Chapter 33

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Kai's pov

"Again." I demanded as your body crashed to the ground for the hundredth time. There was a number of scratches on your face and significant cuts going down both your arms.

"I know she's exhausted but...I can't risk anything happening to her, not again.." 

My face hardened as you yelled out charging at me again. Your first punch was aimed at my abdomen which I evaded easily. Blocking the first hit my hand sprung out countering the attack. You jumped back barely avoiding my fist.

Your shoulder was heaving, trying to catch your breath. A deep sigh left my lips when I saw your winded form. Almost sixty hours had passed, you were nearing your limit.

My eyes zoned out for a second recalling what Shinji said.


"Aizen isn't someone who's reckless, it's doubtful that he doesn't already know about her Kai-san. Be careful. I don't think that incident she experienced was a mere coincidence."

My eyes widened at what he suggested. "T-That's impossible! Her abilities weren't even that present. I didn't even know until after that hollow.." I bit my lip in aggravation.

"We were all reapers, just like Aizen. He did this to us. I nearly watched my friends die the same way you did with your family. It wasn't just by chance."

I nodded. Shinji turned to me. "The way her abilities are is overly complicated. Did Aizen do something to her?" I frowned at the question. "No, he did it to my mother." Shinji gave me a look before facing forward.

"Seems we're in the same boat."

~Flashback end~

General pov

Kai's focused back on (Y/N) as she was still leaned over breathing unevenly. "It's no use continuing like this."

"Take a break, we'll start back in an hour." Your eyes turned wide as you shook your head. "N-No I'm fine we can.." you grunted holding your abdomen. Kai flashstepped directly in front of you placing a hand on your shoulder.

"I know you're worried about your friends but you need rest, we'll continue in an hour." he repeated. You gave a defeated sigh looking away. "You really think Aizen is going to care if I get tired, he's not going to give me a chance to recover. " You spoke darkly, head lowered.

"Everyone is terrified of Aizen and if he's as strong as I've heard...h-he'll kill everyone.." Kai's eyes looked on in understanding. "We will protect everyone, I won't let anything happen (Y/N)." you knew for a fact that your father was just trying to ease your mind. If it came down to the battle you had no doubt he'd protect you and your mother.

"Arigatou, papa." a small flush adorned your father's usually serious face as he turned his face patting you on the head clearly embarrassed. You giggled.

"Papa is really cute sometimes."

"Kai!~" your father's head turned as your mother practically skipped into the area the both of you were training.

"What is it Izumi?" he sounded a bit annoyed making you smile. Ever since you had reconciled with your parents they seemed a lot more happier. You had no doubt they were probably always pretty lovey dovey but now it was almost amplified. The sight was very entertaining to watch. Your father looked like he was irritated most times but you could tell he was secretly happy.

"Can't I just come to see how you both are doing. Am I that much of a bother?" she asked with a childish pout puffing out her cheeks. You tried your best to stifle the laughter that threatened to escaped you when your father looked a bit unsure of what to say. 

"T-that's not what I was saying I was just asking why you were here." he explained.

Izumi was still pouting with her arms folded. Kai released a sigh at her behavior.

"You really are a handful sometimes." he mumbled.

Izumi turned around with watery eyes. "Am I a burden.." her lips quivered giving him puppy dog eyes. You almost burst out laughing when he panicked waving his hand around frantically to convince her otherwise.

"N-NO! You're not Izumi, I-I would never say s-such a thing!" You looked on as your parents carried on comically.

"I really hope...we survive this war.."

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