Suddenly,Im dating Justin Bieber & touring the world.But tears ALWAYS follow me

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  • Dedicated to Alicia Birch

AN: I wrote this when I was 12-13, please beware. Read at your own risk.


Chapter 1

"Melani Starke, get off that stupid iPod touch or I will confiscate it!" Melani's mum, Lynda yelled over the Youtube video playing on Melani's iPod.  

"Yeah, IF you can find it!" Melani screamed, knowing quite well Lynda could hear her from down the stairs, even if she mumbled. It was like she had supersonic hearing or something.


(20 minutes later) 

Lynda and Melani were back to normal again, and not arguing; That's how the Starke house works. Lynda wants the kids to get off the electronics, and the kids know where to hide them. Melani was trying to be well behaved so that she could go to the Justin Bieber tour concert in March, he was too cute to miss out on, and so she HAD to go with Imogen.

~*~ March, 2011~*~

"OMB! The concert is in THREE days! And, thanks to your Twitition, we got free tickets AND free Meet & Greet passes!" Melani whispered excitedly to Imogen.  

"Quiet! If you want good marks on your assignment, you will actually LISTEN to me when I try to explain what to do, Melani! I'm practically giving you the answers!" Miss Singh, Melani and Imogen's religion teacher screamed before turning around and writing some prayer on the board. It wasn't their fault they were excited to meet JUSTIN BIEBER!  

"Miss Singh has no taste in music, I wouldn't expect her to understand." Imogen mumbled under her breath so quietly even Melani had to strain to hear it. Melani's body shook with silent laughter.

~*~ 2 Days later~*~

Melani was torn between two t-shirts. Which should she wear to the concert tomorrow?  

"The one that says 'Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber', Or the one with the Eiffel tower on it? I don't wanna seem like a crazy fan who wears their Justin t-shirt all the time, you know? But it's just so... You know!" Melani chatted to Khloe through the land-line phone.  

"Go for the tower shirt, it makes you look tanner. Plus, it's my fave item of clothing in your WHOLE closet, and I know it's about to explode." Melani smiled.  

"Thanks Khlo, Love ya! Bye!" "Byee!" Khloe replied, before Melani pressed the end button and put both t-shirts into her blue suitcase. After meeting Justin Bieber, visiting France was the next thing on her bucket list. Ironic, really, because she was born on Bastille Day.

Imogen already knew which dress she was gonna wear, but first, she had to get it off of her 10-year-old sister, who was running around the backyard, holding the $70 dress in the air.  

"No Emma, NO! Just give it BACK!" Imogen screamed and Emma climbed up to the top of the slide.  

"Fine, but I want four-" She held up 4 fingers, "-Of your Justin Bieber posters!" She laughed. She was a great negotiator, but she was no match for Imogen.  

"Make it 2 posters and $7, and we have a deal." Imogen smirked; she knew her little sister was saving up for the new Paramore CD. Emma hesitated, but eventually handed Imogen the dress and slid down the slide.  

"Pay up." Imogen groaned as Emma followed her to her room. She took two of her least favorite Justin Bieber posters -It was near impossible to choose!- and $7 and handed them to a smiling Emma waiting at Imogen's bedroom door. Emma checked the posters for tears or marking and counted the $7 over THREE times, even though it was a $5 note and a $2 coin. Once Emma had gone, Imogen had the tickets, was packed and was dressed, she was ready to go and meet Melani at the hotel.


Her mum drove her, her sister and her dad for an hour before they finally reached Sydney. Imogen was restless and fidgety as she texted Melani, letting her know she was about to walk into the hotel lobby. Imogen put her phone in her handbag and walked to the car boot. She popped the lid open, dragged her bags out and started towards the revolving glass door of the hotel just as she was about to walk in, Rich Girl by Justin Bieber featuring Soulja boy began playing. She stopped and took her phone out of her pocket.  

"Come on Imogen, you can read that inside, these bags are already getting heavy. We still need to wait for Melani AND check in. That's going to break our backs alone, let alone with your stalling..." Imogen's dad trailed off as he walked through the door. Imogen walked in at the same time as her mum and sister and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw 6 armchairs to the left of the lobby. Four were already taken, and she didn't pay much attention to who was in them, but at least her parents could sit and mind the bags while she texted Melani.

She brought her phone to her face so that she could read it.  

'Already ere--GUESS WHO I BUMPD INTO!?!? :O' Imogen smiled, overwhelmingly curious at who Melani had bumped into. Somebody from school? As long as it wasn't a lame-o teacher, it was cool with Imogen. She looked up from her phone to realize the people sitting in the armchairs were Melani and 3 guys. Melani looked up, spotted Imogen, started waving and smiling and squealing like an idiot. One of the boys' eyes met Imogen's and her heart stopped.

My bestfriends fell in love with your bestfriends. God, I love you Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now