Chapter 26

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Training continued for you as usual, but things were tense. 

After your little adventure to Ichigo's inner world it seemed like he was training harder and stronger than before. The both of you had kept that information between yourselves for the time being. Zangetsu said it was best not to worry the others with such a minor issue. A lot had been going on as of late. You still trained with him once in a while, but often times he was battling it out with Chad, Uryuu or the Visoreds.

He explained a number of things about them to you, after your constant pestering of course. He told you shortly after about everything that was going on. Aizen was name that frequently popped up. Every time they mentioned that named a sudden chill would run down your spine. A terrible feeling would rush over your body, you couldn't really explain it.

When you got the whole story on the ex reaper you were more than horrified. One of their own had betrayed them. You couldn't imagine how that felt.

Ichigo was always with the Visoreds so for last couple weeks you hadn't seen much of him. You knew why he had to train, it didn't stop you from feeling lonely though. Kisuke had given you a free day so you decided you'd check up on Ichigo.

Orihime was just as worried so she immediately agreed to come with you. The both of you walked into the old warehouse. Orihime smiled with a wave moving over to Hachi's direction. He returned with a friendly smile as they started chatting. You greeted everyone present. Love and Rose were perched on the couch clearly bored. Lisa was reading what you recognised as a boy's love magazine. Mashiro was poking at Kensei on a seperate chair. You could tell he was trying his best to ignore her. And Shinji was standing at the top of the stairs.

"THAT'S NOT HOW YOU DO IT IDIOT!!!" you flinched at the loud female. You caught sight of a hint of orange before a body pitched pass you into the wall behind. When you realized it was Ichigo you raced over in his direction.

"I-Ichigo!" you called out. He grunted pushing the rumble that was covering him off his body as he stood shakily to his feet. When he caught sight of you his eyes widened. "(Y-Y/N)."

Taking in his appearance a frown made its way on your face. His body looked more battered than usual. A bleeding gash was on his right shoulder, numerous cuts on different part of his face and arms. His eyes looked tired, like he hadn't gotten a goods nights rest in days.

Dirt was smudged on his slightly swollen cheek. You bit your lip trying to stay calm. You hated seeing him like this.

"Ichigo..." you mumbled. His eyes shook at your tone as he turned his head to the side looking away from you. He knew what you were going to say.

"I can't take a break (Y/N). " He avoided your gaze walking past you.

Hiyori was perched on a railing perched in a sitting position as she let out an exaggerated groan.

"Quit your whining and have your little lover's talk another time." She shouted impatiently. You were really starting to dislike her. You understood why she was always so angry and cold to others but still, it pissed you off. Her whole attitude irked you. Your head lowered.

"Shut up." you said lowly. Everyone around turned quiet as Hiyori's eyes narrowed at you.

Ichigo turned to you stunned. Shinji was smirking and the others were just watching the scene play out.

"What did you say?" She snarled in your direction. You raised your head staring her down. "I said shut up!!" you yelled back aggressively. You hated how she constantly treated Ichigo like he was some rag doll she could toss around. You knew he needed to get stronger but she didn't have to be to rude all the time.

"You treat everyone like their your personal punching bags, it's pathetic." you voiced bravely. You could see the growing irritation on her face.

"Shitty human, think you can come in here and talk all high and mighty." She jumped down from the ledge landing a few feet in front of you.

Her sword was planted on her shoulder as she walked towards you. Ichigo moved to block her but you moved quickly placing a hand on his shoulder as you walked past him. You gave him a side glance.

"I can handle this, don't worry." He looked a bit uncertain but nodded in understanding.

You were now standing face to face with Hiyori. She glared, clearly looking down on you.

"Watch what you say around me shitty brat." she threatened. You chuckled.

"It's funny that you're calling me a brat when you look like a grade schooler." Her eyes lit with anger at your comment. "Ya better shut your mouth before I shut it for ya!"

"Tell me Hiyori-san..." you leaned forward whispering in her ear. "Is the reason you're always so pissed because your breast have been the same size for hundreds of years." Her eyes shot open in shock at your statement.

You leaned back just as she swung her sword in your direction, dodging the blade with a smirk.

Orihime eyes filled with worry as she made an attempt to move forward and part the both of you. Hachi grabbed her hand shaking his head.

"H-Hachi-san, she could really injure (Y/N)-chan." Orihime voiced panicked.

Hachi watched the scene intrigued. "You should have more faith in your friend, she would not have picked a fight with someone she knew she couldn't beat. Even if she gets beaten, it would pain her more if you intervened."

"B-But..." Orihime looked back over as you wore a wide grin on your face as Hiyori seethed. In all honesty she had never seen you taunt someone like that in battle. You must have known what you were doing right. Orihime sighed with a nod.

"Alright." she said softly. She didn't want to see either of you get hurt but it seemed like she had no choice.

Ichigo was watching the scene unfold with just as much interest.

"That's my kitten." Hichigo snickered. Ichigo's eyebrows twitched. "SHUT UP!!" he growled sharply. He was still pissed at what happened.

"No need to be so pouty king, if it makes you feel any better her ass felt really-"

"I'll really kill you this time." Ichigo warned darkly. Hichigo chuckled going quiet.

His brown eyes turned back in your direction. 

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