Chapter 56

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"Why did you falter." Shinji asked. You turned to him. "Ichigo is...he's not at the level to take on Aizen." Ichigo looked over at you. "What do you mean." you shook your head. "I can't explain it to you. That's something you have to figure out." you looked down at Zangetsu.

"Tensa? Are you alright?" you waited for a response. He still wasn't answering.

You look up a bit hopeless. And you breathing seems heavier than before. 

Shinji grits his teeth. "Despite her attitude she's exhausted, She's been bouncing from each of us since this started. Not to mention that boost earlier."

Everyone is just standing now, and Aizen takes the opportunity to further taunt. You know they wouldn't fall for the useless words he's spouting. Shinji advises them against it.

"Whether you approach or not, the result will be the same." For the first time you're hesitant because you're afraid he might be right. Everyone is exhausted.

"You already died, that night a hundred years ago. What is it that you're afraid of? " Hiyori's eyes fill with rage. And you raise your hand in a panic. She sprints forward and Shinji yells out for her in alarm.


Time slows down when you witness the attack. You had completely forgotten about Gin. His blade extends, slicing her body in half.

You all watch in disbelief.

Shinji screams out again, charging to grab her before she hits the floor and your eyes well up. He's yelling and she answers shakily with an apology. He's holding her upper half, the lower half somwhere behind him. 

"I'm sorry Shinji...I was impatient.." her voice is raspy. 

He cries for Hachi when he realizes. But the pink haired man is missing an arm and injured.

"Orihime.." He thinks. "We need Orihime!!" Orihime is nowhere in sight.

He watches as she loses consciousness and Shinji looks on the verge of tears. Hachi kneels at his side.

"I can try and stabilize her until Orihime gets here." Shinji is reluctant to leave, but now more than ever he wants to kill Aizen. "Take care of her." Shinji's face is bent as he rests her head down slowly. Hachi nods, releasing his kido. Shinji stands fully and when he looks up his eyes are dangerous.

"I'm going to kill you." Are the only words that leaves his mouth as he rejoins the fight. 

Things are becoming a little dicey, regardless, everyone is still fighting. Lisa, Love and Rose do a tag team. They manage to have him in a stand still. Komamura releases his bankai and you stare at the huge figure. 

"That should at least do something." You think hopeful. You're wrong. Aizen cuts through his zampaktou like it's nothing. Splitting the blade in half. Your fist clench and in a second, Komamura is taken down to. Your body tenses. They all start rushing in, and you can tell they're just moving on fear now. One by one they are all being defeated. Your shaking. There isn't much more you can do, you're at the edge of your reiatsu now. You and Ichigo watch helplessly.

Toshiro raises his blade. "Ichigo, we will all fight to protect you." Ichigo is stunned.

"That's insane!" Look at you guys."

Shinji stands upright with a frown.

"It's just a matter of perspective, besides, we'd be crazy to let you fight on your own." They take off after him again and you stay by Ichigo's side. You can't do much now but keep the barrier around your body so Aizen doesn't come in. When you look on you feel a bit hopeful. Aizen looks like he's putting in a little more effort. 

You grip your hand when they finally seem to have the upper hand. Soifon charges, and you're sure she has a shot,  but she doesn't and Aizen doesn't miss the chance to gloat. When Aizen makes a panicked look to the side you notice Shinji spinning his blade. Hitsugaya charges and you're shocked when the blade goes through. You can see the ice penetrating the other side when it went through and you almost can't believe it. 

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