Chapter 25

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You could feel a soft breeze blowing against your (H/C) tresses. You opened your eyes slowly.  

Bolting to your feet you realized you were no longer in Kisuke's shop.

"W-where the hell am I?!" The place looked completely jacked up. There were a number of buildings but the were in a lot of different angles and directions, dark blue in color. The one you stood on now was slanted almost in a lying position. You looked up at the sky. It looked blue, filtered with clouds passing by.

"(Y/N)!" Ichigo's voice made you jump. You turned to him feeling relieved you weren't in this messed up place alone.

You ran towards him diving into his chest. "I'm glad you're here. Where are we?" you said as you looked around.

"Seems the little kitten was telling the truth." 

A distorted voice purred out. You were startled by the sight before you. Two figures stood before you. One looked like an older man. His hair was dark and long. His legs weren't even touching the ground. He was just kind of hovering, robes flowing with the wind. The other looked just like Ichigo, only he was completely white in comparison.

Ichigo held your hand as he walked towards the two strangers. You were clenching his hand tightly. At heart you were still pretty shy.

Ichigo stopped when you were in front the two of them. "I'm not to sure what happened but she's actually here." Ichigo said with a nervous laugh. He looked over at you.

"This is Hichigo and Zangetsu. It may seem a bit crazy but you're in my inner world." he explained.

You were speechless. "Y-Your inner world? Like your mind!!" I-Is that safe, w-what if something happens because I'm not supposed to be here! What if-" He flicked you on the forehead.

"Quit panicking, I'm fine." he assured with a grin. You rubbed your forehead with a childish pout.

"I know it must be quite a shock being here. I'm Zangetsu." The dark haired man said holding out his hand.

You smiled at the gesture moving to shake his hand. You shook it flashing him a smile. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you Zangetsu-san." you chirped. Zangetsu was taken by the warm aura that radiated off you. He blushed lightly turning away.

"You as well (Y/N)-san." he replied bashfully.

"He's blushing!!" Ichigo and Hichigo thought simultaneously.

"What's your name?" you questioned turning to the other version of Ichigo

Hichigo grinned appearing behind you suddenly. You gasped in alarm when his hands reached under your arms groping your breasts. "Just call me Shiro little kitten~" he whispered sultrily in your ear. Ichigo's face exploded in red as multiple irk marks littered his face.

"K-KYAH!!" you screamed out turning to fire a kick in his direction.

"W-WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY GIRLFRIEND YOU PERV!!!!" Ichigo yelled at his counterpart, chasing him with his sword as Hichigo cackled.

You sank to your knees covering your chest with your hands, cheeks red.

"I-I apologize for his behavior." Zangetsu said holding his hand out for you to take. He pulled you to your feet relaying a comforting smile.

"T-Thank you Zangetsu-san."

"It's not a problem." He pressed a soft kiss to your knuckles making you blush.

"H-He's just like a prince.."  You thought placing both hands to your cheeks flustered.

Ichigo held Hichigo in a choke hold watching the scene. His eyebrows twitched in annoyance at the sparkling aura that surrounded you and Zangetsu.

"Why does it feel like the both of you are sexually harassing (Y/N)." Hichigo grinned flash stepping out of Ichigo's hands.

"C-Come back here you bastard!!" Ichigo yelled furiously. Ichigo reacted quickly appearing by your side as he took your hand.

"We should leave before you get assaulted again." Ichigo grumbled under his breath. You couldn't help but smile. Both Zangetsu and Hichigo were a part of him, it was a bit funny watching him get mad at himself.

You were glad they actually liked you a little. Well Hichigo liked groping you apparently.

"Do you really have to leave so soon?" Zangetsu muttered. You nodded with an small smile. 

"My parents are probably wondering where I am. I need to get home. " Zangetsu nodded in understanding.

"Well I hope we meet again soon (Y/N)-san. "

"Mhmmm, same. " you took a step forward lifting to your toes placing a small kiss on his cheek.

"Till next time!" you said cheerfully. Ichigo fumed. 


"Stop overreacting." you retorted brushing off his accusation. Zangetsu had a dust of pink on his cheeks as he floated away happily.

You turned back to try and calm your grouchy boyfriend. In an instant Hichigo was directly in front of you. He pulled you by the arm smashing his lips against yours. 

Ichigo paled, body going rigid.

Hichigo's hand reached around resting on your butt squeezing it appreciatively. Your entire body turned red as he pulled away licking his lips seductively. 

"Thanks for the snack kitten."

Hichigo jumped a good distance away satisfied with himself. "Come by anytime." He laughed.

"I'm gonna kill you..." Ichigo said darkly pulling on his mask without a second thought. You watched as he whizzed pass you chasing Hichigo who let out an excited yell.

You stood stunned, fingers brushing your lips. 

"H-He kissed me..." 

The sound of explosions going off were heard as Ichigo threw numerous attacks at Hichigo who dodged them with ease.

You had a feeling this was going to be a normal occurrence in your life. You couldn't stop the soft giggle from spilling from your lips as you sat down watching the two males battle it out.

"Ichigo sure is cute when he's angry~" 

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