Chapter 1 ~I too wish you a very good day, sir~

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I brushed my (y/h/c) hair behind my ear focusing on the boiling potion in front of me.
"So now only some wormwood is missing..., " I thought, carefully adding the last missing ingredients. After I stirred it, the potion immediately lost its color and the smoke billows turned into a transparent, white tone.
"Perfect," I mumbled, as the monotone, deep voice of the Potions Master interrupted me.
"Five more minutes," he announced in his usual cold tone.
With a flick of my wand, the fire underneath my caldron died down. I picked all of the supplies that I used up and started to clean my working place.

"Your potions... should be ready... by now...Whatever you have produced, will be controlled... and graded," the Professor said, making most of the class panic. The draught of living dead was not too easy to brew, but for students in their sixth year, it should definitely be possible. Me being me, having no friends in the muggle world and nothing better to do during the summer break, I already knew every single detail of the potion and could brew it with ease.
Professor Snape started walking through the table rows, examining the potions, making some sarcastic comments and taking house points away. The whole classroom was silent, only I relaxed smirking at some of his comments, which were quite amusing.

Even though I was a muggle-born, I was a Slytherin, which was probably caused by my mischievous and sarcastic character.
Most of the Slytherins didn't really respect me as one of them. My head of house was no exception. But I really respected him and admired his potion brewing abilities. He always seems so cold and hateful, but then again he saved Harry Potters arse several times when he and his friends got in trouble. He also was against Umbridge, who just started teaching here and probably seeks world domination.

So many things about him didn't add up well. He was mysterious and gloomy, but Dumbledore trusted him and so did I. I even pulled some sarcastic lines on him, which sometimes got me into great trouble, but it was definitely worth it. The rest of the time I was rather polite and respectful towards him, who knows what the man had been through to become the way he was today.

As the Professor walked over to my desk he scrunched his eyebrows and inspected my potion. Since it looked perfectly fine he pulled a few rose petals out of the beaker he was carrying and dropped them into my cloudron. They immediately vanished, getting decomposed by the potion. Yes! It was perfect! Snape looked up at me again, one of his eyebrows raised now.
"acceptable," he hissed. I already knew he wouldn't praise my work, which was why it didn't hurt me one bit.
"Thank you, professor," I responded giving him a warm smile, which only brought me a death glare, but hey I was used to it.

He moved on to the next desk in the discus and I packed the rest of my stuff in my bag. A few minutes later he was done with his inspection. He got in front of the class and looked at us in a disappointed and cold manner.
"Since you all are too ignorant to brew the potion properly, your homework will be writing a two-foot essay, about how to do it correctly," he told us in a low, threatening voice.
"Now get out of my sight"
All of my classmates stormed out of the room almost in a manic manner. Only I took my time and waited for them to storm out of the classroom.
"Goodbye, Professor," I said turning my head towards the potions master, giving him a cheeky smile.
"Just get out already, (y/l/n)," he scoffed.
"I too wish you a very good day, sir," I responded, closing the door behind me as fast as I could, so he wouldn't have time to say anything else. Damn, I was a smart arse!

Smirking to myself I went up to the stairs my next lesson would be d.a.d.a. ... I actually really enjoyed the subject, but for some pink reason, I had the feeling it would be a rather bad year for it. I already got to know that reason and we didn't get along well... On my way to the d.a.d.a. room, I met up with the only person I would consider my friend. Christine. She was a curly bob-headed ginger with two slightly different blue eyes. Different because one of them also had a rather brownish tone. She was at least a head shorter than me and the greatest animatics student I've ever known. Her being in Ravenclaw she was also pretty smart, but a smart ars as well, which was why she would have perfectly fitted into Slytherin too.
"Well hello Miss (y/l/n)," she greeted me ironically.

"Miss Gladstone, what a pleasure to meet you today and so unexpected...," I responded my voice dripping with sarcasm. We both chuckled slightly.
"Ready for our new favorite teacher?" she asked.
"Not at all, but we'll live," I responded winking at her.
She gave me an unmotivated look as we headed toward the door. Right into the pink adventure, this school year would hold.

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