Chapter 53

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"That's the human. ." Jushiro asked. Shunsui nodded. His eyes watched you closely.

"She feels just like.."

"The head captain." Jushiro finished. "Rukia explained to me the extent of her abilities, yet I have to say it's far different actually seeing it. " They watched as you were fighting briskly, bodies still flaming brightly. Lilynette was fuming as both males continued to ignore her.

"You bastards stop looking down at me!!" Jushiro sighed.

"We should focus." They turned back to the task at hand.


"That's the last of them." you were a bit relieved when you had taken care of the last set of menos grandes. Your head turned when you heard the rukus going on with Hiyori and Toshiro

"Baldy Baldy, Baldy,Baldy Baldy, Baldy,Baldy Baldy, Baldy,Baldy Baldy, Baldy!" you sighed deeply.

"Now isn't the time. " you jumped over to get them to stop when Lisa intervened.

"It's okay to be interested in a girl's body. I understand." You face palmed as she took off after The yellow haired espada.

"Focus!" you barked. Hiyori and Toshiro turned to you. Hiyori frowned. "What the hell!! Who are you barking orders at!"

"You really want to fight me again Hiyori." you challenged, she smirked. "This time I'll be ready." you grinned. "After this is over we'll have a rematch."

"You got it." she smiled cockily. You both placed your focus back at the enemy. Toshiro was probably tired from taking her on already. You touched his shoulder, closing your eyes.

"I still have some fight in me, don't worry." You gave him a once over, eyes drifting to Hyourinmaru.

"Are you alright?"

The blade pulsed and Toshiro looked down in interest. You weren't speaking, eyes just focused on his weapon.

"I'm fine. Our only goal is to cut down Aizen." Hyourinamru replied. "What about you human. How long are you planning to go for. You've been moving through all of us. The strain of that will start to show very soon." you clenched your teeth.

"I'm aware. Let's just keep our heads up for now. " Ice wrapped around both your wrists and you smiled. "I'll help you in any way I can. Toshiro is stronger than he realizes. " The said white haired captain watched your wrists in awe. "Fascinating." he voiced. You grinned, moving to help someone else

."I'll leave her to you guys!!" you yelled.


The battle was still raging on, but things were getting bad. You could see the diminishing abilities on everyone's side. You could feel how much the battle was taking out of all the participants. Even with Hiyori, Toshiro and Lisa, they were still somewhat struggling with the female espada. They were all firing attacks, but she was still an even match. 

"I need to help. " You pushed forward to intervene. But you were shocked when Aizen appeared out of nowhere. He drew his sword. Slicing her vertically across the stomach. You froze, along with everyone else.

"Help us." you flinched at the voice.

Your eyes wavered as you felt the fear that was resonating from her blade. She didn't stand down. Harribel fought back, but it was futile. He used his shikai, obstructing her perception as his blade pierced her shoulder. She stared in shock and he struck again from behind, cutting her down. You watch stunned as she plummeted to the ground. You dive down with gritted teeth. 

 At the last second, you grab her before she hits the ground harshly. You lower her to the ground slowly and she looks up, clearly weak. Your hands cushion her head to place her softly on the rubble. Her breathing is staggering, and you can see the blood pooling around her body.

"Why are you helping me?" her question is whispered out. " It's probably a real struggle for her to talk right now. You just give a small smile. "You're just another soul that has been used by Aizen. You don't deserve to die for being loyal." Your answer relatively shocks her. Your hand touches her blade and you close your eyes. She looks on in astonishment when her blade retracts to its original form. "H-How did you.." you shake your head, taking the sword from her grip and placing it at her side. 

"Rest, you're tired, so is Tiburón. She'll be fine, and so will you." you assure. Her eyes are lowering, before she fully passes out you feel the presence of her zampaktou, along with some grateful words. "Thank you for helping my master. " you smile. "You're welcome." When she's fully unconscious, you direct your eyes back to Aizen.

"She was no longer useful to me." he states calmly.

Everyone is now circled around. Most of the Espada have been defeated, Stark taken down not too long ago by Jushiro and Shunsei. Everyone seems equally guarded and speechless. Shinji tsked. "Expect no less from scum like him. " he seethes. Aizen doesn't look the least bit affected. He's dripping confidence and it makes you weary. He's certain he will win this fight.

"It's time. " you voice to all the blades in your area.

You raise your eyes to the sky. 

"Ichigo please hurry. " The battle is coming to an end, you can feel it. It's now or never.

"13 Court Guard Squad and failed mock Arrancars." All eyes are sharp, strictly on him.

To be continued!

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