Chapter 28

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Hiyori smirked, watching your coughing figure on the ground. The sword was still impaled in your gut, blood flowing profusely. You tried to raised slightly, vision getting blurry. You stifled a cry of pain as your body fell back.

"Damn it....I can't move.."  Your eyes watched as Hiyori stood directly over you.

"Nothing but talk, all ya humans are the same. Pathetic." Hiyori taunted

Your eyes blazed at the last word she said. Eyes turned dark, you bit your bottom lip harshly drawing blood.

Your hands moved to the sword protruding out of your stomach. You gripped the handle pulling it slowly out of your stomach. Hiyori gave you an incredulous look as you raised.

Holding the blade in your right hand, you used the other to push yourself off the ground. Your eyes were still shielded as you held the sword.

"You can beat me me human..." you muttered. When you looked up Hiyori was startled.

"But don't you me pathetic." Your eyes were filled with fury as you looked up at her. Hiyori took a small step back at the aggression in your eyes. The air around your body was getting thick, Hiyori could feel the slow raise in reiatsu.

"What the hell...."

Blood was flowing from your wound, falling in a pool at your feet, but you ignored it. Both your hands were now clenching the sword. Dust rose around your body as it started to glimmer in a soft ruby color. Your lips pursed as you closed your eyes.

Shinji's eyes hardened at the sight. "She's releasing the same energy as Hiyori..."

"Say my name human....I'll lend you my strength...just this once.." You jolted when you heard the voice again.

"W-What! W-Who said that?!" your eyes scanned your surroundings until you looked down at the glowing blade in your hand. "Y-You're Hiyori's zampaktou aren't you?"

"Yes. However, I've only ever communicated with her. The fact that you can hear me proves you have some potential. I will lend you my power in this battle."

Your eyebrows scrunched up. "Aren't you Hiyori's, isn't it a bit of a betrayal to go against her?" The female voice chuckled. "I'm merely seeking some entertainment, I have no intention of harming her. Whether the attack is going to be successful or not is solely up to you."

You looked back at Hiyori's pissed expression.

"Get your filthy hands off my zampaktou!!" The blond called. You laughed a little. It was fun seeing her so annoyed.

"I guess I can't really refuse you then. Alright, please lend me your strength."

"Very well, say my name (Y/N)." you had to admit, you were a bit confused, you didn't remember telling her your name. "No time to worry about that now, let's go!!" You nodded in agreement.

Grounding your feet, you swiped the blade at your side. Hiyori use her hands to protect her from the force of wind that came in her direction. She gritted her teeth.

"BUTCHER HER KUBIKIRIOROCHI!!!" Your scream echoed in the battered warehouse, as the blade in your hands changed shape. You watched in awe as the thin blade expanded in size. It had grown almost as huge as Ichigo's. A number of jagged curves were fitted on the blade.

"T-That's impossible!!" Kensei voiced with wavering eyes. Everyone was now watching with complete attention, all at a loss for words, wondering the same thing.

"How was she able to release Hiyori's shikai mode..."

Hiyori's looked like she stopped breathing. You smiled widely charging at her with incredible speed. "SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!" you yelled out striking in her direction.

The blast that shot out from her blade striked her straight in the stomach. She coughed out a gasp pitching back into the wall behind. The attack had made her fly right through the wall of the warehouse. You stared at the gaping hole that her body created hearing a loud crash outside.

For a few moments everyone was dead silent. You watched as the blade reverted back to its original form. A confident smile was etched on your face. You legs tremble trying to keep your body upright, body swaying unsteadily.

"Thanks Kubi..." you muttered collapsing to the ground.

"(Y/N)!!" The last thing you saw was a spike of orange hair as brown eyes gazed at you panicked before everything went dark.

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