Chapter 20

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Author's note: I might be giving the parents names later in the chapters, solely cause it would be easier to identify them. Hope you're all enjoying the story so far. ^^

Story start!!

It seemed like life as going a lot smoother than you anticipated. You were finally a family again.

There was still something your father had wanted to discuss with you, and you had a sneaky feeling it was about Ichigo.

You sat on the couch in your living room as your mother sat next to you with a worried look. You gave her a reassuring smile as your father stepped forward, eyes trained on you.

"(Y/N), I'm more than happy that we worked out our problems but we still need to talk about that reaper, not just that but also your abilities."

You sucked in a breath nodding. "What do you wanna know?" He pulled a chair out in front of you as he took a seat crossing his legs. "How far along has your reiatsu developed?" That was a hard one. All you really knew was what Kisuke had kept telling you.

"I-I'm not sure exactly but I can sense different types of reiatsu around me, also apparently my body can go for over seventy hours of exertion without tiring now. W-When I started training I could only do about thirty." you explained. Your father looked thoughtful.

 "You've been training, why?"

You looked down, hoping he wouldn't ask that particular question. "I was a hollow." you whispered softly. Your father's eyes widened as he stood. "W-What!! " your mother said grabbing your hands.

You shook your head to ease their histeria. "It's fine! Ichigo was actually the one who saved me.." you mumbled with a loving smile as you looked down at your fingers.

"At the beginning he was showing me how to fight and be more outgoing, he helped me to be more open with people. If it wasn't for him I'd probably still be scared of everything." you said with a soft chuckle.

A knowing smiled stretched on your mother's face as she hugged you close. "You love him don't you~" she teased with a wink. She released a happy smile as she continued to gush. "It reminds me of the first time your father and I met. Kai was such a softy, he always tried to hide it though." she commented as your father's face turned red. "B-Be quiet Izumi!"

You stammered trying to cover your now burning cheeks. "He seems like a delinquent to me, especially with that hair color." your father criticized. You laughed inwardly.

"That's actually his natural hair color." you informed. Your father was still actively glaring at the wall at the mere thought of Ichigo.

"I really like him and he feels the same way about me...s-so please, d-don't make us separate." you pleaded giving your father puppy dogs eyes.

"Please papa." you continued. He swallowed turning his head from your adorable expression. Your mother laughed when he sighed caving to your stare.

"F-Fine but I'll be keeping a close eye on the both of you."

"Hai!!" you agreed with a wide grin.

You were so elated, unable to contain your excitement you had ran over to Ichigo's to give him the good news. It was mostly thanks to him. If he didn't convince you to go and talk things over you would probably still be at odds with your parents. Your eyes lit up as you moved faster to his house.

 Both parents watched with uncertain gazes. "I'm afraid of what will happen to her Kai, we won't be able to protect her from him." Izumi whispered.

Kai clenched his fist angrily. "I won't let what happened to my mother repeat, I will protect her even if it kills me." Izumi looked away at his declaration.

That's what worried Izumi the most, she could see hollows and reapers alike but her abilities never went much further than the simple recognition of reiatsu in a particular area. If a war had started, she'd be completely useless.  

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