Chapter 66

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~Years Later~

"How have you been Ichigo." Rukia asks. It's been so long. Ichigo and Rukia have finally been reunited, both standing at the gates of the Soul Society.

After your death everything changed. Ichigo lost his abilities, the fullbrings tried to take over, but the Soul Society was there to help. It was the least they could do. Rukia had said. After everything Ichigo did, you did. Ichigo looks down at Rukia. "I'm fine." She knows better. Right after you died, he'd lost his soul reaper powers, then he basically lost Rukia too. All of that happened there was no way Ichigo was just 'fine'.

"I'm not stupid Ichigo." Rukia stated flatly. "You can't bottle it up. You have to talk about (Y/N), it's the only way." Ichigo turned with his back facing her. "I'm good. I'm a reaper again and everyone I care about is safe. I'll get by. " Rukia sighed.

"How are her parents?" Ichigo looked to the side. "They are doing okay too. I stop by when I can." Ichigo hesitates for a second. "Has there...been any change?" Rukia knows what he's talking about.

"The blade was given to Kurosutchi and his squad. They're doing all they can. If anything changes you'll be the first to know. " Ichigo nods. "Thanks Rukia. Well, Jushiro said I could stay with him for a while. I want to chill for a while and then I guess I can head back. It's been so long. Hey, maybe I'll even run into Kenpachi. " he laughs at the thought, walking off waving his arm.

"I'll see you around Rukia." he calls. Rukia looks at his retreating form. "He's not very good at hiding anything. " She thinks. No sense in pushing him.

"He'll come around. "


~Division 12 Squad Barracks~

"Any readings on the charts?" Akon stares at the blade floating in the tubes attached to the wall.

"Nothing different taicho, same as always." Kurotsuchi clicks his tongue. "How boring. I heard a whole lot about this girl and I can't even get a test on her. What a waste of material." Akon sweat drops. "We're supposed to help her, not mess her up more taicho. "

Mayuri looks at the blade in interest. "What is it like there, I must give it to Aizen. He made a human zampaktou." Akon nods.

"It is remarkable. Her genes are nothing like I've seen. From the first charts we got there were hints of some many different spiritual patterns. It's no wonder her body gave out. Tapping into so much energy was bound to break her body down. "

"Yet she's still alive." Akon tilted his head. "How are you sure, isn't that just a blade now. I can't even get one pattern from her anymore. It's been fading since she got here. Right now she's no different than a regular human blade."

"Whatever she is, I want to keep an eye on her. I feel like-"Mayuri looked up when he saw the blade start to sway in the water slowly. He squinted. "Did you see that?" Akon looked over.

"See wha-" the glass made a weird sound, a single crack appeared and Mayuri's eyes widened when it started to expand.

"T-Taicho!" Akon called. The lights on the machine monitoring the blade started to blink wildly.

"It's going to blow!" Akon warned. The glass finally shattered, an explosion going off in the room. Both reapers jumped back, watching the water that rushed out of the tubes. Sparks of electricity shone in the area, smoke blocking their view.

It took awhile for the air to clear, when it did, both men looked at the naked female standing before them.

"I-It's not possible!?"


"I'm glad you're staying for a while." Jushiro gave Ichigo a smile as he handed him a cup of tea. Ichigo took it gratefully. "Yeah, I'm glad to honestly. I needed the break." Ichigo closed his eyes while sipping the tea. Jushiro studied the male. "I know you maybe prefer to avoid the subject, but we've never forgotten what she gave to save all of us.

Ichigo swallowed, placing the cup in his hands down. He clenched both hands to his lap.

"That's what everyone keeps saying, they'll never forget her. She gave a big sacrifice, They're forever thankful. I'm sick of hearing it." His body trembled and Jushiro felt guilty.

"I'm sorry, I guess I was being insensitive about the whole thing. " Ichigo shook his head.

"It's fine. " Ichigo stood. "I'm going for a walk." Jushiro didn't stop him. He watched as the orange haired teen slid the door open stepping out. Jushiro sighed heavily.

Ichigo walked aimlessly through the barracks.

"I thought when I got back my powers things would get easier, but they didn't."


"Kai-san, I understand if you're upset about-" Kai looked over at Kisuke with hatred. He picked up the blade, his daughter turning to the blond. Yoruichi stepped forward blocking Kisuke protectively. "She knew what was going to happen! There's no use fighting over what has already happened." Kai's hands were shaking, when they finally stopped, he lowered his head.

"If you ever show your face before me again, I will kill you Kisuke Urahara. You're a murderer." Kai said. Kisuke didn't say a word he watched as Kai moved over to his wife, lifting her broken form into his arms. He moved to leave but Unohana stopped him.

"We could help her at the Soul Society." Kai looked at her. "We have resources. Nothing is guaranteed, but maybe some of our scientists could turn her back." He looked down at his wife for approval. Yuki didn't say a word, her eyes were blank of any emotion. He sighed.

"Very well, please, take care of her." Unohana nodded, taking the blade from his hand.

"We will." Kai turned back, watching Ichigo. The orange haired boy looked at him in regret.

"I shouldn't have brought her back, this is my fault." Ichigo whimpered. Kai shook his head.

"You loved her with all your being. Ichigo Kurosaki, thank you for everything." Ichigo looked speechless. With that, Kai was gone in a blink.

Yoruichi turned to Kisuke. "You okay?" He smiled, but she could tell it was fake. "I'm fine, he's right for being angry. "

"We'll do our best." Unohana said, trying to ease the sad looks. Unfortunately her words weren't enough.


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