Chapter 21

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Ichigo's house

When you had gotten there,  the place was awfully quiet. There was almost always something going on at the Kurosaki household. You knocked waiting for him to answer.

You were surprised when his father answered the door. "Ah (Y/N)-chan!" he called in a cheerful tone as he pulled you into a hug. You smiled. "Hi Mr. Kurosaki." you replied. He tsked pulling away. "You make me sound so old, just call me Isshin." he instructed.

"O-Ok Isshin-san." He smiled giving an approving nod.

"You're here for Ichigo right, he's in his room. He came home a bit moody so you should be careful." He warned playfully.

"I guess he didn't tell him what happened."

"I'll be fine." you assured as you saw him getting ready to leave.

"I need to get some things from the grocery. Karin and Yuzu will be home in few hours, you can stay for dinner if you like?" You nodded.

"Thank you Isshin-san I'd love to." He smiled waving as he left.

You wasted no time rushing to Ichigo's room with a grin. You pulled open the door excitedly barging in.

"Ichigo you won't believe-" you stopped short when you saw his sleeping form on the bed.

You were just gazing at him as he laid face up on the bed, chest falling and rising steadily. A soft smile made its way on your face as you moved closer.You sat at the edge of his bed enjoying the relaxed expression on his face. It was weird seeing him without that constant scowl. Your hands brushed some of his bangs out of his eyes, fingers grazing his forehead. You watched at his brows furrowed at the action.

"(Y/N)..." you blushed at the words that left his lips. He had been so worried about what happened earlier, he must have tired himself overthinking and just ended up falling asleep.

Your fingers trailed down lower as you traced the outline of his face. You stopped when they reached his lips. Your thumb touched his lower lip as you leaned forward.

Without a second thought you pressed a soft kiss on his awaiting lips, eyes closed. Your palmed held his cheek, caressing it lightly.

You smiled when you heard the sharp intake of his breath. You pulled away staring at his wide eyes.

"(Y-Y/N)!?!" he cried out in surprised.

"Hi Ichigo!" you chirped happily.

"H-How the hell did you get in and why are you assaulting me in my sleep!!" he demanded pointing an accusatory finger at you.

"Your father let me in, and you were sleeping so I thought I'd wake you up!" you were still beaming,  as if you did nothing wrong. He looked at you uneasily.

"Keh, and you guys call me a pervert."  Hichigo taunted. 

"Y-You really shouldn't do that (Y/N)..."

There was only so much torture he could take before he finally broke, you were really testing his self control.

" I-I'm sorry I didn't realize It was such a big problem.." you looked away feeling a bit disappointed. "I wouldn't have done it if I knew he'd react this way."

Ichigo groaned at the look you wore, he didn't want you to feel bad for doing it.

"Don't make that face I-I didn't hate it or anything I just.... When you do those kinds of things it's hard for me to hold back." he said under his breath. You blushed realizing what he meant.

"O-OH!" you just fidgeted looking down. It was nothing but an innocent kiss, you didn't think it would spur such a reaction from him.

"D-Damn it now I feel like a pervert!!" Hichigo snickered.

You watched as he seemed to be having an internal battle. Moving forward you took his hand gaining his attention. "I-If y-you w-want to t-touch me I-I don't mind.." you muttered completely embarrassed. You weren't even sure what came over you to utter such words. Ichigo looked at you in disbelief. His eyelids lowered when he took in your flustered state.

Pushing your body lightly, he pinned your body under his. You looked up wide eyed at the sudden action.

"Don't move."

You nodded hesitantly as his hands made their way under your shirt, raising the garment lightly so he could touch the skin underneath. Your eyes shut as you tried your best not to tremble at the feel of his cool fingers.

He hiked up the fabric straight up to your bust, lowering his lips. You flinched when his lips made contact with your stomach.

"I-Ichigo.." you said in a shaky tone. He smirked against you as moved up slowly, leaving kisses along his path. You were trembling terribly, trying your hardest to suppress any sound from escaping you.

He stopped when he reached your bust, raising to gauge your reaction. Your face was completely flushed, lips parted as you panted lightly, averting his gaze.

Ichigo grinned. "Next time you should be prepared before you attack me in my sleep." he said tauntingly. You puffed your cheeks out. "M-Meanie!!" you shouted sitting up as you pushed him into a lying position. Ichigo looked up at you startled as you grinned at him evilly.

"Lets see how you like it!" you pushed up his shirt exposing his perfectly sculpted abdomen.

"W-Wait d-dont!!"

You ignored his pleas as you leaned down placing a kiss just above the waistband of his jeans. A soft moan fell from his lips at the contact. You froze at the sound, looking back at him in wonder.

Ichigo's face turned as red as a strawberry, his own tactic had been used against him.

"Are you...sensitive down here Ichigo?" you questioned dragging your fingers against his stomach.

"S-STOP THAT!!" he yelled pushing your hands away. You continued to stare in a daze.

You'd never scene this side of Ichigo. Leaning up you locked lips with his, silencing his protests. Instinctively your hands had moved back under his shirt, enjoying the feel of his muscular body under your palm. He jolted at your sudden boldness, trying to keep his cool.

When you pulled back,  the both of you just stared at each other with hazy gazes.

"I'm glad I decided to come over.." you thought leaning back for another kiss.

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