Chapter 14

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You and Ichigo had been together for about two weeks now. Things couldn't have been better. You still had doubts, fearfully thinking that maybe he would get tired of you sooner or later. Rukia had spoken with you assuring that Ichigo wasn't that kind of person.

It was a weekend, and you were making your way over to Ichigo's house. He had asked you over so you guys could get a little school work done since he was always absent. The both of you would get together often to help each other whenever you were free.

"I hope he likes the cookies I made. "

You thought clenching your bag a little tighter. You weren't a master chef but you could bake simple stuff. You decided you'd make Ichigo a little snack, just to surprise him a little. You only hope it would taste good enough for him.

You stopped when you reached at his house, gazing at the door.

"I forgot he said his dad owns a clinic, maybe that's why he has such a hero complex. "

You giggled to yourself walking over as you knocked on the door.

Waiting patiently you heard a yell at the other side.

"Aww, quit being such a prude Ichigo! " A female voice whined. Your eyes widened. 

Was he with someone?

"S-Shut up and get out my house already!" he yelled back clearly pissed. You chuckled to yourself as you imagined the usual scowl that was probably plastered on his face right now.

You heard a low growl as someone pulled open the door harshly.

You smiled when you saw Ichigo's grumpy expression. He looked surprised.

"(Y-Y/N)." he mumbled slightly flushed. You grinned with a little wave. " Ohaiyo Ichigo! " you chirped happily. He released a sigh.

"I was hoping we could do work today, but something came up. " He said softly.

"O-Oh alright, I-I understand. " you looked off to the side hoping he wouldn't see your dejected expression.

"Ichigo you idiot, why are you sending her away! " you jumped at the sight of an orange haired female that appeared from behind the door suddenly.

You shuffled back nervously when she approached you, pulling you towards her huge chest. Ichigo grabbed you out of her grasp before she could stifle you with her unnaturally large bust.

You gave Ichigo a grateful smile as he pulled you into his side.

"Stop trying to kill my girlfriend Rangiku. " he warned.

You blushed.

Rangiku as you now knew, pouted as you all started walking inside.

"I just wanted to hug her." Rangiku whined childishly. It took her a while to actually process what Ichigo said. Her face lit up almost immediately.

"How did Ichigo manage to get such an adorable girlfriend." she teased. You just smiled as Ichigo led you inside closing the door.

"Some of the captains are here, I'm not to sure how long they'll be. They never announce when their about to drop by. " he grumbled annoyed. You nodded in understanding.

"It's alright, I don't mind waiting. "

You shuffled into your shoulder bag, pulling out a small clear packet that had a couple chocolate cookies in it.

A pretty little blue ribbon was tied at the top.

"T-These are for you, I hope you like them. " you mumbled nervously.

Ichigo looked a little stunned as he took the small treats.

"T-Thanks." he replied blushing lightly. You nodded with a blush of your own.

Both you and Ichigo stood just blushing for a while until you heard a squeal.

"You guys are so adorable!! "

A tick mark appeared on Ichigo's head as he started yelling at her again. You just laughed following them up the stairs to his room.

When they had made it to his room, you were a bit startled when he opened the door and a number of people were sitting on his bed. Their eyes turned to you making you slightly nervous.

"Who is this Ichigo? I'm sure you understand the seriousness of this matter. " The short male said. You couldn't help but marvel at his white hair and teal colored eyes.

He looked so young.

"Captain Histugaya, it's doubtful she can even see us. "

Another commented. The first thing that struck you about him was his bald head. He also had what looked like red paint at the sides of his eyes. He turned his head in your direction as if to prove his point. You just looked at him curiously with a small smile.

He blinked in shock.

"She can see us! " Rangiku gleamed as she moved over to take a seat at the empty bed.

"You guys quit talking like she isn't standing right here. " Ichigo growled as he stood beside you.

You gave a small giggle as you moved forward bowing respectfully as you spoke.

"It's a pleasure to meet you all, I'm (F/N), (L/N)."

The room turned silent for a second. For a while you thought you had said something wrong.

"Isn't she just adorable!! You flushed as Rangiku continued to gush as you played with your fingers nervously.

"Keh, Ichigo could learn a thing or two about manners from you."

You stared at the red haired male in awe of the tattoos that littered his body.

"Wow.... " you mumbled unconsciously. Renji looked at you with a smirk.

"You have really cool tattoos. " you commented wistfully.

Ichigo frowned. He couldn't help but feel annoyed at the way you were staring at Renji.

"Be quiet, you guys are freeloading in my house!" he barked aggressively.

After Ichigo had calmed down Captain Hitsugaya had insisted that they stared discussing the reason they were here.

"I'm sure you have been notified of the irregular bouts of reiatsu releasing around town. " Hitsugaya said looking up at Ichigo.

Ichigo shuffled from the spot on his bed, eyes turning serious.

"I thought Kisuke already told you guys, I guess he was just messing around again. " Your ears perked up.

"(Y/N) is the one who's been releasing it. Her body was unstable before so she's been training with Kisuke to get it under control. " You looked up giving an apologetic smile.

"I-I had no idea it was causing such an issue, I can't really control it. " you relayed regretfully. 

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