Chapter 64

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Magnus was in his mom's room in the hospital. He saw Alec walked out from the school and he went after him to talk to him, but he stopped, when he saw how Alec started crying on Hannah's shoulder. Magnus heard how his heart broke when he realized that he was the reason why Alec was suffering like that. After a few minutes of standing there and crying quietly himself, he got call from his mom's doctor, and she said that Julia moved her finger a little bit and there was 70 percent chance that she would wake up in near future.

Dot told Magnus that Julia could hear everything, so he could talk to her and then she walked out from the room. Magnus sighed sadly, because even though he wanted to tell his mom what he had done, he was very ashamed. After a few minutes of silence, he started talking and when he got to that part where he admitted that he took drug, his voice broke, but when he said that he slept with Steve, he stared crying. Magnus didn't know if the tears were regretting tears or anger tears, but he only stopped after ten minutes. He was almost asleep when suddenly someone texted him. He was hoping that it would be Alec, but when he looked at the phone, he saw Hannah's name. She texted that they needed to talk. Only this, no emojis of anything. Magnus realized that she wanted to talk about what Magnus did and that Alec told her everything. He sighed sadly, said goodbye to his mom and walked out from her room and then form the hospital. Julia's car was fixed and he could use it because he knew how to drive, but he preferred to walk so he wasn't using the car most of the time. Even though that it was freezing outside, Magnus started walking to Java Jones and thinking about what to say to Hannah and how to defend himself, but he couldn't come up with anything for second one, because there wasn't any excuse of what he has done.

After a few minutes of walking, Magnus stopped in front of the building and saw Hannah sitting near to the window. Magnus sighed, again, and walked inside. If a look could kill a person, Magnus would be dead and turned into ashes. As soon as Hannah saw him, she gave him a death glare and Magnus could see in her eyes that she had already came up with twenty ways to kill him for hurting her best friend. Magnus looked down and walked to the table.

-I'll make this clear. I will kill you, just not right here and now because first, I need a fucking explanation!-She said between her teeth and Magnus already started thinking about taking off and hiding somewhere, because Hannah could be very scary when she needed to.

-Do you have any not painful ways to kill me?...

-Do you think there is time for joking, Magnus?! Do you even have any idea how Alec is suffering?! Who on the earth would hurt someone they love like that?! How could you cheat on him? And with Steve?!-Hannah was very close to exploding and it was scaring the shit out of Magnus.-And after breaking up because you thought that Alec cheated on you?! What the fuck, Magnus?! Don't you have a small piece of brain in that head?!

-Breathe, please...-Magnus said and crossed his arms over his chest.-Like everyone else, you thought that Alec cheated on me too back then...

-Oh, don't you dare involve me in that! I've always believed in Alec and I always will, he was the only one that noticed me when no one else did. If it wasn't him, I would still have crush on douchebag Justin, I would not be in Glee, I wouldn't be a cheerio, I wouldn't have friends I have now, I wouldn't be with someone that I love and damn it, I wouldn't be who I am. So, no, Magnus. I didn't believe that Alec would hurt someone like that but you did. That and what you did while Alec was away, not to have fun but to help his father by the way, shows that you don't love or trust or deserve Alec.-Hannah exploded and she yelled last sentence, which cause people to look at her with shocked face. Magnus completely forgot what he was going to say, because Hannah was right. He doesn't deserve Alec. Someone else does, who won't break his heart, who will trust him and who won't cheat on him. Hannah noticed how Magnus's eyes got watery and she almost felt sorry.-Look, Magnus...

-No, you're right. I don't deserve him. All I do is break his heart and he is the last person that deserves to get his heart broken. From the day on, I promise I will stay away from him, I won't try to talk to him but promise me one thing, that you will take care of him...

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