Chapter 31

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-Hey, guys.-Hannah and Jessica walked to Alec's locker and smiled at siblings and Magnus.-Are we staying after school today? Jess and I have something to do...

-Does that involve good screams?-Izzy said with evil smile and Magnus looked at her with confused face. Alec shook his head but Izzy wasn't going to stop.

-What's a good screams?-Hannah asked, because she and Jessica were as confused as Magnus. After all the drama with Alex, they weren't talking for a while, but then Alec forced Hannah to talk to her and they didn't even last for five minutes, they started kissing. And boys took care of Alex. No, they didn't beat the crap out of him, they were going to, but then Alec talked to him and found out that he was really sorry. He even apologized to girls, but of course that didn't make any difference. Bryce and guys were still insulting Hannah, but boys, especially Alec and Finn, were always there to protect her, so were girls. Only good things that happened were that Jessica came out and Alec passed his math exam.

-That very weird story happened when I was seven and Alec was eight. One night, I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake mom and dad up, so I went to Alec's room because he was always letting me sleep in his bed when I was scared. I was going to go inside his room, when suddenly I heard screams, I had no idea what was happening. So, I stormed into the room and...

-Please Izzy stop!-Alec said desperately and covered his face with his hands after closing the locker door. Magnus has put two and two together and was looking at Alec with wide eyes.-NO!

-Jesus, Magnus. My brother didn't lose his virginity when he was eight, let me finish!-Izzy said and they walked to choir room.-So, I thought that someone was killing my brother and I got ready to shout for mom and dad, but then I saw that Alec was looking at phone screen with wide eyes. He almost fell from the bed when he saw me. I got very curious and I asked why was someone screaming in the video, I thought that someone was hurting her. Alec explained that bad screams are those, when someone is hurting you, and good screams are... you know.

-What was I supposed to say?-Alec said and ran into the room and avoid their laughter.

-Yeah, you definitely couldn't tell your seven years old sister that you were watching porn at two am.-Izzy said with low voice, because he didn't want to embarrass Alec more than he was already. Magnus, Hannah and Jessica just couldn't stop laughing. Girls shook their heads and sat down on the chairs. Suddenly Simon came from nowhere and kissed Izzy on the cheek.

-Hey, beautiful.-He said and placed his hand on Izzy's waist, but when he saw how Alec was looking at them, he took her hand and sat down behind Magnus and Alec.

-Straight people. Why can't they control themselves?!-Alec said with annoyed voice and rolled his eyes. Magnus smiled and invisibly touched Alec's hand. Mr. Schue wrote "Duets" on whiteboard and he was going to start talking, when suddenly coach and football team walked into the room. Everyone was there, including Jace, Chris and Bryce. Boys looked at each other with confused faces.-Mr. Schue, what's going on? I think field is on the other side of school.

-Coach and I talked about what's going on between Glee kids and football players and we thought that if guys see what we're doing here, it will be better for everyone.

-YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT?-Hannah and Jessica shouted together.

-THERE'S NO WAY IN HELL THAT I WILL STAY IN THE SAME ROOM AS THEM!-Jace shouted and pointed at Kurt, Hannah and Jessica. Boys stood up quickly and looked at them with angry eyes.

-Get your homophobic ass out from our choir room before I beat the crap out of you!

-Lightwood, language! Just because you're the best player, it doesn't mean that you can talk to your teammates like that! And now, everyone will take the seat if they don't want to get kicked out from the team!-Coach said and looked at jocks. They rolled their eyes and sat down.

-Told you we would still end up on the same side.-Jace said and sat down beside Alec.

-How about I punch you in the balls and remind you that we aren't.-Alec said and smiled at him. Jace rolled his eyes and Alec heard so Magnus and Chris laughed quietly.

-Maybe it will be better to stop talking and start singing? That's what you're doing here right?-Suddenly Steve ran into the room and interrupted Mr. Schue when he started talking. Today started amazingly and now, it was going to be the worst day of Alec's entire life.

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