Chapter 10

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"K-Kisuke-san, I-I don't think this is such a good idea." you mumbled as you watched him strap up the small dark haired girl. She looked as nervous as you. Her hair was in two pigtails with a piece of hair hanging at the front. Kisuke waved his fan with a chuckle . 

"There's no need to worry, this place is especially made for training!" he gushed excitedly. You sweatdropped.

"That's not what I'm worried about."

You looked around at the rocky area. It looked like a huge space of nothing but rocks, and surprisingly enough it looked liked daylight. It was weird since you were pretty sure it was nighttime now. You still couldn't believe he had such a huge place under his shop. It kinda made you wonder what else he was hiding down here.

"Ururu will be your partner, so don't hold back." Kisuke advised. You gave him a weird look watching as Ururu pulled on a pair of small boxing gloves. You turned your body in her direction with a hesitant nod. Right about now you were starting to regret agreeing to this.

"She's just a little kid right? What's the worst she can-" 

You flinched when she suddenly appeared directly in front of you. Unable to react in time she striked delivering a swift kick to your stomach. You gasped out as your body flew through the air colliding with a nearby boulder. The sound of rock shattering echoed in your ears as you laid in the rumble coughing.

"S-She's strong..." Your body was trembling as you staggered to your feet, eyes already welling up in tears at the pain that was surging from the attack. Ururu stood a small distance away as she took a fighting stance.

Your hand moved to your now throbbing forehead as you grounded your feet. Your legs trembled as you fell to your knees with a cry of pain. Giving in you let the tears running freely as you started to cry pathetically. "W-Why did I think I could do this.." you sobbed out hands braced on the ground.

"I-I'm sorry.." Ururu apologized taking steps closer to comfort you. Kisuke frowned. 

"I guess I was wrong, you are to weak after all. It's pathetic." Kisuke spoke with an annoyed sigh. You froze, eyes shaking.

"What did you say?" you asked in a monotone.

"I said it's pathetic!" he yelled out.

Your hands stopped trembling immediately. You stood to your feet steadily, eyes shielded from his view as you wiped the remainder of your tears into your sleeves.

"Let's go again." you whispered to Ururu. 

"A-Are you sure?" 

You nodded, squaring your feet as you prepared for her attack. "I'm ready." you replied raising your head, (E/C) glinting with determination.

Kisuke smirked as Ururu charged again, this time you did a sidestep just barely avoiding the blow. "Her stance is pretty weak and her posture is terrible." Kisuke stared at the light that seem to glimmer in your eyes."I'll just have to see how this one plays out." he grinned to himself watching you actually fend off some attacks.


As the time dragged on you had been pummeled to the ground more times than you could count. You still hadn't manage to land even one punch on Ururu and it pissed you off. She had probably got in about a hundred hits already. "I need to at least get one." you glanced back at Kisuke from the corner of your eyes. "All of this would be for nothing..."  You tightened your fist as Ururu came at you. Kisuke studied your sudden change curiously.

"Is she going to try and retaliate?" Kisuke pondered. Tessai had made his way down to the grounds when he realized Kisuke had been missing. Ichigo, Orihime and Rukia had not been far behind. 

"Here you are, I've been calling you for ages stupid Hat'n'Clogs, what are you-" Ichigo's sentence halted when he spotted you. "(Y-Y/N).." his eyes widened when he say Ururu approaching her swiftly with raised fists. "Hey what the hell are you-" Rukia elbowed him harshly in the stomach causing him to hunch over in pain. "Why did you do that!" he growled angrily holding his now sore stomach.

"Be quiet and watch." She instructed as they turned back to the fight. When Ururu was a couple centimeters away you disappeared.

"She's gone!" Orihime said in awe.

Ururu faltered momentarily, before she caught herself skidding to a stop. Just as her body turned you reappeared, fist clenched tightly you gritted your teeth. Yelling out you punched her square in the face. Her body flew a great distance away crashing into one of the many boulders. The sound of rocks breaking was heard as dust gathered around the direction she had landed. You stood in your spot panting heavily as your body heaved.

"I-I did it.." You watched as the dust started to clear. Your pupils were large as you stared at the sight of Ururu. Her body was wedged between a huge piece of rock, the evidence of your attack showing in the back of her. The rock had a remarkable indent around her, you almost couldn't believe your eyes. She coughed lightly pulling her hands and legs free as she jumped down landing lightly on the ground. "S-Seriously! How is she still moving?!" you groaned trying to get your body to stay upright. Your legs felt like they were about to cave any second.

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