Chapter 15

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"I never really thought I had those abilities, until now I've always been just well...normal."

Toshiro looked at you as if trying to figure something out. 

"Are your parents like you are, can they see hollows."

Your eyes saddened at the mention. You couldn't even remember the last time they had asked how you were doing. "I-I honestly have no idea...we're not exactly close." you muttered gripping the sheets beneath you. Pitiful looks were exchanged between the present reapers as you redirected your gaze elsewhere. Ichigo didn't miss the sorrow in your eyes. His hand moved over lightly grasping your shaking hand. You looked over at him a little surprised. He just smiled down at you, clenching your hand tighter.

"Well then I guess we'll just monitor you for the time being." Toshiro said reading the mood as he stood to his feet.

Renji, Ikkaku and Rangiku followed his lead. "We'll be going if, you need anything just let us know." Renji called as they started filling out the door. Rangiku gave a small cheerful wave as she left. You stared at the door feeling slightly nervous that it was just you and Ichigo now.

"S-So where is your dad and sisters?" you inquired.

Ichigo's eyed you carefully. "They went out for the weekend, the old man kept nagging me but I told him I made plans." he replied boredly.

"O-Oh okay."

Not sure what to do you just looked down, your nerves slowly eating at you.

"W-What am I supposed to say!!" Ichigo couldn't see but you were panicking on the inside.

"Your parents-"

"They aren't that bad, they are just really busy that's all." you had interrupted him unconsciously. You kept your eyes down afraid of what he would say. You had both your parents still, truthfully you shouldn't be complaining. Ichigo had lost his mother right before his eyes when he was just a kid, you didn't have a right to complain about your family. Compared to him you had it good.

"You don't have to pretend it doesn't hurt (Y/N)." A pissed expression was now present on his face.  "They aren't supposed to be to busy for their only daughter damn it!" You gazed at him stunned. "I-It's not a big deal, I-I'm use to it." you defended. The statement seemed to tick him off more. "Your not supposed to be used to it!" His sharp tone made you flinch. He sighed. "It just pisses me off...parents are the ones that scold you when you make a mistake..or praise you when you do great." he chided softly.

You couldn't help the smile that made its way on your face.

"You're really cute when you're angry Ichigo." You giggled as a small red hue made its way on his face. "W-Whatever..." he muttered embarrassed.

"Ichigo..." you called softly. He looked over at you slowly. When your eyes met you leaned up slightly placing a soft kiss on his lips.Your hand reached up resting lightly on his cheek. When you pulled back Ichigo had a blissful look on his face. You just smiled cheekily.

"Adorable." you spoke laughing as his cheeks got redder. "Q-Quit teasing me!!" he bellowed still flushed. He pushed you down unto the bed towering over you. You gazed up at him in shock as he smirked at you smugly. "Who's laughing now." he challenged pinning both your arms above your head.

"A-Alright, y-you win I-Ichigo n-now let me up!" you stuttered out. He shook his head as he leaned down planting a firm kiss on your lips. Your eyes widened at the deep kiss. As time went by and the kiss got more intense. "Ichigo.." your eyes screwed shut as you responded shyly.

He moved back gazing down at your now breathless expression. His eyes were glazed and from the way he was looking at you, you were pretty sure yours were too.

He pressed a teasing kiss to your neck as you trembled lightly beneath him him at the warm sensation his lips left on your skin.

"Don't ever....look at anyone the way you look at me (Y/N)." A tingle erupted in your stomach at the low possessive tone he spoke in.

"I-I won't..." you replied breathlessly.

"I love you...(Y/N). No matter how much times he said it you always felt like you were floating.

"I-I love you too Ichigo." you smiled up at him brightly causing a grin to erupt on his face.

Even if your parents neglected you...having Ichigo by your side was more than enough for you.

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