林思意 ~ Crimson Rouge (胭脂绯红)

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Song from Legend of Yunxi OST

Lin Si Yi: Zài bīnfēn zhī zhōng niān chū yīdiǎn hóng
Jiù xiàng zuòle yīgè yānzhī sè de mèng
Yīxī róng zài fèngguān xiápèi zhī zhōng
Piānpiān shì chuān cháng dì nà zhǒng
在缤纷之中拈出 一点红
依稀溶在 凤冠霞帔之中
偏偏是穿肠的 那种
Get a little red in the colorful
It's like making a rouge dream
Vaguely dissolved in Fengguanxia
It is the kind that wears the intestines

Xiàng fúyún cháoxī ràng hǎitiān jiāoróng
Zhùdìng yào zài dàhóng wéimù xià xiāngféng
Bèi nǐ qīnshǒu diǎn jiàng chún sè tài nóng
Kě rénxīn yě yīyàng de hóng
像浮云潮汐让海天 交融
注定要在 大红帷幕下 相逢
被你亲手点绛唇色 太浓
可人心 也一样的红
Like the clouds, the tides make the sea and the sky blend
Destined to meet under the red curtain
You are licking your lips with too much color
Can be the same red

Shì xuèsè àn yǒng zài huánghūn tiānkōng
Shì qiū yè jǐ zhòng
Nǐ céng wèn ài zěnme xíngróng
是血色暗涌 在黄昏天空
你曾问爱 怎么形容
It's bloody darkness in the evening sky
Is the weight of the autumn leaves
You once asked love how to describe

Ài shì gānchángcùnduàn miàn shàng hái wéixì xiàoróng
Yīnwèi zǒng hǎo guòyú kàn dào nǐ zhòu qǐ méitóu
Jìng huā hé huān róng zài yǎnqián liúdòng
Zhè fúguānglüèyǐng wēnnuǎnle wǎn kōng
这浮光掠影 温暖了晚空
Love is also a smile on the liver and intestines
Because it's always better to see you frowning
Mirror flowers and joy flow in front of eyes
This glimpse of the warmth of the night sky

Ài shì bùxiǎng zhànyǒu xiǎngqǐ céng yīkè ēn chǒng
Jiù yǒu wànbān tiánmì chúnchǐ zhī jiān fānyǒng
Xiāngféng hé huān yú yěshì dú yī zhǒng
Zòngrán shì hè dǐng hóng
Yě shēn zài qízhōng bùzhī tòng
Love is not wanting possession, remembering a moment of grace
There are thousands of sweet lips and teeth
Meeting and joy are also poisonous
Even if it is red
Also in it, I don't know the pain

Yòng zhūshā fùgài cánxuě de xiāoróng
Ránhòu pěng qǐ yīmǒ hóngchén qù bōzhòng
Xiào kànzhe qiūyuè luòxià yòu chūnfēng
Jǐn yúshēng děng luòhuā jiàn hóng
用朱砂覆盖残雪的 消融
然后捧起 一抹红尘去 播种
笑看着秋月落下 又春风
尽余生 等落花渐红
Covering the snow with a cinnabar
Then pick up a touch of red dust to sow
Laughing, watching the fall of the autumn and the spring breeze
For the rest of my life, etc

Nǐ mèng zhōng de hóng shìfǒu yě xiāngtóng
Zài míng míng zhī zhōng
Xuéhuì ài zì zěnme xíngróng
你梦中的红 是否也相同
学会爱字怎么 形容
Is the red in your dream the same
In the middle of it
Learn how to love words

Ài shì gānchángcùnduàn miàn shàng hái wéixì xiàoróng
Yīnwèi zǒng hǎo guòyú kàn dào nǐ zhòu qǐ méitóu
Jìng huā hé huān róng zài yǎnqián liúdòng
Zòngrán shì hè dǐng hóng
Yě shēn zài qízhōng bùzhī tòng
爱是肝肠寸断 面上还维系笑容
因为总好过于 看到你皱起眉头
Love is also a smile on the liver and intestines
Because it's always better to see you frowning
Mirror flowers and joy flow in front of eyes
Even if it is red
Also in it, I don't know the pain

Jūn bùjiàn nàxiē fēihuā hé luò hóng
Fúchén zhōng zhèng qīng wǔ liúshuǐ jiān xiāng sòng
Dàodǐ xiāoshī zài mùguāng suǒ qióng
Huò xiāoshì zài xīnzhōng
浮沉中 正轻舞流水间 相送
到底消失在 目光所穷
I don't see those flying flowers and falling red
Floating in the sink
Just dancing in the water
It disappeared in the end
Or disappear in my heart

Ài shì nà yī jiàn fēngmáng céng ràng tiānxià zhèndòng
Què zài xīndǐ zuì róuruǎn chù kèxià nǐ de zhǒngzhǒng
Jìng huā hé huān róng zài yǎnqián liúdòng
Zhè fúguānglüèyǐng wēnnuǎnle wǎn kōng
爱是那一剑锋芒 曾让天下震动
却在心底最柔软处 刻下你的种种
Love is the edge of the sword
But in the softest part of my heart, I have carved all kinds of things
Mirror flowers and joy flow in front of eyes
This glimpse of light warms up the night sky

Ài shì wànlǐ cháng juǎn quán liú bái shèng yīdiǎn hóng
Tā què cái xià méitóu lüèguò rényǐng chōngchōng
Líbié de qīměi chèntuōle xiāng féng
Gōuxiāole hè dǐng hóng
Shèng qiān zhǐ báihè wǔ xīnzhōng
爱是万里长卷 全留白剩一点红
它却才下眉头 掠过人影憧憧
离别的凄美 衬托了相逢
Love is a long scroll, all white, a little red
It only made a brow and passed the silhouette
Parting from the beauty of the match
Write off the crane red
Thousands of white cranes left in the heart

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