Chapter 52

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"He's here." You turned. All the visoreds were lined up in the warehouse. Your father and mother were there too. "It's not just him. I can feel them. All of them. Hollows, Arrancars, Espadas." you bit your lower lip. "So that's why I feel sick to my stomach. " You clenched a hand to your chest.

"It's started. We're going out to help." Kensei said. You gave a nod, turning to your parents. Your eyes shifted to Kisuke. "Please get them somewhere safe. " You knew you could trust Kisuke with this. And he knew what was going to happen in this battle. The both of you already went over what would take place.

The outcome of this battle was going to cost you something. Something you won't be able to avoid. Not anymore. Yuki and Kai wrapped their arms around your smaller form, and you smiled. "There's so much I want to thank you guys for. You have no idea." They didn't speak, you could feel them shaking against you. Your mother was sobbing, and your father was trying his best to keep in all his tears. "I-I'm so glad we became a family again." you smiled, tears falling against your will. That broke your father's facade. His eyes welled up, he gripped you like he was never going to see you again. "We love you so much." he croaked out.

"I love you too." you replied. All the visoreds surrounded watching the scene. Kisuke tipped his hat downwards, keeping his gaze low. After a few moments, you pulled away with a forced grin. Wiping your tears into your sleeve you looked up.

"We have to go." Yuki clenched onto Kai, both parents shaking. "P-Please bring her back safely. Please, I'm begging you, don't let anything happen to her. We just got her b-back w-we can't..."

Shinji nodded. "We'll bring her back. The only one who is going to die is Aizen. I promise."

Yuki gave a grateful smile. She looked back at you one last time before Tessai lead them out to a safe location. When they were out of airshot, you and the visoreds were about to take off. You gave Shinji a side glance. "You shouldn't make promises you cannot keep." you said . He looked at you in surprise. So did the others. "He was about to object but he saw a look in your eyes.

"With a second, don't tell me you are-"

"Hope is the worst thing you can give to grieving parents in this situation." you interjected.

"Don't ever do that again." you ordered. His eyes hardened as he followed without a word. All of you flashstepped to where the battle was taking place now. On your way there he kept stealing looks in your direction.

"What are you planning?" His thoughts wondered as he tried his best to focus on the fight that was about to take place.


When you all finally showed up you looked down. The captains were trying, but you could tell they were struggling to hold their own. Everyone froze at your arrival. You looked around. Ichigo wasn't here yet. You sighed. 

"We still have time Kisuke, we just need to hold him off." 

Your eyes followed the path down at the brown haired male that stood below. His hair was slicked back and he had an ignorant grin on his face. He smiled up at you.

 "It seems my little pet is very much alive." You frowned. "I'm not anyone's pet. " you seethed. The captains looked on in awe. You gave an awkward smile their way. "Not really the circumstances I was hoping to meet you all under. " the older male with long white hair gave a smile, despite all that was going on. 

"We can have introductions later." Hiyori growled.

"We're finally here." Shinji said cockily. Without a miss they all pulled on their masks, taking off to fight the menos grandes. You pitched off doing the same and the other reapers followed. 

All you could hear around you was the sounds of battle. Blades clashing, bodies moving.  Utter chaoz. Your eyes were shifted briskly, you couldn't let your guard down. You tackled the first menos in your line of sight. You pitched forward, using all the force you could into a punch. Your hands connected to the front of it's mask before it could use a cero. The impact made a prominent hole appear at the back of its head. It let out a screech before crashing to the ground. 

The oldest man there was standing in the air close to you. His head was bald. You noticed his robe. You didn't need to read the sign on his cloak to tell he was the leader. You could feel it from his zampaktou.

"We finally meet human." You bowed. "Yes sir." Your eyes shifted to his blade.

"So It wasn't just a lie, I can tell you can feel me." you were startled at the deep voice that echoed in your head. "Yes." You answered aloud. Yamamoto looked at you. "Who are you talking to?" Your eyes raised. "Ryuji Jakka." you answered. His eyes widened momentarily. Your body set aflame and you looked at your hands. Your body was ablaze, but you weren't burning. "Amazing." you said.

Yamamoto wasn't sure he was seeing right. Your flamed body drew in a few startled looks from the other reapers.

"You realize that you are in tune to all of us, you can tap into our abilities right now. However, that means you can alter Aizen's as well. His weapon will not be on our side. The same way you can alter us, it can alter you. It's the same with every other enemy on this battlefield. "

"I know, I'm blocking them out." You had finally gotten your shield up. After the training with your dad, he showed you how to harness it. You could protect yourself.

"You know the-"

"Consequences, yes. I can't avoid it. Let's just focus on the battle. " You didn't hear his voice after that. Yamamoto was still looking at you in interest. You were about to explain, but you flinched when white robes blocked your view. Aizen was directly in front of you.

"S-Shi-" you didn't have a chance to finish your sentence. You jumped back raising your hands. Flames flew out of your body attacking him. He disappeared, reappearing a safe distance away. The attack fizzled out into the air. "Incredible. " he praised. His tone made your skin crawl.

"Manifesting zampaktou abilities, you truly surpassed everything I imagined. " Yamamoto looked over with a brief understanding. "Kuchiki-san gave me some details, yet I am very impressed. " you gave a weak smile. "You can flatter me later. We need to survive this first. " you looked back at Aizen.

"Don't get close to. Avoid him as much as possible." your brows furrowed at Jakka's warning.

"Why?" you asked.

"His blade alters the reality of what you see. If he gets a hold of your consciousness it's over. He could easily make you see us as threats. He'll be able to use you against us." you swallowed.

"Got it. No contact." you closed your eyes for a second. When you reopened them, Aizen frowned.

"He won't be able to touch me." you assured Jakka.

"Good, let's get back to work."

You nodded. 

"Yes sir." 

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