Chapter 8

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Since you and Ichigo were partners for the assignment you had been spending the next couple weeks together. You both worked equally as hard on the project, he had also been helping you learn to fight a little. Mostly basic skills. Kisuke had advised you when to take the candy, if you ran out he welcomed you back to refill. You didn't feel good just getting it for free so you had tried paying but he always refused saying you didn't owe him anything.

You were running on your way home from the store, halfway to get some snacks the rain had come pouring down so you were pretty much soaked. Trying to move as fast as you could to your house your legs started to slow when you caught the familiar head of orange at the corner of your eyes.

"Is that Ichigo?" The bright haired male was walking with his hands in his pocket as the water droplets patered on his head. He didn't seem to bother that he was getting wet. He was wearing a regular pair of dark blue jeans and a black t-shirt. His eyes were trained on the ground as he walked. You felt a little worried, he had such a conflicted expression on his face. You hadn't ever seen such a look on his face before. Thankfully it wasn't a school day.

"Ichigo.." you called out softly. His eyes lifted as he spotted you. The look on his face shifted as he smiled. You watched him thoughtfully. The smile didn't really reach his eyes.

"Hey (Y/N)." he greeted as he stopped in front of you. "It's raining, you really shouldn't be out, you could catch a cold."

"So can you." you shot back with a playful smile. He chuckled dryly. "I guess you're right."

His gaze moved to the sky as a sadness returned in his chocolate colored orbs. Your smile fell as you moved closer reaching a hand out as you tugged on his sleeve lightly.

"What's wrong?" you whispered looking up at him. Ichigo was taken aback. He didn't want you worrying about him.

"It's not a big deal dont-"

You shook your head stubbornly. "I know something's wrong...p-please tell me.." you mumbled, hand still gripping unto his sleeve.

He released a sigh. "I...I went to visit my mother's grave." His body turned tense as he turned looking away. His sleeve slipped out of your grasp as you stared at him. You couldn't really tell if he was crying or if it was the rain. You bit your lip as you took a step forward. You wrapped your arms tightly around him from behind, burying your face in his back suddenly.

"H-Hey!" he stumbled forward, looking back at you. He was shocked to see fresh tears forming in your eyes.

"T-There isn't anything I can say to make your pain any easier but I.." you sniffled lightly. "I'm here for you Ichigo!" you declared pulling away to look at him with a hopeful stare. You needed him to know that you'd support him, the same way he had promise to support you.

Ichigo was silent for a couple seconds just looking down at you, after a while a genuine smile graced his lips. "Thank you, (Y/N)."

You face brightened. "Yeah." You felt a little better. It was doubtful that he's ever stop thinking about his deceased mother, and since you still had your parents you couldn't really relate to how he felt. You just needed  him to know he wasn't alone.

You both stood in the rain just smiling at each other for what felt like hours. Something about the way Ichigo's eyes sparkled, it was almost impossible to look away. When he moved closer tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear you could practically hear your heart rate speeding up. "E-Eh...." you were taken aback by the gesture.

His fingers lightly traced your cheek as he cupped the back of your neck tugging you closer.

"Is he going to..." Your lips quivered as you felt his warm breath against your face. His eye lids lowered as he was only a couple inches away. "W-Wait ....s-stop...."

"Achoo!" you sneezed lightly against your will. You both froze. Ichigo blinked staring at you with a cheeky smile.

"We should get going." He turned taking your hand as he walked in the direction of your house. As he pulled you along you stared at his strong posture. Even from behind Ichigo looked great.

You released a relieved sigh. "There's no way he sees me as anything other than a friend." You murmured. 

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