Chapter 72

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"All your vitals seem stable (Y/N)." you looked over at Unohana with a smile. "Does that mean that..I'm okay?" she nodded. "I've compared my notes with Mayuri-san. You've recovered fully. I'm not sure how but you have. " You bowed. "Thank you so much!" when you stood she gave you a worried look. "What's wrong?" you asked concerned. "Although that is the case, I advise that you avoid using that technique again for a while. We have no idea what it can do." you waved your hand. "It's fine." you assured. She looked at you skeptically. "What do you mean. Your power is what put you in that situation. " you shook your head. "I have it under control now. The reason I reverted to a zanpakuto is because that's the way I was supposed to be born. If I had died a natural death, the results would have been the same."

"How do you know? " you looked down. "What I did, tapping into so much energy all at once, that just sped up my death. Because I've been reborn as a zampaktou, I'm more balanced. I can harness the power more easily, efficiently. And this time they won't affect me. " She looked impressed. "Well, still be careful. I don't think Kurosaki-san can withstand another disappearance. " you nodded. "I know, I'll be smart." you waved at her as you exited her squad. "Thanks again!" you called. You slid the door closed, walking out. Ichigo was right on the other side, back leaned against the wall as he stared at the ground. His eyes lifted when you walked out. You smiled. "No need to look so worried, I'm fine." he let out a breath hugging you.

"Ichigo." you called he pulled back. "Yeah."

"I want to see my parents. " he could tell from the look in your eyes. You needed him there with you. "I'll be there. Let's tell the Head Captain. " you nod, following him out with joined hands. The both of you walked in a comfortable silence. "Has anything really changed with them?" Ichigo gave a thoughtful, then his eyes widened. "W-What!!" you asked worried. He just wore a broad smile. "You'll see when you get there. " you were confused. "Can't you just tell me." you whined. He was smiling, so it couldn't have been bad but now it was eating at you. "I can't say, you'll just have to wait until we get there." you pouted. A sly grin stretched on your lips. "Are you sure there isn't anything I can do to change your mind~" you whispered seductively. Ichigo swallowed, cheeks burning red.



"I wish you luck (L/N)-san." you bowed at the Head Captain. "Thank you sir." Rukia and Renji were the ones escorting you and Ichigo out. They lead you to the entrance, opening a door for you to pass over. You turned to Rukia with a smile. "Thank you for helping Ichigo get his powers back. He probably doesn't know it but you were probably looking over him all this time weren't you." her eyes widened, cheeks flushing. You smiled. "I knew it. You're a really good friend Rukia." her eyes softened. "Thank you for all you've done as well. I'm happy that you're back. Now there is someone else to keep that strawberry in line." Ichigo scowled. "I'm right here."

You grinned. "We know." You turned your back, moving to the light. "Don't be afraid to smack him around (Y/n)!" you chuckled at Renji's suggestion. "I won't!" Ichigo followed, giving the reapers behind him a wave. "See you guys later." he said, stepping in with you. He held your hand as you passed through the gate.


You and Ichigo came out on the other side. You walked through as the door that opened behind you slid shut and disappeared almost as quickly as they had appeared. Your eyes looked up at the blue sky. You inhaled deeply, letting out a breath. Ichigo's hands were still linked with your own. He squeezed it comfortingly. "Let's go." he said and you smiled, following him. You gripped his hand before he could begin walking. He looked back at you in question. "I..I need to see someone first." you mumbled. He didn't question you, just followed as you turned in the opposite direction. You walked with Ichigo in step. Your eyes scanned all the surroundings. Recognizing a few buildings and noticing a few new ones. "Everything is so different." you spoke. Ichigo eyes drifted. "I guess so." A few minutes of walking and Ichigo knew where you were headed.

The shop came into your view and you smiled. "This still looks the same." Ichigo laughed.

"Did you expect it to change." you giggled. "Yeah a little. " You walked over, kicking your shoes off at the door. You slid the door open, stepping in, Ichigo right behind you.

Someone came running around the corner. "Kurosaki-kun, you're back how was I.." You recognized the voice. The busty female steps falter when she catches sight of you. Her entire body froze and you gave a weak smile. "Hey." you said lamely. She just stood there for a few seconds, eyes shaking. "It's..not possible.." you looked down in guilt. On cue someone else walked out. "Hey what's going on you got quiet all of a sudden." The man you came to see walked out. Fan in hand, still strutting those terribly clashing stripes of green. "(Y/N).." he mumbled. For the first time he looked unsure of what to say. He tipped his hat looking down.

"My eyes must be playing tricks on me. Am I really getting that old." he gave a dry laugh and you stepped forward, taking his hand. "It really is me Kisuke-san." you spoke softly. "'I'm ba-" you weren't given a chance to finish. He rushed forward pulling you into his arms. The action made his hat fall off. He held you tightly, burying his face into your shoulder. "I'm so sorry.." He mumbled into your skin. Your eyes watered. "Y-You don't have anything to apologize for.." you said. Your words made his hand tightened and you returned it, hands fisting into his green cloak.

Ichigo moved forward placing a comforting hand on Orihime's shoulder. Tears were running down her cheeks but she was smiling.

"Welcome back." Kisuke whispered. 

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