Chapter 71

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~Read this chapter at your own risk XD~

"Ichigo." your eyes opened slowly, looking to the side. You smiled when you saw his arms wrapped around your body. He had such a blissful look on his face. This was probably the first time in years he had a good night's sleep. You pulled him closer, pressing your face into his chest with a smile.

"I wish we could stay like this forever." you closed your eyes with a sigh. You were just enjoying the warmth of his skin when you felt a shift in the air. Your brows furrowed and you opened your eyes to find the problem. You were shocked to see you were no longer in the comfort of Ichigo's arms, but within his inner world. "W-What! Not again, I wasn't even trying this time." you whined.

"(Y/N)." your head turned. "T-Tensa!!" the dark haired male smiled at you. Before you could react he pulled you into his arms. You just stood there stunned, arms stiff.

"I've missed you." you blushed when he sniffed you. "You smell good." he commented. You jumped out of his arms waving your hand around crazily. "Y-Yeah! m-must be that new shampoo!" your face was getting redder by the second. Tensa just wore a smirk, moving in your direction. You tried to take a step back but a pair of arms wrapped around your torso from behind. "K-Kya!!" you turned, recognizing the pale skin immediately.

"It's been a while kitten~" you swallowed.

"H-Hichigo let me g-" he pressed his lips to you own. Your eyes flew open. You tried to pull back but his arms were firm. When his lips finally parted, you gasped when you felt another pair on your neck.

"T-Tensa!!" you squealed. He looked up. "I'm afraid I'll have to side with Hichigo under these circumstances. It's been way too long. You have no idea how lonely we've been. " your eyes trembled at the look in his eyes. "I told you the next time we met I'd eat you up. I'm going to make good on that promise." Hichigo whispered, nibbling on your ear. You cried out.

Tensa leaned forward this time, locking his lips with yours. You moaned, body trembling. Hichigo chuckled, hand travelling under your clothes, massaging your stomach. You skin felt like it was on fire. You expected something Like this from Hichigo, but not Tensa. You legs were shaking, knees threatening to buckle. Hichigo's strong hold on your body assured you that wouldn't happen. Tensa pulled back for a second, allowing you a chance to breath. 

"You taste even better.." he spoke softly. You weren't even struggling anymore. 

Hichigo was still littering kisses on you neck. You were pretty sure he was leaving marks. Tensa looked like he wanted to do something but he hesitated. Hichigo released a laugh. "No need to be shy, she's loving it. You can touch her." Tensa looked at you for consent. You gulped. You didn't say a word, but he could tell by the look in you eye that you wanted him to. Hichigo's hand was still under your shirt, and Tensa hand slipped into you pants. A breathy moan left your lips and Tensa leaned forward. "You like that.." you whimpered and he covered your mouth with his, fingers pleasuring you. "That's what I'm talking about!!" Hichigo encouraged. Your back arched, pressing more firmly into Hichigo. He growled, welcoming the contact. His hand moved to your hip, grinding into you. You moaned deep in you throat and Tensa swallowed every sound. His tongue was doing wicked things. 

"Oiiii!!! WHAT ARE DOING TO (Y/N)!!!" Hichigo growled. Tensa moved away and your hazed eyes caught sight of a very pissed off Ichigo. "Damn, that strawberry is always spoiling our fun. We'll continue this next time kitten~" he promised.

"Till next time."

Your eyes popped open with a start and you shot up. Ichigo was looking at you. "H-Hey are you okay?" he asked. You pressed a hand to your chest. Your heart was beating a mile a minute, cheeks completely flushed. You could still feel Hichigo's hands on your skin, Tensa's lips..

Ichigo grumbled. "Damn those bastards!" he frowned. You pressed your knees together to try and relieve some of the tension that gathered from there actions.

"Shit..that was so...exciting..." you felt a bit guilty. Even though you were resisting at the beginning you couldn't deny that you were clearly turned on. Ichigo noticed. Your eyes were staring at the ground, breath a bit staggered, face flushed. "You were enjoying yourself. " you looked up startled. And you were shocked to see Ichigo smirking. "N-No!" you denied. He laughed. "You're secretly into that kind of stuff aren't you. How naughty (Y/N)." you blushed turning your back to him.

You didn't want him to know he was right. Ichigo shifted closer, pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck.

"There's no need to feel guilty, they're a part of's understandable they would want to ravish you.." you shuddered at his low tone. "If you don't tell me what you want I can't please you (Y/N). Just tell me, I'm sure Hichigo and Tensa would happily agree to a little free time with you." he teased. Your hands fisted against your lap. Ichigo studied you, pulling you into his lap. You squeaked. "H-Hey! Let me up!" you demanded. He shook his head. "No can do. I have to punish you for not putting up a fight against them." you turned to yell at him but he silenced you with a kiss. Your hands gripped his shoulders as he deepened the kiss.

"Such a bad girl.." he muttered, pulling back. You had a needy look in your eyes and Ichigo pressed you to the futon below, slipping between your legs. "Y-You're lucky I'm tired." you said lamely. Ichigo just smiled, pressing kiss to your skin. Your eyes shut tight as he moved down your body. "Sure you are," he replied. You gulped. "D-Damn reapers..." you thought weakly. You just gave into his ministrations as Ichigo took you heaven. 

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