Chapter 17

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Ichigo's pov

"Why didn't you give that old man a piece of your mind Ichigo." Hichigo spoke wickedly.

"If I fought back,  I would only make it worse for her." Ichigo thought clearly pissed. The entire situation made him incredibly angered. There was also there was something he couldn't shake.

"You're still thinking about it Ichigo."  Zangetsu questioned.

Ichigo nodded. "What the hell are you both going on about?" Hichigo asked boredly.

"The way (Y/N)'s mother looked at me. " Ichigo explained.

Hichigo chuckled. "So you wanna tackle her mother too huh? I don't blame you, I see where she got her looks from." Hichigo said suggestively.

Ichigo's cheeks burned red. "NO YOU PERVERT! JUST SHUT UP WILL YOU!!" The orange haired male had yelled out loud gaining some weird looks from passers by.

Ichigo sighed,  ignoring the stares as his face turned serious. "She looked scared, like she had seen a hollow or something." Ichigo muttered.

"Is it possible that she can-" Zangetsu's words were interrupted by a yell.

"ICHIGO!!!" a voice yelled startling the male out of his thoughts. Ichigo turned as you ran straight into him,  tackling him to the ground.


~Regular Pov~

You had finally spotted Ichigo, after about twenty minutes of running. You smiled,  as you yelled out for him. He looked like he had been in a daze when he was walking, cause when he turned in your direction, he looked surprise. You smiled gleefully tackling him to the ground.

"What the hell, you scared the crap outta me!" he yelled sitting up from his lying position.

"Sorry about that." you giggled softly still smiling at him.

"(Y/N)...your parents." he said solemnly. You shook your head.

"Don't worry about that Ichigo, I'm not going to split up with you because they said so." You looked off into the sky.

"I've always tried my best to do what they wanted, always did well in school and obeyed my teachers. I'm tired of aimlessly following other people's orders. I want to live for me now, I deserve that much at least." Ichigo felt guilty, he couldn't keep you from your family.

"You should go back." Ichigo said firmly as he stood.

"W-What?! B-But they don't want us..."

"Their your family (Y/N), you shouldn't turn your back on them. You'll regret it."

"Why is he saying these things..."

Eyes planted on the floor, you frowned. "Do you want to break up?" you asked not meeting his gaze. You should have known this was too good to be true. Every time you were close to happiness, it felt like something would happen to take it all away. Ichigo didn't reply.

You laughed bitterly. "I guess this is it." you stood, face still directed at the ground.

"Well then, I'll be go-" your eyes turned large when you felt a pressure against your lips. You struggled as Ichigo held you by the shoulders, kissing you deeply. "S-Stop I-Ichigo.." you called when you had separated for a second. His hand slipped in the back of your head as he pulled you back to his lips roughly. Your eyes watered as they slowly closed giving into the kiss. When you parted, a soft breath released from Ichigo as he placed his forehead against yours.

"LIke hell I'm gonna give up on you, we're gonna be together whether they like it or not." Ichigo said defiantly. You blushed at his words. "I made you a promise remember, I won't ever hurt you like don't push me away." Your eyes met his chocolate colored ones causing you to smile. "I-I don't know how we're going to change their minds Ichigo...."

You couldn't get the look your mother wore out of your head. Something about the way she looked at him was familiar.

"We'll figure it out, for now you should go and talk things over your old man." Ichigo instructed.

"I-I don't know if that's possible....I told them that I-I....I hated them." you forced out waiting for Ichigo's scolding voice. When you looked up Ichigo was smiling.

"Just apologize, no matter how bad it gets, they will be there for you."

"O-Okay." you replied. It would be a bit difficult to undo what you just said, but if Ichigo was right maybe they would forgive you. You gave Ichigo a hug, planting a kiss on his cheek as you ran off.

"Thank you!!!" you called in the distance.

"She is...a very cute human.." Zangetsu mumbled at Ichigo. Hichigo snickered.

"Don't go getting any ideas, she's mine." Ichigo warned. 

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