Chapter 43

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Y/N's pov

"Where am I...?"

"It's so dark here...Ichigo...where are you....please help me...."

Your body felt numb, unable to move a muscle. You couldn't tell if you were injured or not. Everything felt so...empty.

"I'm sorry (Y/N).." a vague image of your father flashed before your eyes.

"D-DAD!! HELP ME!!" you were whimpering, completely terrified.

"I'm scared....someone...anyone..."


"How's he doing?" Shinji questioned. Hachi had managed to heal Kai's wounds, but the male still wasn't conscious. The same with Ichigo. Shinji was starting to get impatient. 

"How long do we have to wait for the idiot." Hiyori asked bored. 

"Ichigo might have overwhelmed himself, his body feels weaker than before." Hachi's words made Shinji's eyes widened.

"What they hell was he thinking." Yuki smiled. "I don't think he was. Wouldn't you do the same, for someone you care about?" Shinji was quiet for a second. His eyes unconsciously moved in Hiyori's direction. When the blond female caught his stare, a soft blush dusted her cheeks. 

"W-What the hell are you staring at baldy!!" she fired. Shinji looked away chuckling. 

"I guess I would. "

Ichigo's pov

"Everything hurts...what the hell.." Brown eyes opened, recognizing the messed up infrastructure. The upside down buildings and drifting clouds were a clear indication. 

"I'm here again." The orangenette muttered.

"After exerting that much energy, what do you expect." Ichigo's head turned sharply.

"Z-Zangetsu!" The older male gave him an annoyed stare. 

"I told you to calm down. Were you absent when you're teacher taught basic communication?" Ichigo glared at his zampaktou spirit.

"S-Shut up.." Ichigo replied weakly. Zangetsu gave a sigh. "If you had listened to me, maybe we could have reserved your energy and spend it looking for (Y/N)." Ichigo's hand tightened.


Zangetsu understood the male's pain. "Hichigo was just as distraught as you were. When you lost control, he went into a rage of his own. It's the first time I've seen him look that way. That unbalanced." Ichigo lifted his gaze, just noticing something. 

"Where is he?"

Zangetsu looked down. "He's resting, right now you'll feel him only faintly. He's greatly weakened."

"I...I didn't think he even got tired."

"We're an extension of your soul Ichigo. You're physical state is what we depend on. When you rampaged, you threw you spiritual pressure way out of balance. This shouldn't be dealt with lightly. My suggestion is that you avoid any battles for the next few days. It may not seem like it but Hichigo...he's a main part of why you haven't converted to a full hollow." Ichigo's eyes widened.

"W-What the hell are you talking about!!"

"Have you never questioned the hollow side of your abilities?" Zangetsu's inquiry made Ichigo curious. "O-Of course! Why'd you think I went to Shinji. You think I like get thrown around like a ragdool by that stupid snaggletooth." 

Zangetsu shook his head. "You aren't like Shinji and the others. I'm sure you've realized that much at least." Ichigo looked down at his lap. Zangetsu just watched the conflicted look that Ichigo wore.

"So much power...yet you're completely oblivious to it."

"I should explain a little deeper then. It's true, zampaktous are a representation of the reaper's soul. But Hichigo and I serve a greater purpose. Not many reapers have what you do. Shinji and his friends were given their abilities through experimentation. But you were born with your own. If it were anyone else, the hollow part of you might have taken over and consumed you from the inside. You would have never even realize you were a ruthless killing machine until you were stopped." Ichigo sat down, listening intently to every word Zangetsu spoke.

"There is an anchor that balances both your hollow and reaper abilities alike. Hichigo and I, we are the anchor that separates both sides. The ying and yang in a sense. " 

A look of understanding crossed Ichigo's face. "So all this time, Hichigo wasn't trying to rule my body?" Zangetsu chuckled.

"In the beginning he might have actually been trying to take control. "

"That stupid bastard." Ichigo muttered as Zangetsu smiled.

"Regardless of his intentions, we are dependent on each other. One can't exist without the other. Now that Hichigo is weakened, I need to try and keep the balance. That's why you are here. You're body will recover a bit faster if you're here. Time works differently, so you'll have an easier time regaining control."

"I need to get back." Ichigo said sternly. Zangetsu recognized the fire in the young reaper's eyes. "Going and picking a fight with her father won't resolve anything. You already almost killed him. How do you think (Y/N) would react if she came back and found out you murdered her dad." Ichigo flinched. 

"B-But he-"

"He was indeed out of line. But you nearly killed him. No matter what you're reasoning, she would have never forgiven you." Ichigo bit his lip. "Be thankful that Kisuke stopped you when he did. You're outburst has endangered a lot of people. I don't advise that you go back out until you've found some sort of restraint on your emotions. " 

Ichigo growled.

"Alright already with the lectures! You're starting to sound like my damn parent."

"I assure you if I were human and happened to reproduce, I'd never make a child like you." Zangatsu corrected. Ichigo's eyebrows were twitching. 

"You're starting to get on my nerves.." Ichigo muttered in a dangerous tone. 

"Very well, I'll give you some time to recover. " Zangetsu floated away. Ichigo released an exasperated sigh.

"Never thought I'd prefer Hichigo's company over Zangetsu's."

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