Chapter 18

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You were trailing slowly on your way back home.

"What am I...supposed to say to them..?" What you had said to them was indeed harsh felt as though this had been building up for some time now. You had kept in so much that when it finally came out you exploded.

Your head lowered as you walked. "Maybe I should just camp out at Orihime's for while, I'm sure she wouldn't mind." You sighed, distraught on what to do.

Head still lowered you knocked into someone letting out a small grunt. "G-Gomenasai!" you apologized looking up.

"Oh! Sado-kun." you smiled watching the tall male. He nodded when he recognised you.

"I wasn't watching where I was going, it's my fault." he said in his usual tone. You shook your head. "I think we were both distracted." you laughed.

"S-So,  where are you headed?" you asked curiously. He pointed in a direction and you nodded in understanding. "I'm actually heading home to, maybe we should walk together."

He gave a curt nod and you smiling following his lead.

Your hands were behind your back as you sinked back into your own thoughts.

"Are you alright?" Sado's question caught you a little off guard. "Y-Yeah I'm fine what about you?"

He just gave another nod. For a while the walk was just quiet, you hoped he wouldn't ask how you were feeling again.

"Ichigo." Sado said suddenly making you look up. You were a bit confused, Ichigo was nowhere in sight. "You remind me of Ichigo, whenever he has a problem he plays it off so people won't get worried. He always helps with others problems but shoulders his pain by himself." You looked surprised at Sado. Had he really just seen through you like that.

He stopped walking,  turning to you. "You shouldn't shoulder your pain alone." he stated.

Your eyes threatened to water as you turned to Sado. "I had...a really bad argument with my parents.." you spilled. His eyes shined with understanding. He didn't speak a word, just pulled you into a hug, patting your head softly. You were a bit  startled by the action, but returned his hug.

"You're a lot like an older brother Sado-kun." you spoke laughing softly. You weren't sure if you were seeing things,  but you could have been positive that he had smiled for a brief second.

"Everything will work out (Y/N)-san." you had to admit, you felt a lot better.

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