Chapter 65 (Final)

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"What's happening?" Orihime asks from her spot. You smile. You no longer feel the overpowering sense of Aizen's reiatsu. Tatsuki seems to pick up on it too.

"Hey! Where did the weird guy in the cloak go? He was just here. " Keigo says.

"I'm right here." Kisuke answers. You look over at his voice, walking with him is Ichigo. A grin breaks out on your face.

"Ichigo!!" Everyone screams in happiness. They all run over to him. Orihime is the first to hug him and you can't help the smile that's on your face at the heartwarming scene. Tatsuki punches him in the shoulder lightly and Keigo pulls him into a headlock. Mizuro stands at the side laughing. You move over slowly and Ichigo gives you a soft look, you return it.

"I knew you could do it."

"You really scared the crap out of us man!!" Keigo says. Isshin approaches and you are sure he's going to punch Ichigo but he places a hand on his hand, ruffling his hair lightly.

"I'm proud of you." He says genuinely. Ichigo smiles. "Thanks old man. "

You hear the presence of others. It's Tessai, along with your parents. They rush to your side, and guilt surges through your body. You swallow. 

Your mother and father crash into you, not even checking to see if you're injured. You grunt at the force, but welcome it. They are clutching on tight. "You are safe...t-thank goodness.." you mother sobs out. Tessai gives Urahara a salute.

"We left as soon as we couldn't sense Aizen. They kept insisting, so I had no choice but to follow." Tessai informs.

"It's fine, the threat is gone. You did a good job protecting them." Kisuke says gratefully. You finally pull away from them when you feel the familiar pull at your chest again. This time it's strong. You know you can't hold it off this time. You wince slightly, placing a hand to your chest. You vision blurs momentarily before you catch yourself. 

You take some steps back and all eyes land on you. Both your parents look confused. Ichigo steps forward when he sees the lost look in your eyes. 

"H-Hey, Aizen's gone you don't have to worry." You shake your head, fidgeting with your hands. 

"That's not it." you say evenly. 

You're not sure how to tell them. "I-I...I'm..." you gulp, tears rolling down your cheeks.

"Please forgive me Ichigo." you look up with tear filled eyes and that's when he knows something is really wrong. He runs towards you and the look in his eyes feels like a knife to your heart. You feel like it's being twisted harshly.  "What's wrong damn it tell me." he's frantic, and at this point worried looks are shared around everyone present. When your body starts to glow he's shocked.

"W-What's happening!?!!" he demands. He doesn't know how to help and your body trembles.

"She didn't have a choice, she wanted to protect everyone. " Kisuke says. Kai turns at the blond's words. Realization hit Kai like a ton of bricks. 

"Y-YOU KNEW!!! YOU KNEW USING THIS POWER WOULD KILL HER AND YOU STILL ENCOURAGE HER!!" Kai is blazing with anger and his reiatsu spikes. He rushes, grabbing Kisuke by the throat. "YOU SACRIFICED MY ONLY CHILD!!!" MY DAUGHTER!!" Kai raises his hand to punch Kisuke but your cry stops him.

Yuki fall to her knees at those words. "S-She's dying.." her hands moved to her lips as she cries. Her eyes are wide, and her body feels like it's gone numb.

"Don't dad!!" Kai's hands lower slowly and he looks back at you. Yuki is shaking as she watches your body become envelope in a light. He moves to your form in slow unsteady steps.

"W-Why...why didn't you tell me...w-we could have found another way.." Ichigo croaked.

"Y-You can't d-die I-I love you please..." He wept. 

He's begging. And you're in shambles. Orihime and the others stand at a distance. Orihime is looking with shaky hands. Chizuru, Keigo and Tatsuki huddle together. Understanding the severity of the situation.

"I knew as well, but at the point that I recognized it, there was nothing I could do." Unohana says regretfully.

"Her body it's reverting." Unohana informs. "To what, I have no idea."

You look at Ichigo with trembling lips. I knew, from the first time I talked to Shinji's blade. Sakanade told me I would revert back if I kept pushing. "

"R-Revert b-back to what?" Ichigo questions.

"To a zampaktou." Kisuke states. "She was born a human, now she will die as a weapon. "

"No! NO! YOU'RE NOT DYING!! You promised me (Y/N). You promised me you would come back to us!!" Kai said insistently. His eyes shoot open. "I-I can save you like I did last time when you fought with that girl. Y-You just need some of my reiatsu w-we can fix this we can-"

You take your father's hand in your own shaking your head. You're just barely holding on now.

"It's not going to work dad. It's too late. " your words echo in his head and his hands drop at his side.

Ichigo is wearing the same hopeless look. " was all for nothing. I fought and this is what I get in return." he laughs bitterly. "Don't say that Ichigo. Y-You didn't just fight for me, you did for everyone. You saved everyone. You save me." you smiled at him so brightly, a single tear ran down his cheek at your words.

"That first day we met, the first time you saved me from that hollow, the first time you kissed me, told me you loved me. That was when you truly saved me. I....I can't thank you enough for everything you did. I can't thank all of you. " your eyes scan everyone standing before you.

"Thank you for teaching me to be brave, for teaching me to fight, teaching me to love.." you whisper.

"Thank you..Ichigo." that broke him. He rushed forward to pull you into his arms, but it was already too late. The light sparked and Ichigo groaned, covering his eyes. He focused his gaze forward when the light faded and he heard the faint sound of metal hitting the ground. He looked down shakily, watching the sword that was now laying at his feet.

You were gone. This couldn't be real. 

"C...ome back..."

Kisuke looked down at his feet. Kai fell to his knees, looking at the ground with dead eyes.

"N...o....NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" Ichigo cry off pain echoed throughout the area where they stood, everyone was in tears. Some showing it, some not.

No one would forget what happened that day. 

No one would forget you. 

~The end~

Or is it? 

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