Chapter 67

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Alec couldn't sleep the whole night. He told Hannah that it would be better if she would stay with him that night. When Maryse, Izzy and Max came home, Alec and Hannah were in his room and Alec was sleeping on the couch, so Maryse decoded to tell them the next morning that Luke proposed to her.
Alec was lying on the couch, looking up at the ceilings and thinking about everything Hannah has told him. He promised her that he wouldn't say anything and he was going to keep that promise, but he also couldn't leave this like that. She almost killed herself for God's sake, even though she thinks that she's getting better by herself, she still needs to talk to someone. He was also thinking how to stop himself from killing Bryce at school. He was also very angry at Jessica. After everything Hannah did to her, being by her side when she needed someone, when everyone was being asshole about her being a bisexual, Hannah was always by her side and now she just left her for Justin. Justin of all people.
Alec knows very well that forgetting your first love is not that easy but when a boy dumps you right after sleeping with him and then making fun of you with his friends, it's very weird that you're going back to him again and leaving someone who loves you with her whole heart.
After a while of thinking about that, Alec started to get more angry. If Jessica hasn't cheated on Hannah, they wouldn't have fought, Hannah wouldn't go to that party and Bryce wouldn't do what he did. He has been thinking the whole night and only realized that he hadn't slept when a light came through the bedroom window.
-Oh, I'm screwed.-Alec whispered because today he had a practice and he could feel how tired he was. The football team is going to L.A next week and they won't return for three days. He realized only then that Izzy hasn't come to room last night and her bed wasn't messed up. He looked at the clock, it was 6 am and he still had an hour to sleep a little bit so he wouldn't die on field. Alec also looked at Hannah, who was sleeping peacefully and was hugging a pillow. Alec turned around and closed his eyes. It felt like, he was asleep for only five minutes, but turns out, he and Hannah overslept and thanks to Maryse, or they would be late for school.

-Guys, wake up! It's 8 am!-Maryse shouted and they almost fell down from where they were lying. Hannah looked at Maryse with wide eyes because not even Rachel could sing that loudly and Alec groaned in pain and after a few tries, he managed to get up from the floor.

-Mom, there are nicer ways to wake people up.-Alec said grumpily and walked out from the room. He heard how Maryse and Hannah laughed and then his mom asked Hannah if she wanted a breakfast.-WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR BREAKFAST! GET READY!

-Alec, stop talking and go to bathroom!-Hannah shouted from the room. When Maryse left, she took off Alec's shirt, which was a dress on her, and started putting on her clothes. After a few minutes, she took her phone and walked out from the room. She hated staying with someone when she didn't have her toothbrush, it was very annoying.-Hurry up!

-I'm coming out, oh my god.-Alec shouted from the bathroom and opened the door.

-You already came out, now let me in!-Hannah said and rushed into bathroom because she could explode in any minute. Alec rolled his eyes and after changing his clothes, he walked into the kitchen, where only Maryse and Max were. He looked at them with confused face.

-Where's Izzy?-He asked and set down in front of the table.

-She went to see Simon.-Max said and continued texting someone. Alec rolled his eyes and took beacon from Max's plate.-I will kill you because of that one day!

-Ready?-Hannah asked and walked into the kitchen. Alec nodded and got up, he knew that Hannah couldn't eat in morning and also, they needed to stop to her house to Hannah to get her bag. Alec only had time to say hi to Mrs. Baker because Hannah run up the stairs and in the speed of light, she dragged him outside. Alec saw on Hannah's face, how she got nervous when they got close to the school.

-He's not going to hurt you. I will make sure that he won't even look in your direction. Trust me.-Alec said and placed his hand on her back to comfort her. Hannah nodded and smiled. Alec was really going to make sure of that. Alec and other boys, but without telling what happened.

(Only three chapters left *crying*) 

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