Chapter 27

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-Hey, Magnus! Wait for a second.-Alec shouted and ran in the hallway. They left the choir room after Hannah singing and joining the club. She had better voice than Alec thought she would have. Magnus stopped walking and turned to look at Alec.-So, I was thinking and...

-You decided to tell me the truth?-Alec looked confused.-I know you lied about going tomorrow with Lydia. I know you're not bisexual, so please do me a favor and don't lie to me again. If you don't want to go with me, you can tell me...-Magnus said quickly. If there were a different circumstances Alec would kiss to shut him up, but this time, he only pushed him to walk into the empty classroom.-Alec, wha...

Alec did what he was thinking about a few seconds ago. Magnus was confused for two seconds, because Alec crashed their lips unexpectedly, but when he came back to reality, of course he placed his hands on Alec's shoulders and used them to bring him closer, while separating his lips and letting Alec's tongue in. When they broke the kiss, they were both breathless and Magnus was also dumbfounded. He wanted to kiss Alec again. Alec laughed and walked back.

-It's okay, I want to kiss you again too, but I have to ask you something first.-Alec said and now Magnus was looking at him with confused face.-Do you still want to go tomorrow with me?

-Do you?-Like always, Magnus answered with a question.-Yes, I do. But I thought you didn't want to come out and be seen with me, especially after what happened to Hannah.

-No, I want to come out but I'm afraid, and not because of what happened to Hannah, because of what happened with Jace.-Alec said and sat down on the desk.-We had a fight. An actual fight, with fists. He and Chris saw me singing with you guys, Jace also called you losers and told me if I was becoming fag... He also called you stupid.

-You punched your best friend because he called me stupid? Alexander, you are cuter than I thought you were.-Magnus said and started laughing. Alec only blushed and looked down.

-Not only because of that. I found out that he's more homophobic than I thought, which means he might turn his back on be because of who I am... And yeah, no one has any right to call you or anyone stupid.-Alec said and Magnus looked at him with heart shaped eyes.

-So, are we going together tomorrow? You can say that we are going as friends...-Magnus said.

-Yes... I also wanted to ask you something else... Does this count as a date? If not, do you want to go out sometime?-Alec asked with low voice, because he got very nervous.

-I think this does count as a date, but I would love to go out other time too.-Magnus said with big grin on his face. Alec sighed in relief and looked at him with smile. They were looking at each other with smile on their faces for a few seconds, before smashing their lips again. Things did get very heated, but suddenly someone walked into the classroom. Alec almost had a heart attack when he heard how door opened, but when he heard who was there, he relaxed.

-Jesus, Alec! Do you want people to learn about you two?!-It was Evan.

-Maybe you should warn us before storming into the room.-Alec said and realized that this was the stupidest argument, when he saw how Magnus and Evan were looking at him.

-Maybe you should be a little more careful? Especially what happened with Hannah.-He said and set down in front of the table.-Yes, Alec. I don't live on Mars. And how is she?

-She's scared but boys are protecting her from those assholes. She also joined cheerios so she won't be alone while we are practicing and she can be with girls.

-And are you really going to quit football team? Yeah, I know that too.-Evan said.

-No, I don't think I will do that. I love football, I won't leave the team because Jace is an asshole.-Alec said and looked at the clock. They had a few minutes.-Where's Isak by the way?

-Jonathan, Bryce and Karofsky beat the crap out of him yesterday while he was going home. He's at hospital. Philip and I are going to see him after school. And just for you to know... Jace helped them too.-Evan said with angry voice and Alec looked at him with wide eyes.

-Jace helped Jonathan beat someone?!-Alec shouted and Evan nodded.-Now, he's going to get beaten up, again!

-Alec, don't! You will get in trouble!-Magnus said when Alec started walking to the door.

-I didn't tell you so you will do the same. I did that so you will know who your real friends are.-Evan said and before Alec could tell him something, students starting walking into the room.

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