Chapter 44

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Yuki sat at the edge of the futon where Ichigo was placed. She'd just gotten back from checking her husband. Her hands were still shaking, but she knew Hachi was taking care of him. His gaze shifted back to the bright haired male. "The last hope to win this war, is if everyone works together. Kai  may have felt like you he protecting (Y/N), but she needs to be on the battlefield if we are to survive." Yuki's hand reached down as she placed her palm on Ichigo's forehead.

"Please, I'm begging you. Find my daughter, and protect her."

Yuki sucked in a breath before standing. "I'm leaving her in your hands." with that she left, sliding the door closed behind her.


"How much longer will they take." Orihime asked. Sado and Uryuu still hadn't returned. Kisuke was about to answer when they heard a knock at the door. Orihime jumped moving briskly over to the door. She swung it open.

"Sado-Kun, Ishida-san you're ba-" her words were interrupted by the individuals standing before her. Ishida and Sado were there, but they brought company. Rukia, Toshiro, Renji, Ikkaku and Matsumoto were standing behind the two teens.

Toshiro stepped forward.

"We have a lot to talk about. " Just his tone was enough to understand how serious the situation got. Rukia looked pissed. Orihime stepped to the side with her eyes lowered.

"Where is Ichigo!" Rukia demanded. Kisuke moved forward. "Calm down, he's recovering. When he wakes you can scold him as much as you like. "

Hiyori was still at the side. She was glaring. "Reapers." she sneered. Hachi noticed how uneasy Shinji and Hiyori were. "The both of you can leave. I'll look after them." Shinji looked at his friend.

Hachi nodded. Shinji released a sigh. "Alright, Let's go Hiyori."

"Wait a second we need to-" Rukia didn't even get to finish before both of them flash stepped away.

"I can help with anything you need to know about." Hachi said.

"Fine, first things first. Where is (Y/N) (L/N) . And why has her reiatsu been fluctuating all over Karakura town for the last few months." Toshiro questioned. Kisuke grinned.

"That's a long story. Care to take a seat." 


"So that's why he went on a rampage." Rukia was more than annoyed. Toshiro folded his arms. 

"At least he's under control now. We thought Aizen finally made his move. Ichigo's reiatsu was spiraling. The energy we wasn't even human." Orihime was startled at what the white haired captain said. "W-What do you mean?" 

Rukia gripped her dark robes. "His reiatsu, there was not a spec of soul reaper or human signature. It felt exactly like a hollow's. He's never gone that far before. I was concerned he had completely changed." 

Yuki offered a smile. "There's no need to worry. I have to admit, his reiatsu had me very unsettled when I first felt it. But I think I understand him a little better now." Toshiro perked up when he saw the older woman.

"You're the child's mother, correct." Yuki blinked, looking down at Toshiro. Her eyes sparkled as she lunged forward pulling him into a hug. 

"Oh my goodness you're so adorable!!" she squealed. Toshiro flinched, trying to get out of the woman's grasp as she continued to hug him to her chest. Everyone in the room sweatdropped.

Rangiku wore a broad smile. "I know right. I've got the cutest taicho out of the entire squad barracks. " Rangiku joined in hugging Toshiro as well. Both females suffocated him in their bust with happy smiles. 

"I envy him." Kisuke thought.

When Toshiro had finally freed himself he looked frazzled. He pulled out his sword holding it threateningly. 

Both females stepped back. 

"S-Sorry." Yuki said with a bow. "I get a bit carried away sometimes." 

Rangiku sulked. 

"You're no fun taicho."



Toshiro coughed into his fist.

"About Ichigo." Rukia's eyes looked away. 

"His hollowfication is a major problem. Something that has already been reported to the Head Captain. We've only been this lenient because of how much Ichigo's has aided us in numerous battles. However, if he's a threat to Karakura Town, then he will be seen as a threat to the Soul society." 

Rukia clenched her fists. "Hitsugaya-taicho I assure you that it won't-

"Happen again." Ichigo finished. Everyone looked up in shock.



The orange haired male walked towards the group of individuals who were sitting in the living room around the table. Yuki's eyes lit up.

Ichigo looked healed, but Rukia noticed the slight limp in his step. He tried hard to cover it up. 

"I'm ready." Ichigo said. He sat down on his knees, looking directly at Toshiro. 

"I'm ready to help, I won't be reckless anymore." Rukia was stunned by the statement and the look in his eyes. 

"I need to stop Aizen and save (Y/N). "

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