Chapter 62

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~Ichigo's Inner World~

"I can't fail!!" Ichigo yells as he bangs his sword relentlessly against Tensa's.

"I need to protect them to protect everyone!!!" Ichigo huffs, stopping for a second to catch his breath."

Tesna halted, swiping his blade at his side. "How will you save everyone, how will you save (Y/N)." His eyes shot up at the sound of your name.

"You're too naive and reckless. You claim to fear this side, yet whenever you get into a tight spot you exploit those abilities. The very thing you hate, it's what you've become. You are a monster Ichigo. Just like the one that killed your mother, like the one that almost killed (Y/N)."

"AHHHH SHUT UP!!!" Ichigo charged forward in anger, hands swinging crazily.

Tensa blocked every attack, eyes stone cold. "The sooner you accept this the sooner you will move forward." Ichigo's eyes narrowed and he jumped back.

"Accept...what does he mean?" Tensa didn't move forward to take him, he just watch from the distance.

"He's an idiot, he'd never figure it out." Hichigo said to Tensa. Tensa's eyes shifted.

"We're running out of time Ichigo. Do you have an answer?" Ichigo still looked unsure.

"Accept? What the hell do I have to accept!!!" Ichigo hollered. Tensa clenched his teeth, sending a blast from his sword straight in Ichigo's direction. Ichigo swings at the same time, but the force is more than he anticipated, so he grounds his feet in mid air trying to keep himself solid. When the dark energy finally fades he's left panting.

"I'm not just doing this for me!! I'm doing this for my family, for (Y/N)!!" Tensa eyes hardened.

"If you can't get through here, then you might as well accept that they all are going to die. " Ichigo looks up in shock. The thoughts angers him, this time he's more aggressive with his attacks. The next time they collide, Tensa's eyes look to the side for a split second and Ichigo notices the look of uncertainty.

He jumps back, studying Tensa. "He wants to help..of course he does. Their me, part of me. "

Ichigo's eyes spring open in realization. "Part of me... that's it!"

"Why are you so relaxed? Do you not care what happens?" Tensa chided.

Ichigo looks up this time, a gleam in his eyes. Tensa stands firm.

"He's different Hichigo." The hollow snarled. "Maybe the idiot finally realized."

"Let's see."

The next time Tensa attacks he uses as much force as possible. The shove sends Ichigo falling off one of the buildings. Tensa doesn't hesitate. He rushed with his blade forward. Ichigo is falling backwards, he looks straight at Tensa giving a soft smile as he releases the hold on his blade. Tensa's eyes widened at the action as he drove forward. Tensa's blade goes right through his chest. Blood dirties the blood as it protrudes out of Ichigo's back. Ichigo's arms fall at his sides as he looks on. 

"How did you know this would work?" Tensa questions. Ichigo is still wearing a soft smile. "As much as I want to deny it, you guys, you're a part of me. Without the both of you I'd be nothing. Without me you'd be nothing. We all want the same thing. " Tensa bits his lip, head still bent. 

"Besides, I know you love (Y/N) just as much as I do." Tensa looks on, tears dripping from the corner of his eyes. Ichigo is stunned. Tensa releases the blade, floating backwards slowly. "Make sure and save her Ichigo." Tensa whispers. It's not long before his pale figure disappears. Ichigo looks down at the sword impaled in his chest.

"I promise I will." 

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