Birthday Request

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"Alright, tesoro. I'll see you this evening, yes?" The Cardinal cooed to his new lover, nearly trembling with excitement. Even after making their new relationship official over two months ago, seeing (__) still made him quiver. Especially when they had a date planned for later in the night, once they had finished work at the ministry. He wanted to tell her that he loved her already, but he was too frightened of scaring her off. (__) was still so new to the church when they began their relationship, and with their fresh relationship blossoming, he didn't want to overwhelm her with anything too serious. But boy, was he head over robes. 

"Yes sir-ee." (__) grinned brightly. How she loved his nicknames for her. "Can't wait." She stood on her toes to plant a soft kiss on his cheek before sauntering down the corridor and back to work. As his cheeks flushed pink and hot, he wished for just one more kiss before she left. But it was now too late to ask. With a deep sigh, he wandered down the hall in the opposite direction. The Cardinal had already finished his work for the day hours ago, and before (__), he would have gone home early. But ever moment he could have around her, he held onto, even if they weren't directly together. After Sister Imperator learned of their relationship, she moved (__) to a different area, so they're personal lives couldn't affect their work. The Cardinal decided to seek council with somebody who could aid his search. She was a private person, and didn't share much with him about her life before the church, but he was desperate to know more. He had been poking around in filing cabinets and asking her peers small questions here and there, but found nothing that had satisfied him. As he stood in front of the door to the ghoul commons, awaiting an answer to his knock, he felt a small pinprick of anxiety in the center of his gut. Should I be asking all these things? Should I wait and allow her to tell me on her own time? Will she ever? His thoughts were disturbed when Dewdrop opened the door, stared only for a moment, before walking back into the room. 

"Come on." Dew called as he plopped down onto the couch with a thud. The ghouls didn't have individual offices at the ministry, but they did have their own common room, similar only to the teacher's lunch room in schools. There was a small kitchenette along the back wall of the large room, complete with a fridge, microwave, and coffee maker. Taped to the machine, a note scrawled in pen that read DEW IS NOT ALLOWED TO HAVE COFFEE. Aether had banned Dew of all caffeine products after the incident. The Cardinal chuckled every time he saw the sign, walking inside the room and closing the door behind himself. In the center of the room were two leather couches facing each other, with a coffee table in between. Both couches were black and had large rips in the cushions through which you could see the foam innards. Taped over the largest hole was a sign that read, in the same handwriting as the other, DEW IS NOT ALLOWED TO EAT THE CUSHIONS. That one was new. What a strange ghoul, the Cardinal thought as he looked around the room. Aether, Swiss, Rain, and Mountain were sat around a table in the corner playing a game of cards. "Am I in trouble?" 

"What did he do now?" Aether called without looking up from his hand. 

"Oh, of course not. Nothing, Aether. I was..." He started nervously. "wondering if I might ask your assistance on something, ghouls." 

"I don't know, they're pretty into their stupid game. I got kicked out because, apparently, I can't count to twenty one." The fire ghoul said spitefully. The Cardinal couldn't help but laugh. Dark Lord, help this poor ghoul. "So, what do you need?" 

"Well, you know of my relationship with (__), yes?" He asked as he sat down across from Dew, careful to sit on the least ripped cushion. He wandered, briefly, why their furniture had become so destroyed, but thought it best not to ask. It was impolite.

"Duh, everyone knows. It's all anyone talks about. It's all you talk about." Dew said obviously. Aether sighed deeply. 

"Twenty one. I win." He called, throwing his cards onto the table and walking over to the sitting area. "Dew is not the person to ask if you need relationship advice. What do you need, Copia?" Aether sat down on the couch, crumpling his neatly crafted paper sign under his bottom. 

"I don't need advice. I was just wondering if you knew anything about her." The Cardinal began think he had made a grave mistake seeking help from the ghouls. What if she finds out? She'll think I'm snooping. That I don't trust her enough to tell me these things on her own? Oh dear. 

"What do you mean? You're the one fuc-"

"What do you mean?" Aether interrupted Dew. At the sheer idea of what the Cardinal thought Dew was going to say, his ears got hot and his face turned pick. What an idea... 

"Well, it seems every time I try to ask her something about her life before the church, she changes the subject. I just want to know a little bit more about her is all. I don't even know her birthday."

"Ooh." Swiss threw his cards down onto the table, running over excitedly. "Snooping. I'm in." He beamed as he sat between Aether and Dew. 

"No I don't want to snoop I-"

"It's March twenty eighth." Dew said casually. 

"Pardon?" The Cardinal swallowed harshly. 

"You said you don't know when her birthday is. It's March twenty eighth." Oh heavens. That's tomorrow. Tomorrow! What am I going to do? How do I plan something? What do I get her? Should I throw a party? Why hasn't she mentioned it at all? Does she not want me to know? The Cardinal's thoughts were racing like river rapids.

"That's... tomorrow."

"Hmm." Dew shrugged casually. "It could be September right now and I would have no idea." Aether sighed loudly. The Cardinal stood, his heart beating fast and hard. What am I going to do? 

"I have to go. Dear, Lucifer. I've got to find a present and plan-" He stopped himself, walking quickly out of the room and down the hall. What am I going to do?

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