Chapter 36

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When you got back to the warehouse, it was already dark. Your mother and father were the first people you saw. Kai's head turned when he saw you. "Are you alright." you gave a small nod. Your eyes wandered. "I wonder if Ichigo left yet.." Kai frowned. "The orange haired delinquent already left." he grumbled. Yuki smacked him. "Don't be rude." She turned giving you a smile. "He was really reluctant to leave, if you run you could probably catch him." she said pointing in a direction.

Your eyes lit up. "A-Arigatou!!" you ran off before your father could oppose. Kai watched you retreating form with a glare. "I really hate that orange haired kid..." Kai was seething making Yuki chuckle. "He reminds me of you, when you were younger. So adorable~" Kai blushed. 


You were panting, running as fast as you could. You needed to see Ichigo. Your eyes watched both sides of the road before you crossed the street. You didn't want a recap of the last time.

"Now that I think about it, that was the first time Ichigo and I kissed.." your smiled at the memory. So much things happened since you met Ichigo. If it wasn't for him, you probably would have still been a soft spoken, timid girl. In a lot of ways you should be thankful for Yuji, although he was your first love, you can't recall ever feeling so loved. A part of you knew that your relationship with Yuji was based on your own self loathing. 

You never felt like you mattered to anyone. So when someone had noticed you, especially someone as popular as Yuji, you felt like you were important. Being with Yuji taught you how to love someone, but with Ichigo, he taught you how to love yourself. That was better than anything you expected in life.

After what felt like endless running you stopped. "Maybe I should try searching for his reiatsu." Rukia once said that whenever you needed to find someone in a hurry, that was the quickest way to do it. Rather than running around aimlessly. You were running for a while now, surely you would have seen him by now. Maybe he didn't head home. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath. An image of multiple white ribbons appeared in your mind. "Ichigo...Ichigo....Ichigo!!" your eyes sprung open as you grasped the red one. 

"Got it." You continued on your way, looking for your orange haired lover. You started to recognize the park area that you passed on your way from school many times. "Maybe there is a faster way for me to search the park."

Your eyes shifted to the sky. "I've always wondered if I could walk on air the way Ichigo and the others do. Maybe I should try." You hovered a couple times in training, but never stood for lengthy periods. You moved to a more secluded area, watching around cautiously. You didn't want to freak anyone out if they happened to be passing. You didn't have the luxury of being unseen like the reapers. You shut your eyes. Moving shakily, you tried your best to focus your reiatsu. You raised one foot hesitantly, just testing the waters. Your next foot raised after. When you sucked in a breath, your body lifted a few feet off the ground. "I-I'm doing it!!"

"What are you doing?" you screamed, arms flailing as you fell unto your back. Ichigo blanched, scratching his head awkwardly. "Sorry about that, I felt your reiatsu close by so I..came looking." you glared. 

"Baka!! I was looking for you. I heard you left when I got back. I-I wanted to see you so I came running but the park is so big." you grumbled. He stared at you for a while. "Here." he offered his hand for you. You slowly lifted, taking his hand. When you stood fully, you dusted you pants softly.

Ichigo dug around in his pocket, pulling out a candy pill. He didn't say a word, just pooped it into his mouth. You were shocked when his body separated from his soul. He was now in his soul reaper attire yet, his body was standing and smiling at you. Something was off about it though.

"Kon, take my body home." Ichigo ordered. "W-What! That's not fair I want to have some fu-" Whoever was in Ichigo's body now got socked right in the gut. "Shut up and get going!!" the person groaned, taking off with moans of pain. "So cruel.." he cried retreating.

Ichigo sighed turning back to face you. "Sorry about that. Kon is a real pain someti- H-Hey are you alright?!!" your face was pale as you stared at him pointing. "Y-Your body just had a mind of it's own and took off running!!" Ichigo laughed softly. "I guess I should have explained that properly. "

~10 mins later~

"That's a relief." you let out a calming breath. "So that was Kon, it's weird that they have these mod souls. Kinda sad that he was almost killed. Ichigo nodded "Yeah, he's a pain sometimes but I'm glad he's not dead. Got through a lot of tough spots because of Kon." He had a nostalgic look on his face. You smiled. "I thought you left to go home, why were you here? " you asked curiously. His eyes turned on you. 

"I was just thinking. What were you trying to do when I found you?" you laughed nervously. 

"I-I was trying to glide through the air like you do. I've always wanted to try. A silly grin made it's way on your face. Ichigo just watched you. You were walking in step, when he stopped suddenly. You halted, titling your head. "What's wrong?"

He didn't speak, just held out his hand. You blinked in confusion. An irk mark rose on his forehead. "You said you wanted to try right, well let's go." You just gazed for a few seconds.

"O-Okay." you agreed. You moved forward, taking his hand.

He wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you flush against his body. You blushed, looking up into his eyes. Ichigo's gaze was directed at the sky. Without warning he took off into the sky. Your eyes shut, and you gasped at the sudden rush of air. You hair was flying everywhere. He clenched unto Ichigo a bit fearfully. It was different imagining being in the air and actually doing it.

"I won't drop you (Y/N), open your eyes." you gripped his clothing, slowly opening your eyes. Your mouth hung open at the view. The stars that littered to the sky glimmered brightly. You were so high up you felt like you could reach them if you really tried. "It's beautiful..." you muttered at the night sky. Your eyes turned to Ichigo, who wore a soft look as he gazed at you. His hand moved slowly, caressing your cheek. "I'll always protect you (Y/N), no matter what." you were a surprised at his words. "So he really was scared of me getting hurt.." you smiled lovingly. 

You wanted to kick yourself for thinking Ichigo would be afraid, that he wouldn't accept you. 

"I know you will Ichigo." Your hands reached up, wrapping around his neck as you kissed him softly. He sighed out, hold tightening slightly on your waist. You deepened the kiss, fingers slipping into his unique colored hair. Ichigo let out a soft groan at the small tug you gave. The both of you were still actively hovering in the air. In an instant, Ichigo flashstepped. The sudden movement caught you a little off guard. 

Your lips disconnected for a second. Your back was now pressed against a building. "Ichi-" you didn't have a chance to finish. His lips locked back with yours and he kept you trapped between his body and the wall.

Your legs locked around his waist, as he continued to pleasantly attack your lips. When he finally let you up for air, you panted. His lips immediately moved to your neck. His tongue darted out as he licked a path from your pulse point to your collarbone. Your hips bucked when his teeth sank into your flesh softly. He nibbled, making you moan. You were sure a red mark was going to appear.

"That's for making me worried when you left earlier. " he whispered lowly. You swallowed.

You couldn't utter words. "If this is what happens when he's worried...I should do it more often." you made a mental note for the future. If this was a punishment, you couldn't imagine how 

amazing rewards were from him. 

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