Chapter 2

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-Where on the earth is this freaking Math class?!-Magnus said quietly but angrily. That's why he hated changing schools, but because of his mother's job, they needed to come to Ohio from London. First thing Magnus thought when they came here was that sun was shining very brightly. Only thing that got him excited was that this school had Glee club. He may not be the best singer that has ever been born, but he's a good dancer. His father was very proud of him, and he was looking at bullies with killing look, when they were saying that dancing was for girls. He died one years ago, but Magnus remembers that God dammed day like yesterday. He was driving very fast, because it was Magnus's birthday and he didn't see the other car. Since that day Magnus hated his birthday. He thought that it was cursed day. After that his mother was trying her best for Magnus to feel happy and he loves his mother more than anyone.

-Are you lost?-Suddenly a girl was standing beside him and Magnus almost had a heart attack.

-You can say that. Your school is a huge maze.-Magnus smiled at her. Girl was a little shorter than him and she had long brown hair and brown puppy eyes.

-Well, it's not that big. Let me show you.-She smiled at him softly and Magnus nodded. In previous schools no one liked him, He still doesn't get why.-I'm Rachel. Rachel Berry.

-Magnus Bane. Actually I've heard about you.-He smiled at Rachel softly and her huge eyes got more huger. Magnus already liked this girl. She was so sweet and kind.

-Really? I think all you've heard was that I'm controlling freak who's in Glee club.-She smiled sadly and dropped her gaze, but didn't stop walking.

-No, not really. I've heard that you have an amazing voice and you're very kind.-As soon as she heard those words, her eyes started shining again.

-What about you? I can sing, you?-Rachel asked and looked at him with curios look.

-Well, I can't say that I'm the best singer. I think dancing is more my thing.-Magnus smiled at her and looked at the classroom's door.

-Really? That's amazing!-She said with amazement and clapped her hands.-Actually, we need more dancers in Glee. Santana and Brittany can dance but girl can't dance with a girl at Nationals and Finn is the worst dancer that has ever existed in this world...

-I get what you are asking. That's why I chose this school, I know that your football players are asses but I really love what I'm doing and I was going to join Glee.-When Magnus said this Rachel smiled at him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

-After lesson wait for me here, I'll explain everything and then you can talk to Mr. Schue.-As soon as she finished those words, they heard the bell's sound.

-Hey, Rachel... Thank you.-Magnus said to sweet girl and she smiled. Again, then continued walking to her classroom. Magnus smiled for no reason and stepped into the classroom.

-Hey, are you okay?-Alec asked girl, who desperately was trying to open her locker.

-No, this stupid locker is getting on my nerves!-Girl shouted and sighed.

-Well, let me help you until you break it.-Alec laughed and girl nodded. She was very pretty and Alec would already have crush on her, but he doesn't look at girls that way.

-Thanks, you are very kind.-She said and smiled at Alec.-No one seemed to like me in schoolyard, except that handsome boy with cute smile...

-Who? Justin Foley? Don't even think about it, Hannah.-Alec said and tried to open her locker but when he noticed Hannah's shocked face, he stopped.-My friend, Salinas told me your name, and don't worry, no one liked me when I came here too.

-Why should I not think about that Foley boy?-Hannah smiled.

-He is cute, but he's also a player. He'll break your heart. And plus, he's Bryce's friend, which means you will also get humiliated. Trust me, I know them. Justin even broke Jessica's heart.

-Who's Jessica?-Hannah asked and closed locker's door. Alec told her that everyone thought that Justin truly loved Jessica, but he left her after they slept together.

-Hey, Don't sit alone at lunch. It's not good for new kids, wait for me before entering there and I'll introduce you to my friends and I'll tell you about Justin and Jessica.-Hannah smiled and went to History class.

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