Chapter 2

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The boy turned to you with a worried look on his face.

 "Are you okay?" he asked in a soft tone as he moved towards you cautiously. Your entire body was still shaking slightly from the ordeal and you hadn't even noticed. "I-I'm fine t-thank y-you." you mumbled under your breath. Others would get annoyed when speaking with you. Your parents had often lectured you to speak up. That must have been one of the reasons that anyone hardly ever approached you. It would get pretty tiring trying to understand what you were saying.

"Yea no problem, the guy was a creep." the boy answered. You looked at him slightly shocked.

"He heard me..."

You continued to stare, admiring his features. His hair stood out the most, bright and orange. Chocolate colored eyes and a lean muscled stature. He wasn't overly muscular but you could tell he was pretty well off. His shoulders were broad, legs lean and tall.

You flinched when a hand started swatting in your face. You blinked noticing the boy had moved closer shaking his hand in your face. "You sure your ok?" he asked again.

You nodded frantically cheeks flushing lightly. "I was staring, how embarrassing.." you just wanted the floor to open up and swallow you right there and then. He gave you a look.

"I'll walk you home." he declared. Your hands raised as you started waving them in a no motion.

"It's okay I'm fine really." you whispered softly.

He turned to you with serious brown eyes. " Another thug might try to attack you, and I wouldn't feel good leaving you alone." you looked up stunned, This boy didn't even know you yet he was worried. The notion baffled you.

"You're a waste of time." you bit your lip remembering the statement. You looked back at him about to refuse when he took your wrist lightly. "Let's go." he stated causing you to sweatdrop at his forcefulness. You had a feeling he knew you were going to say no. With a small sigh you followed him reluctantly.

"Guess I have no choice."


You had guided him reluctantly to where you lived. You walked in step with the orange haired stranger glancing at him every now and then. "Why did he help me? I really don't understand."

Your thoughts were interrupted when you finally reached your house. You stopped in front of the gate turning to him with a bow. "Thank you sir, for walking me home." you spoke quietly. When you raised back up he looked you over. "We're the same age you don't have to call me sir. I'm Ichigo Kurosaki." he held out a hand to you as you watched it skeptically.

You bowed again avoiding eye contact. "Nice to meet you I'm (F/N), (L/N)."your soft voice mumbled. His hand lowered when you didn't shake it, a deep scowl on his face.

"D-Did I upset him?!?" you were starting to internally panic.

"Well I guess I'll see you later then, be more careful next time." you blinked owlishly when he walked away. "I was sure he was mad, maybe that's just how he looks."

You watched as he walked off around a corner disappearing from you view.

"Ichigo... I hope we meet again." You turned walking into your house with a long sigh.

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