded as he pulled you along.

You had no idea what was going to happen in the future, but with Ichigo by your side, you felt as though you didn't have to worry about it. 

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