Chapter 22

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After you and Ichigo finished playing doctor *wink wink* the both of you had left to go to Kisuke's. Isshin was a bit sad that you weren't staying for dinner, but you promised to come by another time.

When you guys were walking over there,  Ichigo was strangely quiet. His eyes were trained ahead and he seemed to be deep in thought. You reached out, holding unto his hand as you interlock your fingers.

"Is something wrong?" you questioned quietly. Ichigo looked down at you, shaking his head as he smiled. He squeezed your hand softly as you both continued on your way.

You dropped it, but you knew something was wrong.

"He'll tell me when he's ready." you concluded just enjoying his company for the time being.

~At Kisuke's~

Your training was going pretty well, Kisuke had you battling different people occasionally. It made sense, the enemy wasn't going to use just one fighting style. You needed to get use to adapting to any situation.

So far you had taken on Ururu, Sado, Jinta, Rukia and even Orihime. Most of the battles resulted in you get pummeled, but you didn't care. They hadn't caught on but you were studying how they fought, where and when they targeted. You needed to get a gist of how they moved, so you could properly analyze how to efficiently take them down.

Today you were fighting Ichigo. You grinned, finally getting the opportunity to go up against him. Chad, Orihime, Rukia and Uryuu were all watching the scene that was about to play out.

"Alright you two love birds, no going easy~" You laughed lightly at Kisuke's words. He gave a nod, pulling out his fan as he stood with the rest of them at the side.

You cracked your knuckles, taking a stance preparing yourself. "No holding back." you said with a grin. You expected Ichigo to be just as playful but he looked a bit worried.

"Why is he..."

You jolted when Kisuke yelled for you begin. Clenching your fists you charged at him firing a punch in his direction. He blocked with his sword watching as you jumped back.

Holding his blade at his side he looked at you closely waiting for your next move. You scanned your surroundings closely before looking back at him. You were greatly disadvantaged. Ichigo had a sword and the experience to back it up, you needed to be smart.

"If I can separate him from his sword, I'll have a better chance."

You smirked as an idea sprung to mind.

Without a second thought you charged back at him. Throwing punches and kicks relentlessly you watched as he blocked every one of them. You grinned a little when you relized he was actually using effort to keep your blows from touching him.

Pulling back your leg you were about to aim another lash at his body. He gritted his teeth bringing his sword back on the defensive. You chuckled, instead of hitting his body, you kicked the handle on his sword as hard as you could. He grunted at the force that connected with his hands, as.  the blade flew up into the sky. Using his body as a lift, you bounced off his shoulder pitching into the air. Ichigo and the others stared in awe as you hovered midair grabbing Ichigo's zampaktou.

"(Y/N)-chan is amazing!" Orihime voiced. Uryuu and Sado nodded in agreement.

. "She's improved greatly." Rukia added.

You gripped the blade in your hands,  landing softly back on the ground.

"Hah! Take that." you said playfully,  holding the large sword. You looked at it in wonder for a second.

"I thought it would be a lot heavier."

Holding out the sword, you mimicked the stance Ichigo always did when he was about to use his Bankai.

"Getsuga Tenshou!!" you yelled playfully. Ichigo stared at you with a smile of his own.

You were grinning childishly, until you felt a jolt of electricity in your palm. You released a short yelp looking down at the blade.

"That'll teach you woman." Your eyes widened at the distorted voice that echoed in your head. You dropped the sword startled.

Ichigo rushed over to you worriedly. "Hey, you alright?" You were still a bit dazed but you nodded as Ichigo leaned down to pick up his weapon.

"I could have sworn I heard a...." you shook your head at the thought. Rukia had pretty much explained everything about zampaktou's that she knew. It wasn't possible that you heard his sword, only the wielders could hear the voices of their zampaktou spirits.

"Let's go again." you said trying to clear your scattered thoughts.

"It was probably all in my head." Ichigo looked a bit hesitant but he still nodded. "Okay. I'll have to warn you, I won't be holding back this time. "

"Great!!" with that you charged back at him, completely prepared for what he was about to dish out. 

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